Chapter 88 The New Year’s bell is ringing, and a new era is coming

The ringing of the New Year’s bell also indicates that Konoha has entered a new year

This time the bell is of extraordinary significance, not only represents the welcoming of a new year, but also represents Konoha’s entry into a new era

The era of First Generation and Second Generation of Hokage has passed, and the era of Third Hokage Shimura Danzō has arrived.

Everyone is looking forward to this… What height can Third Hokage lead Konoha to, and whether it can surpass the two previous generations of Hokage! The answer is yes!

Since Shimura Danzō took office as Hokage, he has worked hard to manage political affairs and reformed many of Konoha’s policies.

The overall economy of the Fire Nation has also been greatly improved because of the benefits obtained from the alliance with the Wind Nation, and the half-year income is even higher than that of Konoha before the First Ninja War.

Under Shimura Danzō’s order, Konoha also expanded the land and gradually expanded Konoha.

The annual meeting is held in the sacred hall

The ninjas of the Jōnin level and the patriarchs of the major families all participated. It can be said that all the strong men in Konoha gathered here

The process of the meeting is very simple, that is, Shimura Danzō gives a few speeches, and then distributes bonuses to the major families.

This meeting seems to be beaming, but in fact there is a hidden situation, as for the meaning of it is self-evident

After finishing the meeting equivalent to the annual meeting, Shimura Danzō did not choose to be among the Hui people, but continued to stay in the Hokage office.

He doesn’t like to be crowded, so he didn’t go to the Senju clan or Huizhi village clan.

This year can be said to be the most proud of the Shimura clan. After all, their patriarch became the Third Hokage, so during the Chinese New Year it was also very lively. Many families gave gifts to Shimura Danzō.

In order to leave those entertainments, he can only choose to stay in the Hokage office and wait until dinner time at night before returning.

As for Uchiha Zhiri had already been given a holiday by Shimura Danzō, she should also return to the Uchiha clan to reunite with her family.

After all, she still has an elder brother Uchiha Naoya and a younger brother Uchiha Kagami, and the relationship between the siblings is still pretty good.

“Being Hokage is pretty tiring, but it feels pretty good”

Shimura Danzō looked through the investigative crystal and looked at the faces of Konoha Village residents with happy smiles.

It is enough to show that the people of Konoha have stepped out of the shadow of the war and gradually returned to a peaceful life.

After all, people want to look forward, they can’t live in the past all the time

“Let’s go see Senju Tobirama for the New Year’s Day”

Shimura Danzō whispered in her heart

For Senju Tobirama, Shimura Danzō still has a certain affection

Although they don’t get along very well, Shimura Danzō still respects this… Second Hokage(Read more @

Senju Tobirama has countless deeds in his life. Although he has a black spot, he can’t help but admit that he is a competent Hokage.

It’s just a little bit cloudy on the Uchiha clan, but I can understand it

Whoosh Shimura Danzō instantly turned into a black shadow and disappeared in the Hokage office

The Konoha Cemetery is relatively noisy and lively in the center of Konoha Village, but the Konoha Cemetery is extremely quiet.

This is a resting place for the Konoha heroes, so there are not many residents close to Konoha Cemetery

Hilarious behavior

Because they knew that this hard-won peace was exchanged with the lives of the heroes lying in the Konoha Cemetery.

“Second Lord, coming here for the New Year is relatively unlucky”

“But who made me so kind, come and have a drink”

Shimura Danzō sat in front of Senju Tobirama’s tomb and poured a cup of hot wine on the ground with a chuckle.

Because there are no outsiders here, Shimura Danzō simply uses this simpler name, and he has a little respect for Senju Tobirama

In fact, Shimura Danzō admires Senju Tobirama very much. He is the true pioneer of Konoha and is willing to bet all his future on these younger generations.

To be honest, when Shimura Danzō would stand up, there was a trace of panic in his heart

He is really afraid that Senju Tobirama will say something directly

“Okay! Danzo, let’s stay together after the break”

“Monkey, you will be Konoha’s Third Hokage from now on”

If Senju Tobirama really said that, then Shimura Danzō really didn’t know what to say.

Fortunately, the final winner is him, and he has won the position of Third Hokage! “Second Lord, this cup, respect your pride.”

“This cup, respect your heart for Konoha”

“This cup, respect you, it is not easy to die, life is also magnificent, glory is added, so why not go to death”

Three glasses of wine fell, and the scene fell silent again. “Drink in the ground without worry, Konoha has already begun to flourish.”

“Even if you start a war now, wait until Tsunade Orochimaru and the others have all grown up.”

“It doesn’t matter if Konoha is one to four, besides, there is also my Third Hokage who is about to master Wood Style”

Shimura Danzō stood up slowly and whispered softly

But after all, no one can hear his words

Just as Shimura Danzō was about to leave, his eyes suddenly became sharp

“Senju Hashirama’s tomb has been approached!”

He was able to judge because he used a little trick near the tomb of Senju Hashirama.

Once someone approaches the tomb of Senju Hashirama, there will be a trace that only Shimura Danzō can see

Previously, he set up such a method to prevent people from coveting Senju Hashirama Wood Style.

But he didn’t expect someone to be bold enough to actually dare to do so

This made Shimura Danzō’s heart start to guess the identity of this person.

Who among Konoha has the courage to be tempted by Senju Hashirama’s corpse?

Thinking about it, Shimura Danzō finally came up with an answer, but it was just a guess

In the entire Konoha Village, the person most likely to think of gaining power may be Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Tsk, Hiruzen, Hiruzen”

“I hope this person won’t be you, or you”

“Anyway, you always have to face some cruel facts”

Shimura Danzō is not irritated, there seems to be a glimmer of anticipation in his heart

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen’s wedding date is set for five months, then I will watch Mitokado Homura dare not dare

Feilu reminds you to read three things

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