"Tsukuyomi?" Jin was surprised. He had been told about him having integrated with something, but it hadn't really been explained to him in its entirety during the past three years.

He felt like this was a similar scenario to when Naruto awoke in his own mental realm, the one that looked like sewers. He decided to give it a shot and followed the chakra that was calling out to him.

"That's right, this way." It wasn't very long until he reached what seemed like space. Underneath him was a thin layer of still water, in which he could perfectly see his own reflection. On top of him was a sky full of stars and apparent galaxies.

All of this was merely the product of his imagination.

"Wow, so dreamy." As Jin lost himself admiring the beautiful universe around him, he was brought back by a sweet voice.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Jin turned around and saw a girl that was not much taller than him. He was quite tall for his age, standing at one hundred and forty centimeters in height. The girl seemed to be a bit less than that.

"You've been ignoring me this whole time, you idiot." Her face was pouting as she crossed her arms in front of her flat chest and started to tap her foot on the water, causing little ripples to surface.

Jin was once again entranced, he had never seen such a beautiful being before. Her eyes were huge and of a glistening golden color. Her lips were small and tender while her cheeks were somewhat rosy. Her long silver hair looked like it was made entirely of silk.

"Good God." Jin just stood there and stared. What do you expect a guy with absolutely no experience to do when he literally sees the embodiment of beauty itself before him. Play it cool?

"What? Is something on my face or what?!" The girl put on a worried face as she crouched and looked at herself on the water while pulling back some of her hair.

Jin finally snapped out of his trance-like state and helped her back up. She patted her dress and placed her hands on her hips as she took on a haughty attitude once more.

"Alright, let's get to the point." Her eyes flickered and she looked straight into Jin's eyes, who's heart almost skipped a beat. "My name is Mikoto, but you can call me Mikoto-chan since it sounds cuter. I do not remember much about why I am in your head since most of my memories and chakra have been sealed to prevent you from exploding due to the massive amount. Look at your stomach."

She ran up to Jin and lifted his shirt, revealing a row of perfect abs, that had been trained to the utmost level. He felt a little embarrassed but suppressed the feeling as he saw a spiral-shaped marking on top of his stomach area. It looked exactly like the Eight Trigrams Seal that Naruto had on him, sealing Kurama.

"Mikoto-chan, does this mean that you are some kind of tailed beast?" Jin was curious. He had been told that he would gain abilities after the fusion. Becoming a Jinchuriki would be awesome.

"Well, somewhat. I am more similar to the ten-tails though, when it comes to power." She looked at him with a smug expression, as if saying 'praise me, go on, I'm waiting'. It only made her cuter in his eyes.

"Like the Juubi! Am I literally the sage of six paths now? Do I get the Rinnegan? Please tell me I get the Rinnegan." Jin's nerd-side was completely coming out, as he literally drooled at the thought of having such eye prowess.

"Well, not quite. I am unsure of what abilities you will get, but what I know for now is that you won't be able to use any of them for the time being. They will gradually unlock with time." She looked at him with a serious expression, indicating that he shouldn't get all excited yet before she continued. "For now, all the benefit I really bring is a massive pool of chakra. But be careful, because overuse of it while I am not fully in control could lead to problems."

"Problems? What do you mean, Mikoto-chan?" Although he was curious, he mostly said that because he liked the fact that he could call her with such an intimate name.

Mikoto smiled eerily and looked at Jin, as she got into horror story mode. An imaginary lamp appeared out of thin air, and she placed under her face as she continued on with the scariest voice she could muster.

"My chakra will feed not only on your insecurities but also your strongest feelings such as anger and sadness, amplifying them in the process. You might go mad with rage, or become so depressed that you would just sulk for a week straight. We don't want that, now do we?"

Although she tried to look scary, Jin laughed as he felt like admiring her beauty for a little while longer.

Mad at the clear fact that her attempt at being scary had failed, she pouted and stomped her foot on the ground with anger.

"MEANIE!" Mikoto was mad that she was being treated like a child. Although she was one physically and even somewhat mentally, she still had the pride of being a three-legged crow sent by God to guide the world into the right path.

Jin suddenly remembered what Karasu had talked about with him. Wasn't he supposed to be some kind of messiah? Surely Mikoto knew more about the whole situation.

"Umm, Mikoto-chan. Can you explain what my mission and your purpose are? I want to know what I have to, can and can't do." He was dealing with God here, not really an entity he wanted to piss off.

"Let me think..." Mikoto looked like she was thinking hard until she seemed to have recollected her thoughts. "Well, from what I can remember, God decided to have you chose your own path after bestowing power to you. The only requisite really is for you to defeat the Ootsutsuki clan, which I can't really recall. I only remember their name." Her memory seemed to be jumbled and in pieces. She would need time to seize them back as she grew.

"Ootstsuki!" So it really was them... Jin felt like he understood the bigger picture now, somewhat. From what Karasu had told him, the current representatives had somehow managed to anger god who had sent Mikoto down to him. The representatives, in this case, would probably be them.

It made sense, they thought they were gods and tried to rule over everything in existence. Maybe god disliked such thirst for power and blatant disrespect to their creator.

"Well, that's all I can say, for now. I am tired, so I will go to sleep. Don't disturb me unless it's urgent, okay?" She seemed to be even more serious about this than when she talked about a mission that involved God.

"Hai, Mikoto-sama." Jin decided to bootlick since he lost nothing from doing so. Keeping her happy was probably the best thing he could do right now.

"Well, look who's become smart all of a sudden!" She was satisfied with the honorific and closed her eyes as she disappeared from his mental realm.

Since he was already here, Jin decided to explore a little. He then started walking with no destination in mind.

After some time, he reached what seemed like a massive golden birdcage, bigger than Kurama's, and about as big as the Juubi in the anime. Jin was taken aback by its size and almost fell back on his butt. The fact that he couldn't see it from far was a testimony to the profoundness of the souls and where he currently was.

On the doors of the cage, there was a huge tag similar to the one on Kurama's cage. it said 'SEAL' on it. Taking a closer look inside, Jin saw a massive white crow, sleeping inside. The pressure it exuded scared him so much that he immediately left the realm in a hurry.

"Wow, what pressure. Was something like this what Naruto felt when seeing Kurama every time?" Jin was genuinely curious. The fox did look a little more intimidating after all.

"I better go talk to Karasu about this..." With everything that happened still fresh in his mind, thunderclaps were heard all over the Canyon as Jin sped his way through the wall and trees.


After a couple of minutes, and saying hello to some acquaintances, he finally arrived at the main palace. Karasu was sitting on his throne like usual, drinking some tea. He seemed peaceful.

"Jin-kun, welcome. How does it feel to have your chakra back, good right?" He was genuinely happy for his disciple. He had never accepted one in his long life. This one though, he was proud of. Jin had learned all of the Fuinjutsu theory in a short year and had trained his crow-riding skills while still focusing on his physical prowess. The progress he had made was great.

"Karasu-san. I have come to tell you that your 'Ojou-sama' has awakened. She is currently resting in my soul realm.

"What?! Tell me the details, quick."He put on a serious expression that was covered by his mask, but his tome of voice gave it away.

Jin then went on to explain what happened to him in detail. Karasu was trustworthy.

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