Chapter 324

This manor was left by the owner of Lan Xiangmen, Lut. Since his death, Lan Xiangmen has become Hyuga Lanmo’s secret organization, and the business part has been handed over to Cheng Da. Regarding the East Secret Island and other matters, For so many years, Hyuga Lanmo has never cared about it, and even in his cognition, except for the money from the East secret island, it has nothing to do with him.

But unexpectedly, Cheng Da and his sister would enshrine him as the lord of the East Secret Island, and they would regard him as the lord here.

The East Secret Island is very small, less than one-third of Wuchao Village, and it is not even marked on the map of Ninja World.

However, the climate here is pleasant, the economic conditions are good, and after several years of operation, the people here have also led a prosperous life. It is called a small country and can barely accept it. After all, in terms of administrative and military affairs, There is no other country to intervene here.

However, this feeling of hindsight still makes Hyuga Lanmo feel very novel.

Cheng Meier was wearing a princess dress, and handed the cat in her arms to the hand of the maid on one side, leading the way for Hyuga Lanmo.

Before coming to the villa, the ninja and the maid on both sides appeared, stood in two rows, bowed deeply to him, and walked inside respectfully welcoming him.

Seeing this scene, Hyuga Lanmo frowned.

Cheng Meier caught him with such a simple little action. She waved her hand quickly: “Go down, everyone, you don’t need to wait on here!”

With that said, she took a peek at Hyuga Lanmo, and bowed her head slightly: He doesn’t like to show off!

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to trouble you!” Hyuga Lanmo saw her cramps and said.

“No, no, this is originally the place of the monarch. Why should you ask for trouble? All we do is what we should do. Lord, please…”

Cheng Meier took him into the restaurant and began to set the table herself.

Hyuga Lanmo didn’t care about that, and after sitting down, he said, “Bring all the information about the attack on the East Secret Island in the recent period, and if there is such a thing in the future, you must report it as soon as possible.”

When Cheng Meier heard this, she knelt on the ground: “My lord, we did not deliberately conceal it. It is true that my brother does not want to trouble the lord. The monarch’s kindness to us is even higher than the sky. We have already gained too much under your hands. Too much, we really dare not go beyond the slightest!”

“So? Do you think this is a trivial matter, don’t bother me, can you solve it by yourself?” As he said, Hyuga Lanmo threw a photo on the table, which was the exploded clay photo in the previous file.

Cheng Meier knelt on the ground, trembling, with her head buried very low. For a while, she didn’t know what to say.

At this time, Cheng Da had already rushed in from outside, and at the same time, he was accompanied by a woman and two children. In other words, he got married and had children?

“Oh, are you married? You even have children? But you didn’t tell me?” Hyuga Lanmo looked surprised. When Cheng Da handed over the business proceeds to him for the first time, he found that he was a worthy fellow. My friend, although he has not contacted him in recent years, he has always been a good person in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that he felt that Cheng Da must think of him that way, but now seeing his wife and children, he actually feels that in his heart, he is not his friend, but his superior. .

This is just an ordinary question, but he didn’t expect it to become a punishment from the emperor in Cheng Da’s ears.

“The lord forgive, the lord forgive, the villain thinks… the villain thinks that he is a humble person, and it is nothing at all in front of a big shot like you, so I didn’t tell you about marrying a wife and having children. I’m really sorry, I’m sorry!” Cheng Kneeling on the ground, the two children and his woman also knelt beside him, one by one frightened.

At this time, Hyuga Lanmo understood more or less Cheng Da’s feelings for him, and also understood why he had to conceal the attack on the East secret island.

In his heart, he was just a little farmer who hadn’t been seen before, and his family was destroyed by Lu Te. Originally, his biggest wish in this life was to rescue his sister. He didn’t expect that after Hyuga Lanmo’s rescue, he not only became the East secret island. And became the first president of Xiangyang Company.

Whether in terms of money or status, he has gained too much. He will never forget the kindness of Hyuga Lanmo in his life. It is this kind of cautious heart that made him conceal the East Secret Island. He felt that this kind of thing could not trouble Hyuga Lanmo about being attacked, he had done enough for them, and he could no longer cause trouble and trouble to him.

In fact, he didn’t know that some small things looked small, but the hidden things inside were big, such as the clay photo.

In the villa lobby, five people knelt in front of Hyuga Lanmo, and there was a sultry and tense atmosphere in the entire villa.

Hyuga Lanmo pulled off his cloak and threw it on the table. In the kitchen on the other side, several chefs lowered their heads tightly. On the stove, the sound of stewed meat was gurgling.

The aroma of beef came out, Hyuga Lanmo looked at the two children kneeling in front of him, and sighed: “Cheng Da, am I going to kill your family or something? Why are you so nervous?”

As soon as this remark came out, not only Cheng Da’s family, but even the ninja outside and the cook in the kitchen knelt down.

“The lord calms his anger, the lord calms his anger!”

The tense atmosphere condensed again, and even the dog outside seemed to be begging.

“Get me up! Serve the dishes, and Cheng Da, you guys, sit down for me!” The soft ones are not good, the hard ones are the only ones.

When Cheng Da heard this, he still didn’t dare to get up. It was his wife who seemed to have a little eyebrow, and bravely pulled him to his feet: “Thank you, Lord!”

The two children were also pulled up, and Cheng Meier’s legs were shaking when she got up.

“sit down!”


Hyuga Lanmo saw that they not only respected themselves, but also feared themselves.

He regarded him as a friend, he really regarded him as a superior! Definitely, he can’t be blamed. After all, the two have met twice in the past few years. No one would have thought that Hyuga Lanmo would regard himself as someone worthy of being associated with.

During the next meal, Hyuga Lanmo didn’t ask about the attack, but ate with them quietly, occasionally saying a few simple homely words, and slowly, the atmosphere eased.

The two children also relaxed, and they had to go to the table after eating, and then stood far away, looking at Hyuga Lanmo.

Although the atmosphere is not so embarrassing, Hyuga Lanmo still feels something is wrong. Naturally, he can’t treat Cheng Da’s family like his own subordinates. In addition, Cheng Da’s feelings about him are so fearful that he is not so cold. He speaks.

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