Naruto: I Crossed With A Full-Level Number

Chapter 15 A Pet Like A Tailed Beast, Isn't It 1 Per Person?

Because of blocking the door, Qian Yue and Minato became bullies in the class, so other students didn't dare to approach.

Even some girls who think Qian Yue is handsome and want to get close to her are afraid to stay away.


A soft and waxy voice sounded in my ears, and I felt as if something was lying on my chest and licking my face.

Qian Yue, who woke up in a daze, looked up and saw the little fox with nine tails lying on his chest, pushed it, and muttered:

"Xiao Bai, don't make trouble."

Turning over, Qian Yue continued to sleep.

Xiaobai lay quietly on the quilt.

A few seconds later, Qian Yue's eyes opened and he sat up.

He looked at Xiaobai lying on the quilt with a surprised expression:

"Xiao Bai, can you come out?"

The exclusive tailed beast in the game, after reaching level 30, can assist the player in battle in isolation, and can also be used as a pet.

Because it is an exclusive tailed beast, the player will not become like Jinchūriki, and the tailed beast will die if it leaves the body.

Qian Yue didn't expect that Xiaobai's level reached the thirtieth level of the game so quickly, and he had the ability to leave his body.


Xiaobai screamed and got into the bed, like a ball, in his arms.

Isn't this kind of thing a tailed beast?

A tailed beast cannot fight in isolation, so what is a Jinchūriki?

Qian Yue couldn't help laughing when he thought of how players complained about playing games in his previous life.

Xiaobai's ability to fight in isolation is equivalent to an extra hole card for Qian Yue.

When it is inconvenient to use the tailed beast Chakra, Xiaobai can be used as a Summoning beast.

Holding Xiao Bai, Qian Yue turned over and continued to sleep.

Xiaobai has also reached the level that he can fight in isolation, so when will his first fixed skill be unlocked?

Qian Yue found that the various skills that were matched before the time-travel were gone.

Now he can only look forward to the player's exclusive skills.

Although there are only four exclusive skills, as long as any one can be used, Qian Yue's strength can be improved in quality.

Nawaki is one of the new class of fifth graders who will leave the ninja school and enter the ninja world to become a real ninja.

It's just that how many of these new ninjas can survive and whether they can grow up smoothly is still unknown.

There are also a lot of repeaters like Uchiha Mikoto.

The difference is that these people did not take the initiative to apply for repeat grades, but were forced to repeat grades.

Some failed the exam, and some were instructed to endure throwing it back.

Among them, the proportion of those who were threw back by the instructed ninja for further study was relatively large.

Not long after returning to the 4th grade, Mikoto became a 5th grade student again. Not long after jumping up the grade, Qian Yue, Minato, and Kushina were also promoted smoothly and became a member of the 5th grade.

When Ninja School was established, students needed to stay in the school for six years to graduate.

There are no restrictions on early graduation.

With the rise of Third Hokage and the outbreak of the first ninja war, the number of ninjas in Konoha decreased sharply, so the six-year graduation rule was changed to five years.

The entry age for students has also been changed from six to five.

This means that people who originally entered school at the age of six can only graduate at the age of twelve and become a Genin, but because of Third Hokage's changes, they entered the school at the age of five and graduated at the age of ten.

The age of the new ninja was abruptly shortened by two years.

Like a capitalist cutting leeks. pen fun library

I can't wait for the leeks to grow naturally, and I stretch the leeks with my own hands. As for whether they won't grow crooked or die, the capitalists don't care.

"Iori Qian Yue, Namikaze Minato, you two come to the office."

After class, the teacher motioned Qian Yue and Minato to follow him to the office.

Minato looked back suspiciously: "You blocked the door again?"


Qian Yue rolled his eyes: "I still wonder if you were peeking at the little girl taking a bath and the teacher found out."

"How is that possible!! I'm not that kind of person!"

Minato blushed and stood up in a loud retort.

What are you talking about?

Mikoto slapped Qian Yue with his hand, telling him not to talk nonsense.

You are not such a person, but your future teacher is.

and many more!

Minato jumped two levels with me, will Jiraiya still be his instructor?

When the two came to the office, the teacher put down the teacup in his hand and said to the two:

"I called you here because Lord Hokage likes you very much and thinks that you are a genius worthy of being cultivated by the village."

"After a period of observation, it was decided to give you some rewards."


Lord Hokage is following me?

Minato got excited when he heard this.

Qian Yue pouted secretly, he didn't believe the teacher's words at all.

Third Hokage may be following them, but it's impossible to reward them for no reason.

Could it be Tsunade?

Except for Tsunade, Qian Yue couldn't figure out who had so much energy.

"This is the ninjutsu scroll that Lord Hokage rewarded you. You two should study together. After studying, return the scroll, you know?"

The teacher took out the ninjutsu scroll, which is not easy to make, and each ninjutsu scroll is expensive.

The scrolls are expensive, and the ninjutsu is even more expensive. Even if you have money, you can only buy some ordinary ninjutsu, and ninjutsu above the B level, you almost don’t need to think about it.

Even the daimyo who controls the wealth of the country of fire cannot collect too many ninjutsu scrolls.

“Shadow Clone Technique!!”

When he opened the scroll, Minato was excited.

If it was just a guess, then Qian Yue now has a good idea that Tsunade did it.

He was even certain that this ninjutsu scroll was the one Tsunade wanted to give him before.

It just changed from giving in the name of Kushina to being rewarded in the name of Third Hokage.

The former Qian Yue will not accept it, the latter...don't accept it for nothing.

Because the ninjutsu scroll is issued, even if you don't learn it, the village will record the reward, and you will have to pay it back when you become a ninja.

"Great, we can learn the Shadow Clone Technique."

Holding the ninjutsu scroll, the smile on Minato's face became brighter and brighter. It's really a pity not to be called Little Sun.


"Depend on!"

"I said, don't call me this name, I hate the sun!"

As soon as he heard the word "Sun", Minato exploded. Whoever called this name was in a hurry with whom.

Qian Yue put his arms around Minato's shoulders, pulled him into the woods beside the school playground, brought the ninjutsu scroll, and asked playfully:

"Do you really think that this ninjutsu scroll was rewarded by Lord Hokage?"

"Is not it?"

Minato blinked, and the teacher said it all, we are geniuses, and we are the geniuses that the village focuses on training, so we specially rewarded us.

No wonder you were eaten by Third Hokage and became a puppet Hokage for over a year.

Qian Yue sighed and said in a serious tone:

"Minato, will you trust me?"

Something seems wrong, Minato rarely sees Qian Yue so serious.

Nodding his head, he replied, "Of course I believe you."

"Since you're willing to believe me, don't say anything to thank Hokage-sama.

I want to thank Tsunade-senpai as well. This scroll was given to Hokage-sama by Tsunade-senpai. "

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