Chapter 38: Sha Ren Strikes

"mission module!? There hasn’t been any change in two years. I thought that this broken system is only the function of lottery. I didn't expect because of the limitations of my own strength. Think about it, if only lottery, then this strongest Career System is too shameless."

Feel the message in my mind , Ruo Ruo understands.

"But I'm in Land-of-Rivers now, how could mission defeat the joint attack of Sand Ninja and Stone Ninja?"

Mukuro has some doubts about the mission released by the system, and suddenly looks Yi Ning:

"Stone Ninja just declared of war, Sha Ren's actions immediately became so weird, is it possible that these two villages are conspiring together?"

"What's the matter, Mukuro?" Tsunade asked with some confusion when Mukuro stopped moving suddenly.

Mukuro spirit slowly recovers, turned his head and looked Tsunade, and slowly spit out two words in his mouth:

"Stone Ninja!"

"Stone Ninja!? What's wrong with Stone Ninja?"

Tsunade looked at Mukuro with an incomprehensible expression. I don't know what Mukuro said.

Hearing Mukuro's words, Shikaku's expression on the side changed. Nodded solemnly said, "Stone Ninja!? It is indeed possible."

"It's not possible, but Yes," Mukuro said, shaking ones head.

The mission has been released, can it still be fake? For the correctness of the system, Mukuro has no doubts at all.

Tsunade looked Mukuro and Shikaku had a dumb-like dialogue, and their faces were a little confused, then turned into anger:

"scoundrel, what are you two talking about, please explain to me quickly Clearly, when I am an idiot?"


There was a loud noise, and another table beside it turned into sawdust.

Shikaku saw the furious Tsunade, then spirit slowly recovers, and said hurriedly: "Tsunade-sama, I and Mukuro are discussing the reason why Sanin is abnormal recently."

" What is the reason? Hurry up."

Tsunade was a little impatient. He was originally a hot temper. Recently, he was filled with anger by the Land-of-Rivers war, and his tone was rushed. Some.

Of course, Shikaku understands Tsunade’s temper, and he doesn’t care about Tsunade’s attitude at all. He explains:

"Chiyo's mother-in-law’s temper is very clear to us. Last time Mukuro killed Menzawei It is very suspicious that Mu Shi did not break out. Now that Stone Ninja has just declared to Konoha of war, Sha Ren’s actions on battlefield have become so weird."

"These are too coincidental. There must be a reason for this, and it must be inseparable from Stone Ninja. It is very likely that we will be attacked by both Sand-nin and Stone Ninja on the battlefield of Land-of-Rivers."

It is indeed the brain of Konoha's think tank. Mukuro just gave a hint, and Shikaku analyzed the whole situation. Even the character of Commander-in-Chief, which is hostile to influence, was taken into consideration.

"How great is the probability!?"

Hearing Shikaku's analysis, Tsunade also understood the seriousness of the current situation, and asked with a serious face.

"Just like Mukuro said, it's basically an inevitable situation." Shikaku's face was also not good.

"Any countermeasures?" Tsunade asked immediately.

Shikaku thought for a while, frowns shook his head, shaking one's head, and said:

"If the village cannot send troops over, then the current situation will be dead. The best way is to abandon the battlefield of Land-of-Rivers and retreat to the border of Land of Fire. In this way, we may be able to take advantage of the geographical position of Land of Fire while resisting the attacks of Sand Ninja and Stone Ninja."


Tsunade brows tightly knit, after thinking for a moment, he denied: "No! If we retreat to the Land of Fire border, if we are defeated, the people of Land of Fire will be directly affected. The threats of Sha Ren and Stone Ninja cannot be retired!"

Shikaku looked Tsunade with a firm look, and did not speak any more, because what Tsunade said was the truth.

"Hateful! Let the notification go on, and all staff will be more alert! If any abnormal situation is found, report it immediately." Tsunade did not hesitate, and decisively ordered.

bang! bang! bang!

The sound of rumble resounded throughout Heaven and Earth, and the earth trembled.

"What's going on!?"

Feeling such a movement, the three people of Mukuro, Tsunade, and Shikaku also rushed out of the big account.

Looking from a distance, a huge city wall several kilometers long is slowly growing up.

Earth-Style · Rampart of Flowing Soil!

In the hands of the Earth-Style Master Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who is called the "green seedling", even a B-Rank other Ninjutsu, use it with all strength, might even be comparable with S-Rank Forbidden Jutsu.

At this time, a huge ball of meat rolled over quickly and stopped in front of Tsunade. It was Akimichi Choza.

Seeing that Choza actually uses the Human-Bullet Tank to drive, Tsunade can also feel the severity of the situation, and hurriedly asked: "Choza, what's the situation with the frontline?"

Choza returned to its normal size without pause. Breathing heavily said:

"Tsunade-sama, it’s not good. Sharen don’t know why the army suddenly increased by more than twice, and Chiyo’s mother-in-law also appeared here. On top of the battlefield. Now Sharen has already started a frantic offensive. The Rampart of Flowing Soil of Sama Shinnosuke will probably not last too long."


Mukuro and Shikaku looked at each other and understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Quick! Get to the frontline and meet Shinnosuke as quickly as possible."

Tsunade also ignores his own blood phobia at this time. Speeding out, and the place has become cracking.

Mukuro and Shikaku did not dare to delay at all, and immediately followed along.

On Rampart of Flowing Soil, the densely packed Sha-nin ninja troops under Mukuro looked at thousands of Sha-nin ninjas. It seems that Sha-nin has attacked with all of Mouzu’s troops this time.

Tsunade's face is also blue. Konoha is fighting on all sides. Although it is the largest village in Ninja World, the number of ninjas that can be dispatched to the Land-of-Rivers battlefield is just over a thousand. Far less than the number of sand ninjas.

"Chiyo mother-in-law! Why did you start the war, don't you know that Ninja World has only been peaceful for a few years?"

Tsunade looked looked Puppet was proficiently manipulated to attack Rampart of Flowing Ninja, a woman from Soil, gritted her teeth and said.

"Tsunade little girl, when Ninja World was too bad for me, I only knew that my son and daughter-in-law were killed by Hatake Sakumo of your Konoha. My favorite grandson was also because of this Something betrayed the village, I want your people from Konoha to pay for their lives!"

Chiyo mother-in-law said with a frantic face.

"The crazy woman is really unreasonable, especially the old woman." Mukuro sighed involuntarily from the side.

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