Naruto: I Crossed With A Full-Level Number

Chapter 20 Is This Taking Me As A Chicken?

Tsunade took the document and looked at it, and casually threw the document on the desk, complaining:

"Old man, next time there is such a thing, don't be in such a hurry to call me over, I will have an operation later."

"But Iori Qian Yue is the person you like."

Third Hokage looked at her.

Tsunade laughed angrily:

"Yes, it's me who likes him, but it's you who wants him to be the second Uchiha Kagami, isn't it? My teacher."

Third Hokage didn't like to hear that.

What would I want to make him the second Uchiha Kagami?

"That's it, since they want to form a two-person team, just follow them.

How many ninjas who graduate every year can be successfully assigned to a suitable ninja team? "

"Most ninjas still need to find their own team."

This is a high-level inaction, and others dare not mention it.

But Tsunade doesn't care about that, I don't like it, so I'll say it.

After striding outside, Tsunade waved his hand without looking back and said:

"Old man, Iori Qian Yue, this kid can't be the second Uchiha Kagami, don't put your mind on him.

Since he is unwilling to accept your arrangement, let him grow up on his own. "

"Also, don't stuff me with students. I'm very busy right now, and there are still many people queuing up in the hospital for surgery."

Tsunade's medical ninjutsu is notoriously strong in Konoha, and even in the entire ninja world.

As long as she was in the village, many people wanted to ask him to help him heal.

Even if she loses the Senju clan by the same amount, as long as Tsunade is not lazy and gambles a few times less, she can still thrive.

It's a pity that this big fat sheep can't control his hands.

Since he had taken down Qian Yue who was optimistic, Tsunade simply gave up the idea of ​​taking students.

Bringing bear children or something is the most troublesome.

If you have time to spare, it is better to help in the hospital and make more money.

so annoying!

The last gambling debt was due, and Tsunade scratched his head as he walked.

The thought of the huge gambling debt she owes gave her a headache.

But she can't default on her debts, otherwise, if someone else finds the Hokage office building, then she Tsunade Ji will be embarrassed.


While the students of the same class were still waiting for the village to arrange to guide the ninjas, Qian Yue and Mikoto had already started to take on the first task of their ninja career.

There is no guide ninja, plus the two-person team, Qian Yue and Mikoto's team, can only take some D-level tasks to go over.

Catch the cat, pick up litter, flush the toilet...  

Seeing these tasks, Qian Yue immediately fainted.

The other tasks are okay to say, is flushing the toilet serious?

Who posted the task?

Posted by Hokage Office?

That's fine, leave it to the team behind to do it.

The first task of the two, Qian Yue chose to help the herdsmen drive away wild animals.

It is also a D-level ninja. The contribution and reward obtained from this type of task will be much higher than the general D-level task.

It happened that Mikoto needed to accumulate combat experience, and Qian Yue decided to follow up the mission.

Because it is just to drive away, and there is no requirement to kill all the beasts that attack the livestock, the task registration is D-level.

If it is required to kill and get rid of future troubles, the task registration will reach C level.

"Let's go."

After taking over the mission, Qian Yue and Mikoto checked their ninja kits, and after registering at the entrance of the village, they left Konoha and headed to the ranch.

For the first time on a mission, Mikoto seemed a little excited and nervous.

After the two came to the ranch to exchange information with the rancher, they entered the forest next to the ranch.

The mission requirement is to expel the beasts that attack the livestock, as long as they are expelled from the range of the pasture, the mission is completed.

If the beast can be cleaned up, the task can be automatically upgraded to C-level, and the reward and contribution value of C-level can be obtained.

Qian Yue and Mikoto aren't that bad either.

As for the contribution value, to be honest, it is a treasure in the hands of some people,

But in some people's hands, it's not much different from no.

Minato's contribution value is enough, relying on Jiraiya's help and intercession, Third Hokage can let him exchange Flying Thunder God Technique. pen fun library

The same contribution value, if you give it to Uchiha's people, you can change to A-rank ninjutsu.

Don't feel that the village is discriminating and deliberately targeting.

Be confident because

They are targeting you.

"Separate action, you track from there, I'll go from here."

Qian Yue arranged a direction for Mikoto and divided two Shadow Clones to spread the search range.

In the Hokage world, many creatures become huge and powerful due to the influence of Chakra and natural energy.

The toads, snakes, and slugs of the three holy places are the most typical representatives.

Except for these powerful Summoning beasts, some powerful creatures, even Jōnin, will overturn.

"Xiao Bai, feel if there are creatures with strong Chakra energy in the forest."

"Master, there is a clear Chakra fluctuation in the southeast direction."

Under Xiaobai's guidance, Qian Yue quickly found a tiger almost the size of a room.

The big orange cat didn't seem to notice Qian Yue's arrival, and was lying leisurely on the ground to take a nap.

In the open space on the side, there are still many food wrecks.

"Very strong Chakra volatility, looks like a good price."

Seeing this big orange cat, Qian Yue knew that he had made a profit.

Such animals can be sold as Summoning beasts if they are caught. Many ninjas like to attack Summoning beasts.


Qian Yue whispered to himself to wake up the big orange cat lying on the ground sleeping, the big orange cat rolled over and jumped up, and let out a growl in the direction of Qian Yue.

The surrounding trees were so shaken that their leaves were falling.

With a growl, the big orange cat pounced on Qian Yue.

"Is this taking me as a chicken?"

Qian Yue dodged Big Orange's powerful tiger claws and kicked it hard on its chin.


The big orange cat flew out with its huge body, knocking down big trees, and the turf on the ground was forcibly scraped by the big orange cat's body.


Qian Yue, who was guarding the other party's sudden outburst, waited for a while, then stepped forward to check in doubt.

I saw the vicious big orange cat holding its head in pain, curled up on the ground, and kept making low-pitched whining sounds, and a lot of blood flowed out of its mouth.

It seems that the kick just now made the big orange cat bite his tongue.

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