Chapter 144: Heavenly Realm

Speaking of this, among the crowd of Saint Seiyas present, many of them were in front of them. However, some people showed their uncertain eyes, as if they could not believe that Sacred Domain could really join forces with Sea King Poseidon.

After all, although Sacred Domain and Sun God Abel have never had an alliance, they still have a good secret relationship until now.

The relationship between Sacred Domain and the Temple of De Feir and Leto for Forgotten Goddess is really quite good. So Sacred Domain and Sun God teamed up, it really is not something to be surprised.

In fact, since Mythological Era, how many gods have come to the earth to fight for the power of the earth.

But Sun God has never done so.

As for Pluto, the original Pluto Hades and Sacred Domain are naturally deadly enemies. But now, because Aaron has seized Hades's divinity and divine force and became the new Pluto, he has the probability of cooperating with Sacred Domain.

As for Sea Emperor Poseidon's words, until now, Sacred Domain and Sea World have been fought a lot.

The hatred accumulated by the two sides is also quite large. Under such circumstances, would Sea Emperor Poseidon be willing to help Sacred Domain? ! Thinking about this matter, it makes people feel unreliable.

However, it seems that he understands everyone’s concerns present, and Mukuro said again, “Don’t worry. I can assure you that Poseidon may not be willing to join hands with us when dealing with other people. But dealing with Haixiong God Triton's words, he would definitely agree." As for the real reason, Mukuro certainly wouldn't tell them that in the future, the two will fight each other, even to the point of being perish together.

Looked in such a certain way, the saints looked at each other in blank dismay, naturally only nodded.

Then Mukuro continued, "Above the sea building domain, is the third Sacred Domain. This world is the place where the gods of Heaven Realm sleep. The gods who died, their gods Sleeping in the Phantom Domain, recuperating, waiting to be awakened."

Mukuro’s words fell, and Manigote couldn’t help but said, "The gods who were defeated by Sacred Domain are all asleep. That place..."

"Of course not, only the gods of the Olympus gods, after death, their gods will return to the underworld. As for the gods of other gods, some are in After death, the gods will fall into the underworld, wandering in the depths of the underworld, and some return to the tombs of their gods. Like the Immortal Realm, and the Olympus gods, they also have similarities to the gods. The place of Pengyu is just called Immortal Tomb. Now, most of Sage in Immortal Realm are sleeping in Immortal Tomb." said Mukuro.

"The underworld guardian is the god Deris. This god has the same relationship with the queen Hera. And he is extremely loyal to Divine King Zeus. But underworld, except for her , There is no other Heavenly Fighter, or Daris' Guardian Fighter, until now, she is alone and extremely lonely."

"Behind the Underworld Domain is the Sun Wheel Sacred Domain. It is Sun God Abel who guards the Sun Wheel Sacred Domain. His temple is located here. In addition to Sun God Abel, the one responsible for guarding the Sun Wheel Sacred Domain is Sun God Abel's corona saint. Of course, as long as you can get here, Sun God Abel will naturally let you go. In fact, before you attack Heaven Realm this time, Abel will have deliberately "lost" to you."

"After passing through the gate of the Sun Wheel and crossing the divine ability, it is the sky within the realm, the place where the Olympian gods live, the Olympus garden. It can also be called the heavenly realm, meaning It is the most upper layer of Heaven Realm. In the garden of Olympus, there are many roads that lead to the temples of different gods, and the end of the largest road is the temple of Divine King Zeus. Where is the place. Similarly, the temple of Queen Hera is also there."

"As long as you can go there and defeat Hera, then Sacred Domain will naturally win."

Mou said here, all the saints looked solemn.

They are thinking, can they really do what Mukuro said? !

To fight all the way? ! This is tantamount to rebelling against Heaven Realm, and rebelling against Zeus. Can they really defeat so many gods with their power alone? !

For a time, none of the saints present was so sure in their hearts.

Although Mukuro said it is simple, the difficulty is almost unimaginable.

At this time, suddenly, Dijel said again, "If we can really get through all the way and reach the Temple of Zeus. Isn’t that, when the time comes, as long as Mr. Skeleton takes action, defeats Divine King Zeus, can we overthrow the rule of Divine King Zeus?"

Die Jie's words fell, everyone was sucked in a cold breath!

While his words fell, the corners of Mukuro's mouth curled up, but before Mukuro hadn't spoken, abruptly, a majestic and vast and cold small universe descended.

This small universe fell in the Sacred Domain, followed by a cold and proud voice, "You are bringing about one's own destruction!"

The words fall , This horrible small universe came, tearing the star hill of Sacred Domain to pieces, and directly falling into the Goddess Hall.

This silhouette has her eyes closed. She is wearing a white dress and various silver accessories. A silver long hair is floating, emitting a light blue brilliance.

The looked silhouette suddenly appeared. The saints present were all subconscious and showed alertness, and the Libra child tiger was blurt out:

"God?! "

When his words fell, Sasha also subconsciously said:

"Moon Goddess Artemis!"

Her words fell, Artemis opened the mouth and said, "You guys, if you really attack Heaven Realm, that would be the stupidest thing."

Moon Goddess Artemis said this sentence ( Good king's), everyone in the temple has a slightly condensed expression.

At this time, Artemis just continued to say, "Let's leave Hera the queen, it's just Divine King Zeus deliberately doing it. If you really rebel against the gods, then that really brings about one's own destruction."

So, Artemis looked towards Sasha and said, "Athena, if you still recognize me as an elder sister, then listen to me. Advise, don’t go against the idea of ​​heaven defying. Sacred Domain kills the gods on the earth. It is they who go down to the earth and violate your authority, so you can kill them. This is what you should have. Right."

"Even if the gods are dissatisfied with you anymore, Divine King Zeus will never actually lower the Divine Punishment against Sacred Domain and earth because of this. But if you rebel against Heaven Realm, join forces with Pluto , Haihuang, Sun God attacked Heaven Realm and set off the biggest rebellion since Mythological Era. This is the real bring about one's own destruction!".

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