"Of course, that will be true peace." The latter sentence was meditated in Xuan's heart, but Qianshou Zhujian did not hear it.

He was extremely satisfied with Xuan's answer, thinking that Uchiha was still the backbone of Konoha, and what happened before was just a misunderstanding and an accident.

In this way, the annual festival dispersed with everyone satisfied, and Konoha also entered the second year of his establishment.

Chapter 619 Uchiha Madara's thoughts

Most people in Konoha are saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, cheering the arrival of the new year. It is foreseeable that Konoha will be more prosperous and prosperous in the second year. ☆Magazine"bug☆But not everyone is in the same mood. For some people, tonight is a sleepless night.

Or since he went in, he hasn't had a sleepless night.

The sound of firecrackers resounded in every corner of the village, and when the clamorous noise reached the ground, it was barely audible, but it was still clearly felt.

"Come here." A heavy voice sounded, and a thousand-handed ninja arrived in a short while, standing outside the prison and respectfully said: "Lord Tobirama, what are your orders?"

This is the basement of the Hokage Building. This cell is also newly built and specially prepared for Senju Tobirama.

Qianshou Tobirama looked up. The cell was not big, but it was very clean. He was sitting on the rock, wearing a black tights, and a stack of quilts was put aside.

As a powerful figure in Thousand Hands, and Hokage's younger brother, even if Hokage personally ordered him to be imprisoned, the treatment was different from those of the real prisoners.

"What time is it now?" Qianshou Tobirama asked aloud. The place was at least ten meters above the ground, and the sound from the outside world had become extremely faint.

The Thousand Hands Ninja hurriedly said: "Go back to the adults, it is already early morning, today is the New Year's Eve, and everyone is cheering the arrival of the New Year."

"Is it already a new year?" Qianshou Tobirama's expression was slightly stunned, showing some kind of inexplicable expression, which seemed to be emotional and melancholy.

"How long have I been imprisoned here?" he asked again after a moment.

The Thousand Hands Ninja said: "Your Excellency was detained on September [-]rd, three months and seven days have passed, and you can leave here in two years, eight months, and [-] days."

Hearing this time, Qianshou Tobima's face suddenly sank, and after a while, he sighed and waved his hand.

The guarding Senju ninja saluted and retired.


In addition to Qianshou Tobirama, there were also people in another place who were unmoved by the cheers tonight.

The dark bonfire burns in the secret room, bringing a little light to this dark hall. It is also underground. The difference is that it is closer to the surface than the dungeon where Senju Tobama stays, so the cheers of the villagers and the sound of firecrackers can be clearly heard. come.

A figure sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, wearing a black Uchiwa robe, his right eye was blood-red and demonic, and the complicated patterns slowly revolved in his eyes, but his left eye was tightly closed and did not open.Not far in front of him was a pitch-black stone tablet with tadpole-sized text densely written on it, which could not be clearly seen.

This is Uchiha's ancestral hall in Konoha. The person in front of him is naturally Uchiha Madara, and this stone tablet is also the one handed down by the Six Path Immortals.

"The immortals separate Yin and Yang, and they create the world, and the combination of the two opposite forces is all things." Ban's eternal kaleidoscope interprets the content of the stone tablet, and he falls into deep contemplation.

Xuan had told him that day that this stone tablet was tampered with by Hei Jue. Although he did not know where Xuan got the news, Madara Uchiha still chose to believe it.

But believing it is one thing, not wanting the content on this stele is another. When talking to Xuan, he learned that this stele was only about "Unlimited Monthly Reading" and it was tampered with. Most of the content is real.

In other words, the combination of Uchiha and Qianshou's power can really get the power of Senra, which is the so-called power of immortals.

Looking at the content on the stone tablet, Madara touched her left eye subconsciously. Several months passed, and the eye that had used "Yizanagi" still showed no signs of recovery, and was still blind.

Madara didn't regret using "Izanagi". In that situation, if he hesitated a little, he might be the one who died.

But the price of losing his left eye is unacceptable to him. As arrogant as he is, he will never allow himself to be weaker than his peers.

Long ago, he knew in his heart that he may be the weakest of the three, but his eyes are eternal kaleidoscopes, and he also has a complete body Susanoo, even if there is a gap, it is not irreparable, so he He will only secretly make up his mind to redouble his efforts to surpass Hashimoto and Xuan, and will have no other thoughts.

But now it is different, the left eye is blind, and even the combat effectiveness has also been greatly weakened. The gap between him and Zhujian and Xuan will become larger and larger, which is unacceptable to him.

Especially during the Erwei incident, he may not be safe from Uchiha, and the forces from the dark are still targeting his family, so he needs power more urgently, otherwise he will rely on something to protect the family.

And in his mind, there is a little unknown idea.

Sitting in front of the stone tablet for a long time, Banyan took out a book in his arms. The writing was simple and simple, and the first time he saw it, it gave people a heavy feeling, as if crossing the long river of time.

This book was found by Madara by accident not long ago. There was no title on the book, but when he read it, he knew who the author was, and he knew that it was a notebook.

The original author of this book is Indra.

This is what Indra himself recorded in that year, including his own, as well as those of many immortals of the Six Paths.Some of the content in the book is already incomplete, and Madara struggles to piece together the incomplete stories.

Among them, the most talked about is the understanding of peace and the prospect of peace.

The era of the Six Path Immortals is somewhat similar to that of the end of the Warring States period. The wars lasted for countless years, and they were finally united by people to bring peace.

But in Indra's narration, it is believed that this kind of peace is false. The reason why the world can be peaceful is because the immortals of the Six Paths are far beyond the strength of everyone, and they suppress the whole world.

If it is said that one day the immortal of the Six Paths dies, this force that suppresses the world will no longer exist, and the world will one day be in chaos again.

Therefore, in Indra's narrative, he has been looking for a true path to peace, but unfortunately has not found it.

With the passage of time, Immortal Six Paths really passed away. He found that the world was faintly showing signs of returning to war again, so he decided to replace the Immortal Six Paths to re-lead the world and find a way of true peace between them.

It's a pity that his own younger brother stood on the opposite side of him this time.

Chapter 620 The Tailed Beast Project Between the Pillars

Regarding the grievances between Indra and Asura, the notes did not elaborate, or the records about those things were lost. ∠ Magazine ± Zhi ± insects∠ But Uchiha Madara doesn't care much about these, he just cares about Indra's so-called true peace.

In the second half of the note, according to the time, since it should be long after Indra's defeat, he claims that he found the way to peace.

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