"Oh, it's a good thing to have confidence. If you can really get the patriarch to nominate, I will definitely support you at that time, but it's useless for you to get my vote. There are eight people at the top decision-making level. Even if the patriarch proposes, I agree. Shinji agrees, Master Dou agrees, and there are four others, they may not agree, not to mention that there will be a vote in the clan meeting later, you should consider it yourself." Uchiha nodded, since the other party seemed so confident, he agreed. It's nothing, anyway, in my opinion, the probability of this happening is basically equal to none.

"Then it's settled." Xuan said with a smile, his first step was completed.

"Then... I wonder how long you are going to stay in the clan?"

"Seven days, wait for the supplies to arrive, stay in part of the clan, and send the other part to the front line first. After all, the front line is short of food and various resources. The so-called soldiers and horses go first without food and grass. I don't want us to support the past and go hungry together." Xuan shook his cup, and the crystal liquid inside shook gently.

"Okay, I'll give you a toast." Uchiha Feng finally felt relieved, and raised his glass to them in the distance, Xuan and the others toasted in agreement.

After a while, bursts of laughter came, everyone achieved their goals, it can be said that the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

After drinking the wine, Xuan and the others got up and left. When he was on the street, he fell on Chi Yuyi and complained, "This old man is so stingy, and the wine he brought out is really unpalatable."

Chi Yuyi frowned, his body automatically supported him, and he snorted coldly: "It's best to drink to death."

Xuan laughed loudly, reached out and stroked her pretty face, and whispered in her ear, "Come to my room tonight."

Chi Yuyi's cheeks flushed suddenly, and her whole body trembled slightly. She really wanted to stab him now, but her body didn't obey, and she whispered angrily, "Bastard, go to hell!"

The two stopped and walked and came to the door of their own courtyard. The old man Uchiha, after achieving his goal, tried his best to persuade him to drink. He was full of tricks. It was blurry, but the old man smiled like an old fox, as if he was going to take revenge for the loss of words at the beginning, and finally it became this scene, and he had to be supported by Akabane before returning home.

After entering the courtyard, Xuan shouted: "Xiaoying, come out quickly, I'm back."

A charming/pretty figure ran out, exclaimed, and hurried up to support Xuan, and asked, "How much did the master drink? How did you drink like this?"

Chapter 137 Delivery of Materials (24)

Chapter 137 Delivery of Materials (2/4)

Xuan was very drunk, talking nonsense, and finally fell into a deep sleep in the arms of the two maids. As for coming to my room at night, of course, it became a joke.The next day, Xuan woke up shaking his head, his head was still a little dizzy, and the little maid was waiting by the side, and quickly brought a glass of water over.

After drinking it dry, he felt a lot better, praised the little maid, Xuan got up, and started a new day of life. As for what happened after he was drunk, he didn't remember anything, and even had a vague impression of how he came back.

"The old man Uchiha is definitely trying to retaliate, his head hurts, he will never drink so much alcohol in the future, there will be accidents."

One day passed quickly, and on the second day, Uchiha just arrived at the clan with a large amount of supplies. Uchiha was overjoyed and went out to greet him in person, his mouth couldn't close his smile.

Even if Xuan had said several times that the supplies would arrive soon, he felt a little uneasy before seeing them, but now that the supplies have finally arrived, he can be considered a sigh of relief.

When he saw the truckloads of food, weapons, detonating talismans, and medicines, the old man almost wept bitterly. People are quite embarrassed.

I have to admire Uchiha's high efficiency. He began to mobilize and distribute these materials on the same day. Except for a small amount of necessary food for the clan, the rest did not even fit in the car, and they were ready to be transported to the front line.

"Leave today?"

In the conference room, Xuan asked in surprise, this batch of supplies just arrived in the morning, and they didn't even stay in the clan's land. The old man Uchiha Feng was too efficient.

Uchiha Feng didn't lift his head, holding a pen in his hand to quickly count the specific quantities of these things, and nodded: "Yes, the situation on the front line is urgent, this batch of supplies is a life-saving thing, the sooner the better. , after we have checked the quantity, let Uchiha Eagle lead the team to send it, by the way, are you sure you don't send someone to go with you?"

Under normal circumstances, these materials are from the north. Even if the main transporter is not from the north, the deputy should send an elite from the north, but Xuan said that the north has few people and is unwilling to send people to follow. In this regard, Yuzhi Bo Feng did not think too much.

"Forget it, whatever you want, we will go to support the battlefield three days after they set off." Xuan shook his head and said, turning around and leaving the conference room. The moment he went out, he secretly turned towards Uchiha Shinji who was in the conference room. He made a gesture and left as if nothing had happened.

In the afternoon, Uchiha Feng completed the statistics of the supplies, [-] catties of food, [-] long knives, [-] sets of armor, [-] kunai shurikens each, and [-] detonating charms.

If these materials were placed in Uchiha's house a few years ago, they would be a drop in the bucket, but now, they will undoubtedly become life-saving things. He sighed and waved his hand: "Let's go."

The convoy transporting supplies headed for the front line under the leadership of Uchiha Ying, and gradually disappeared on the road in the distance. Xuan stood beside Uchiha Feng and watched silently. When it completely disappeared into the horizon, he turned and went home. .

About ten minutes into the sunset, Xuan was sitting in the main hall of her house, the little maid was busy with dinner in the kitchen, and Akabane was taking a bath in the bathroom/room by herself. She was still very strange. Why is Xuan so abnormal today, it is not him under normal circumstances Force yourself to shower together and do something embarrassing?

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of Xuan's body, which was an optical illusion caused by too fast speed, indicating that the person who came had a profound Shunshu cultivation.

"Shinji, you're finally here." Xuan chuckled, but did not get up, but pointed to the table beside him.

Uchiha Shinji came up and said in a low voice: "Sir, everything has been inquired." He said, took out a folded map in his arms and spread it out on the table.

The map is very large, covering the entire desktop. It is a military map only among the ninja clan. It draws several roads from the Uchiha clan to the frontal battlefield, and the three frontal battlefields are also highlighted.

"My lord, now on the frontal battlefield, the battle in Kazejianhegu is still the most intense. It can be called the biggest and longest battle in the Warring States period in the past [-] years. It has gathered four patriarch-level powerhouses and about ten others. Peak Jōnin has become a hell on earth."

Uchiha Shinji pointed at the map and panned to the south of the map: "This is the Fenglingchuan battlefield. Uchiha Masada took a peak Jōnin and six or so elites to guard here, covering Kazama and Gu. The southern flank has carried a large number of attacks, but the situation here is the most difficult, even more difficult than Fengjian and Gu. The terrain here is flat and the location is insufficient, so it can only be defended by hard power. Some time ago, there was a shortage of food. Serious, almost lost, but fortunately, Uchiha Ying led people to send [-] catties of food, which was barely stable, but the form is still not optimistic, weapons, armor, enduro tools, detonating charms, and medicines are all in short supply. ."

He said, and then pointed to the north of Kazejianhe Valley and said, "This is the Nara slope battlefield, which is the most stable place on the three battlefields. To the north of Kazama and Gu, they form an angle with Kazama and Gu, which is the least stressful, and Madara Uchiha and some younger generations also went to this battlefield to experience."

Xuan listened quietly and didn't interrupt. It stands to reason that it would be prudent to discuss this kind of thing because you should find a secret room or something, but Xuan is no longer the rookie of the year, and Fei Lei Shen has many uses after breaking through the second paragraph. In the past few days, he has set up the Flying Thunder God barrier in the courtyard. If it is not for those who come in from the main entrance, he will be noticed by him immediately.

Xuan thought for a while and said, "Then what is the route to deliver the supplies this time?"

Uchiha Shinji hurriedly pointed to a few roads on the map: "Originally, there were three direct roads for the family's logistics, but since he was attacked by Qianshou two years ago, he has been much more careful and expanded the three roads into eight. And when transporting, the roads will be changed each other, very cautious, this time the scheduled road is from Yunjian Xiaolu to Mucha Business Road, and then to Shenchuan Mountain Generation, and slowly enters the wind room and the valley."

Shinji said word by word, and added: "Also, this is only a tentative plan, Uchiha Eagle can be changed at will during transportation, the specific location is difficult to figure out, leaking information is not useful, even if we want to attack them, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Xuan rubbed his temples with a headache. Sure enough, there are no fools in this world, and he is already cunning to such a degree that even if he wants to sell information, it is so difficult.

Chapter 138

"What do you mean, in fact, we can't grasp their route ourselves, right?" Xuan covered his head and said, this way, things are a bit more difficult to handle.

Uchiha Shinji lowered his head and said, "To a certain extent, that's true."


Xuan Rai made a foul language and said angrily: "I knew that an elite Junin would be sent to follow, but there are some things that I can't tell them clearly, so I can't let you follow in person."

Uchiha Shinji was silent on the side.

Xuan took a deep breath and calmed himself down. After all, he is not an impulsive person. He picked up the map and watched it on his own. His eyes gradually narrowed, and he kept paddling along these roads.

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