Naruto : An Uchiha's Tale

14 Chapter 14: Prospects

Jin and Duy trained together for the whole weekend, he even stayed over to sleep on the first day so that they could resume their training first thing in the morning.

Jin felt his muscles grow stronger, as he submitted them to an almost sadistic level of pressure and punishment. Duy had focused on improving his foundation and stamina so that he wouldn't tire easily during a fight.

Months went by, as the two's friendship was strengthening. Jin's stamina was now incomparable to what it used to be, and he felt that his attacks packed way more punch. Duy had grown used to this monster's speed of improvement, he was already as fast as him while wearing weights.

During those months, Fugaku and Hideki had somehow found out about the whole thing. They were mad that they hadn't been invited, so Jin had to compromise and let them join their training.

Duy was happy to make so many friends, leading him to work even harder and making perfect training regimes for the three. Jin focused mainly on his agility and maneuverability due to his spatial awareness being abnormally good. He could pull some crazy stunts and dodge even the most undodgeable of attacks. His speed and strength were not far from Duy either.

Fugaku focused mainly on his physical strength, as he was the tallest of the four. His earth affinity made him well suited towards a more bulky pathway, so he focused on that. He disliked big muscles, so he pressured Duy to give him a training regime that would make hi strong but not bulky.

After awakening his Sharingan, his battle prowess had increased exponentially, and he was now able to last a while longer against Jin. He liked the feeling of power, but he was woken up after he realized that he still had long ways to go in order to beat him.

Hideki in the meanwhile focused on his speed. He had reached a level where even without the flicker, he was as fast as Duy without the weights. This scared Duy because he wasn't confident about beating him in speed while using flicker, which he was very proficient with.

Finally, Duy himself had increased his fighting ability by a notch. Learning under the three geniuses of the Uchiha clan, his fighting knowledge and mastery over his moves were heightened by quite a lot.

Satisfied with each other's progress, they continued to train every day after classes. Duy became friends with many Uchiha very quickly, as him being friends with the young masters was something they respected. Not only that, but it's easy to become friends with a nice idiot.


Jin was alone in his room, thinking about the future. In a couple of days, he would participate in the academy's graduation exam he and his brothers had applied for. If they succeeded, they would become the youngest ever genins and would have their names etched in history. Duy still had a while to go though.

Jin thought back to his fight at the academy. If anything were to happen on missions, he would need to be able to handle it. Right now, he estimated that he was around the level of decent Chuunin when it came to sheer ability. but he would not be able to last two seconds against a Jonin.

Thinking up to this point, he was pleased. He and his cousins would be able to handle whatever came their way. He and Fugaku would take the front lines, while Hideki focused mainly on flanking and surprising his opponents. Due to his lacking defense, he focused on hit-and-run strategies, Hiding in the shadows.

Feeling great about their future prospects, he went on a relaxed stroll around Konoha after saying goodbye to his mom.

As he watched the bustling city and observed its residents, he was filled with satisfaction. He jumped and used the buildings around him to reach a nice vantage point, where he sat down and looked at the Hokage stone faces. As he did that, he reminisced.

In this life, he had been given a loving family, a place where people respected him, and along with it a purpose in life. He still couldn't believe that he was in the Naruto world... It had been almost six years since then, and at times he even thought that this was all just a dream.

As he lost himself in his own thoughts, he noticed someone acting suspiciously. He couldn't see their appearance from this distance, so he activated his Sharingan. Hoping to get a closer look.

In what seemed to be the outside of a bathhouse, a young man with spiky, white hair and an enormous grin could be seen climbing the walls of the female's bath with a hand-crafted ladder. No one seemed to have noticed him yet as he was in a back alley.


Jin almost felt the urge to cry. Although most of his favorite characters from the series were Uchiha, there was one that wasn't, but still made the list. And he was seeing this character for the first time in his new life.

When Jiraiya died in the original series, Jin had cried himself to sleep, he was a grown man at that. Seeing Jiraiya all healthy and young, he felt gratitude and satisfaction.


Jiraiya was finally going to witness it... paradise. The promised land was within His reach, as he etched closer towards the top of the sole roof separating him from every man's goal.

He felt like all the planning and hard work had finally paid off, as he climbed the last step. When he reached the top, instead of the women he was expecting, he saw a young boy, with long silky black hair and a pair of blue eyes that one couldn't help but stare into.

"Hello! my name is-"


Jiraiya panicked and put his hand on Jin's mouth as he grabbed him and laid down flat on the tiles below them. The girls that were bathing looked up, only to see nothing.

"I could've sworn I heard something..."

"Don't worry, no one is going to peek at your small boobs."

"You wanna fight?"

Jiraiya listened sneakily and issued a sigh of relief, before speaking in a very hushed tone.

"Phew... That could've been bad..."

Jiraiya then looked at the boy in front of him, with resentful eyes.

"Who are you? And can you leave if you are just going to ruin the fun?"

Jin had just recovered from what happened, having forgotten where they were because of the rush he got when seeing Jiraiya. He spoke in a hushed voice as he introduced himself to him.

"My name is Jin Uchiha, year one class A."

"Uchiha Jin? THAT Jin? The one that beat two genins and a Chuunin?"

Jiraiya was flabbergasted, their academy's legend had just appeared out of nowhere, catching him off guard. He was also considered a generational genius, but he had to admit this guy was on another level altogether at this age.

"Well, I had help from my cousins. In fact, I would have lost without them."

Jim was embarrassed, not expecting praise from a legend that he reflected so much.

Jiraiya approved of this guy, he seemed very humble and respectful. Unlike Orochimaru and Tsunade, right up his alley.

"Alright Jin, I like you. And so, I am willing to show you the secret that every man desires to see the most. At least once in their lifetime."

Jin was surprised and looked at Jiraiya with anticipation. He had so much respect for this man that he forgot about his antics as a pervert. Thinking that it really was a big secret, he listened attentively.

Having caught Jin's attention, Jiraiya smirked and pointed towards Jin's back.

"Here it is, the dream of all men walking on this earth. A true paradise!"

Jin turned around and his cheeks instantly became tomatoes. He had never seen anything like this before. Not even a single woman had shown him their body in his past life, and now it was in full display. They say a man doesn't miss what he doesn't know, so he never thought about this as much as others. Now though, it was a completely different story.

His body was still that of a five-year-old, so his reaction was more so mental than physical. Even so, it was a life-changing experience as he suddenly felt the need to have a relationship for some reason.

Jiraiya was standing next to him as his nose started to bleed. His grin extending towards his ears as he laughed in a creepy manner. This was exactly what was described in those magazines, but so much better.

The two of them were so entranced by the scene, that they hadn't realized a beautiful young girl had made her way up the stairs. Her eyes closed with a vein popping out on her forehead, she forced out a smile as she placed both of her hands on their shoulders.


The white-haired kid felt his feet go cold as he snapped out of his trance and looked behind him. There, he saw a young Tsunade who seemed like she was about to murder somebody.

"Quick, Jin. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"

Jiraiya grabbed the hand Tsunade had placed on Jin's shoulder, trying to get him out. Jin was quick to react, as he flickered to the stairs, making his way down. Leaving only his shirt in Tsunade's hand.

"Nice one Jin!"

Jiraiya then started a struggle against Tsunade.

"Oh, no you don't... Orochimaru!"

Jin was speedily making his way down the stairs as he was met by a pale-skinned young man in a kimono. He instantly recognized him as Orochimaru and became wary, as he tried to flicker past him as well.

Orochimaru knew he would get beaten up by Tsunade if he messed up, so he went all out. Multiple snakes appeared from his sleeves and slithered their way towards Jin.

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