Jin went through the familiar secret path located inside the shrine as he made his way to the basement. The room seemed to have preparations in place, as for when he entered, the fire lit up automatically.

"Hmm... Is this some kind of chakra-based mechanism? Like a sensor in my previous world, but with chakra... I wonder if it can tell whether the one entering is Uchiha or not." Jin was curious, but he suppressed his desire to learn as he got closer to the stone tablet.

"Without the Sharingan, it looks like a bunch of jibberish..." The writings visible to the normal eye were not meant to have any meaning other than to confuse the target. He activated his Sharingan as his eyes turned red and spun.

He then proceeded to guide yin energy to them in a way that was way more experienced and refined than the last time he was here. The chakra slowly went through the optical nerves, and at one point reached the eyeballs.

"Come on... Just a little bit more..." Jin had never been this close to succeeding. His concentration was currently at maximum.

The chakra then permeated his eyes, and he felt a burning sensation coming from them as they formed an illusory third comma. It seemed like it would dissipate at any given time.

When his eyes activated, and the third, illusory comma joining the fray, the lines of what was supposed to be jibberish started to make sense now. Almost as if someone that was short-sighted put their glasses on and suddenly understood the words written on what they were looking at.

He then started reading it out loud, omitting the secrets to the Mangekyo that he had already seen previously when his eye was only at the first stage of evolution.

"Seeking stability, one God was divided into yin and yang... These opposing two acting together in order to obtain all things in creation"

"These different, but similar entities partook a long war, with the righteous yin finally coming out on top."

"This vicious cycle continues and will continue for eternity, unless the polar opposites are brought back together, to form one, true God."

He stopped using yin chakra since his eyes started to hurt. It seemed this was only a temporary ability as the ghost-comma disappeared without a trace.

Jin took a deep breath as he analyzed the words he had just read. This 'God' would logically be Kaguya... but in the context of what he had just read, it seemed to be more fitting to put the sage of six paths in that position. Indra and Ashura being both the yin and the yang entities respectively, derived from this so-called 'God'.

"Was this Black-Zetsu's doing?" Jin now understood why Madara would have wanted to obtain Hashirama's cells in the first place without having any prior knowledge of the Rinnegan. He most likely had read this.

"I guess what comes after this is probably be the secret to the Infinite Tsukuyomi..." Jin had some guesses, but he couldn't really be sure of anything since his eyes had not fully matured just yet.

"Now, let's see if I can tamper with it..." Jin got closer to the stone tablet and started infusing his chakra into it, trying to figure out how it's internal structure looked like and worked. As his chakra entered though, he felt something going wrong as his chakra started to get sucked in at an unbelievable rate while he couldn't do anything about it. At one point, his consciousness also drifted into it along with the chakra.

After an unknown amount of time, Jin woke up in a pitch black space. Similar to the one he was in when he died, but this time it wasn't warm or cozy. He looked around, and he saw a huge pair of big yellow circles on top of him, staring. He quickly found out that he was incapable of speech.

The eyes looked at him as if intrigued before releasing him out of the space. Jin woke up almost immediately after that, next to the stone tablet.

"What... What was that?"

He did not know what he had just seen, and it freaked him out more than a little bit. He ran away at top speed, locking the doors and making sure no one followed him before swiftly departing.

Watching him from a nearby tree, was a familiar cloaked figure. You couldn't make out the outline of their face, like last time. Because of the darkness.

The figure watched him leave with interest, before also taking their leave promptly.

"I wonder what he was doing in Naka Shrine? I'll have to report this..."


Jin started making his way to the Hokage's office, he was running late because of what happened.

"What was that?..." Confusion and fear filled his brain. Whenever he was in that space, he felt an immense pressure weighing down oh him, rendering him unable to speak.

"I suppose it's too soon for me to be touching that tablet..." He thought he was, but apparently, he really wasn't. At least he managed to develop a new technique. His Sharingan could now temporarily evolve.

"I can't maintain it for too long, but it's still extremely useful nonetheless. It might prove to be a trump card if used correctly." He was satisfied with the outcome even after what happened.

"Whatever." He decided not to think too much about it as he reached the office. When he entered, he saw that his team was already there, along with Hiruzen and Shimpei.

"You're late." Fugaku was not very friendly today.

"Sorry... Something came up. Did I miss anything?"

"No, we were just talking about the mission and what happened with your cousins. Now we will get to the good stuff." Hiruzen started speaking, cutting everyone else off.

"You guys have successfully completed the mission, and on top of that, you did not leave q single survivor. You have perfectly fulfilled the requirements. Much to my surprise, you encountered an unexpected enemy Jonin-level ninja that was not accounted for on the mission scroll, effectively increasing the rank of the mission to an average A-rank instead of a low A-rank level. The reward will be increased accordingly, so do not worry about that."

"To top it off, this enemy was none other than an unknown Kekkei-Genkai user. Increasing the reward further. The last reward-booster is that you brought her body back in a mostly intact condition, she is currently with the Yamanaka intelligence division."

Hiruzen then signaled for Shimpei to deliver the rewards. Sakumo got a bigger part, but they also received quite the sum, around a hundred and fifty thousand Ryo. The Ryo currency stood at a rate of ten Ryo for a dollar, so this would actually be around fifteen thousand dollars for each of the trio. or one million six hundred thousand yen.

Jin had never seen so much money in any of his past lives, he felt like keeping it all, but then decided not to. He would keep some, but give the rest to the clan. Hideki and Fugaku had the same thing planned.

"Alright, guys! let's go to Ichiraku's and celebrate!" Sakumo was in a good mood after he received his paycheck. Even the most selfless and dedicated people would feel good about getting a lot of money at once.

The then left and ate a lot of ramen, not stopping at just two bowls. Even the dogs got some, Sakumo felt like they deserved a treat after helping him out in the mission.

Jin was observing the dogs while they happily gobbled heir noodles, he felt like one thing he was missing was a summon. In the main series, having a summon was depicted as being an extremely useful ability. "Sakumo sensei, how do I get a summon?"

"Summon? Me too sensei! Tell us!"

"I am also interested."

Hideki and Fugaku were curious about this topic too, as a summon would really boost their power.

Sakumo looked at the three, he was in a good mood, so he happily explained it to them.

"To get a summon, you need to sign a contract with either an animal or its species. In my case, I signed a contract with my blood, and thus I became able to summon these guys. The more chakra you pour into the summoning technique, the bigger the size or amount of the animal/s."

"How do we meet these animals?" Jin was curious, it wasn't really specified how to meet them if it wasn't the sannin's summons. The sacred locations where these clans resided were supposed to be unfindable by normal means.

"You three are Uchiha, right? I recall there being a place where your clan stored weapons. Was it not run by cats?" Sakumo brought up something that even Jin, an avid Uchiha fan had forgotten.

"Right! That's a perfect starting point!" Jin felt excited. If he recalled correctly, Nekobaa had contacts with very powerful figures like the two tails! If he managed to get on her good side, she might introduce him to the cat clan or something. He would manage to net himself a summon.

"We should go speak to father." Fugaku took the lead as the tree of them thanked their sensei for the meal and the guidance before leaving.

"Be safe!" Sakumo wished them luck, staying over to chat with the Ichirakus.

"Those three are very lively aren't they?"

"I am proud of having them as my students. If they ate at the same speed at which the learned, you would have probably run out of stock today!"

"Let's wish for that day to come soon then!" Laughter filled the little stall.

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