As they entered the abandoned city, it wasn't very long until they started seeing some signs of civilization.

Jin looked around and noticed that the city was full of apartment buildings and different tall infrastructures with multiple floors. He was surprised since this seemed to be like it was built a little bit into the future?

"So weird... Is it really a post-apocalyptic world?" He had read many theories on Naruto and it's universe in the past, the fact that electronics such as TVs and speakers existed although everything else seemed old fashioned was very weird to him from day one.

As they walked around, they saw a bunch of people who gave them dirty looks, As if they weren't welcome here. The Uchiha stood tall and looked down on all of the people around these parts, so they also sent glares back at them. This made the people quickly look away in fear.

Asahi seemed to be familiar with this place, as he took them through a couple of back alleys before finally arriving at what seemed like a market. There were many stalls selling different things ranging from weapons to food pills.

"Here we are, this is Sora-Ku's black market." He started walking inside as the others followed.

Hideki was looking around in excitement, he had never seen a market like this. Fugaku seemed uninterested like usual while Jin looked around pensively.

He had some money now, and he needed to spend it. What did he require right now? He had a pretty good offense and speed, his physique was also good enough since he wanted to focus on the prior along with his genjutsu.

As he looked around, he saw a shop full of scrolls. On top, it said it was a jutsu shop. Jutsu were generally either safeguarded by the village or their original clan, he had never seen a shop selling them.

His interest piqued, he decided to have a closer look as he approached.

"Asahi-san, give me a minute."

After reading through a few scroll titles, he didn't find anything worth his interest so he decided to leave. At that moment, a purple scroll caught his eye.

It seemed to give out some negative yin energy, he was incredibly sensitive to it now. He swiftly piqued it up and read the single kanji character written on it.


He frowned, what did this mean? was it a Fuuinjutsu technique? or was something sealed on the inside?

"Kukukuku... You have good eyes, young Uchiha."

Jin's head snapped back up from the scroll as he heard this eery laugh from the shop counter. He had been so invested into his little search for scrolls that he had completely forgotten about the seller.

His voice was weird, you couldn't really tell if they were a man or a woman. With his face covered by a hood, his features couldn't be seen clearly. Adding to the mysteriousness.

"That scroll you have just picked up is cursed... I found it on one of my travels through the land of the Whirlpools, As I tried to open it, I want able to." The person laughed once more. "Even if you buy it, you might not be able to open it. Are you willing to risk it?"

Having come to this point, Jin's interest wasn't just piqued, it was fully brought out right now.

"How much!" He had a prideful tone to him.

"Kukukuku... Since you are an Uchiha, I will make you a good offer, how about two hundred thousand Ryo?" The person's smile spread as Jin frowned, he carried only one hundred and fifty. Before he could put down the scroll though, Asahi, who had overheard the whole conversation, came up and put his hand on Jin's shoulder.

"I'll pay for whatever you're missing."

"Really Asahi-san? Thank you! I will definitely repay this debt tenfold."

"What debt? We are family, this is the least I can do." A mere fifty thousand Ryo was not going to even put a dent in his pockets, as he smiled.

"Kukukukuku... You seem to have good elders, kid." The person laughed at the scene, accepting the money. Asahi gave them a bad look indicating to know their place before leaving.

"That kid is as promising as ever... Kukukukukuku. Let's see if he can make use of 'THAT' clan's secret scroll... Kuhahahaha!" As the Uchiha left, the person laughed even more maniacally to themselves, making the people walking past send weird looks their way.


After a couple hours of browsing, All of the Uchihas got some items, some got weapons that would otherwise be unfindable in Konoha, while others bought things such as scrolls or food pills.

Hideki had gotten a really nice pendant that had called his attention. The crystal hanging from it shined with an ominous purple light. The seller had said it was on the neck of an Iwagakure shinobi that died on the first war. He was all smiles as he played around with it.

Fugaku had bought some earth style scrolls. He needed to expand his arsenal since the leaf did not really specialize in these techniques. This had been the perfect opportunity.

Asahi bought a little voice recorder that could record one message and be replayed. He wanted to gift it to his daughter in case she felt lonely. Jin and the rest admired his decision, as their obedience increased.

"Okay! now that we're done, let us head to Nekobaa's!"

The Uchiha followed Asahi until they reached a place named the Sky district. As they entered, they all activated their Sharingan while checking for anyone following them.

"Clear." Asahi announced as they continued to walk through a couple more alleys until they reached a stairwell leading down. It was so dark that they couldn't really make out what was down there. Their eyes counteracted that though.

"So shady..." Hideki was little scared as they all walked down.

A few minutes of walking through the corridors later, Fugaku sensed movement and sent a kunai behind him.

With a flash, the kunai was caught in midair, surprising Fugaku. The culprit revealed themselves, with brown and kanji on its forehead, reading 'Shinobi". It seemed quite young.

"Hihihi, you're a lively one, Is that the best you can do? nyaa.." The cat smiled and looked at Fugaku with provocation in its eyes. with provocative eyes.

"You filthy cat!" Fugaku was infuriated, he quickly reached for the cat. As he felt like he had caught it, he looked at his hands, and say a small mouse.

"Hihihi, so slow! nyaa..." Fugaku looked up and saw the cat from earlier walking on the roof nonchalantly as it stretched its paws in boredom.

"Grrr..." Fugaku grounded his teeth in fury, how could a cat walk on the roof?

"Fugaku, relax. This is one of the ninja cats that guard this place along with miss Nekobaa, they're on our side. His name is Denka." Asahi smiled as he took out a small container from his pouch.

The cat's eyes brightened as it jumped from the roof, swiftly retrieving the container. It landed soundlessly on the ground. Hideki was amazed by the agility of the cat, as his eyes turned into stars once more.

"Nyaaa... It seems you have come prepared. Follow me, I'll take you to Nekobaa." The cat ignored Fugaku and Hideki as it started walking in a certain direction.

"Asahi-san, what is in that container?" Jin couldn't remember every single detail, so he asked curiously.

"That's some matatabi, also known as cat powder. It grows high up in the mountains, and cats love it." Asahi answered the question matter of factly.

"Oh." Jin now understood why the cat decided to aid them.

After around ten minutes of following the cat, they arrived in front of a locked door. The cat placed its paw on it and it opened after reading it's chakra signature. Jin was interested in this sort of thing, so he activated his Sharingan and looked at the internal structure of the door.

"It seems like it can also tell from friend or foe through the use of chakra-signature recognition, just like in Naka shrine..." What was weird though, was that he couldn't see or feel anything behind the door or walls, as if there was something obstructing him.

They followed Denka's lead and entered a well-lit room. At the end of it lied an old woman surrounded by cats, she looked just as old as in the anime. Jin was surprised, and thought about asking how old she was then but decided not to ask out of respect.

"Legend has it that cats have nine lives, and Nekobaa is a freak of nature. She is rumored to have been running this shop since Madara was alive and earlier..." One of the Uchiha murmured to Jin, the latter opening his mouth wide. How old was this woman? Was this why Sasuke respected her so much? It had never been specified in the anime...

"Shhh. Miss-Nekobaa has good ears, she'll cut your mouth off." Another Uchiha smiled eerily at the earlier one, as the latter's face went white and he covered his mouth in fear. Not uttering a single word after that. "Damn my big mouth!" He thought inwardly.

"Asahi-chan, what brings you here today? I haven't seen your parents in a while, are they well?" Nekobaa asked in an endearing tone, it seemed she liked Asahi.

"They are very well, miss-Nekobaa. I am here on behalf of the clan leader, Goro-san, to purchase some weapons and medicine." Asahi went on one knee, as the others followed.

"Hmmm, I haven't seen Goro-chan in a while... I hope he is okay now that both of his cute siblings have passed... I remember the three of them coming here when they were younger. They were so cute..." As she looked around, she noticed three kids at the back of the group, they looked like spitting images of the three she had mentioned earlier. Her smile widened and she ordered the cats to bring out the products.

"Are these their offspring?" She asked Asahi while pointing at the three.

"Indeed, they are all of the same age and have already awakened their Sharingan by no." Asahi answered with pride.

Nekobaa was surprised, they seemed to be no more than six years old, and had already awakened their eyes? She couldn't help but think back to young Madara as she sighed. "He would be proud, that power-hungry idiot."

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