Naruto : An Uchiha's Tale

12 Chapter 12: Rewards

In a certain unknown location near Konoha, a group of ninja were setting up camp. They were suddenly interrupted by a message-carrying bird.

They were all curious, as their captain opened the scroll fastened to the bird's leg. His face twisted, and he threw the scroll to the ground, spitting on it as he madly cursed.

"Bunch of fucking useless retards!! Who gave them the permission to enter Konoha?! Now we are going to have to pull back and abort because of those three retards..."

The rest of the ninja had faces filled with disgust and disappointment, as they hurriedly packed away everything, preparing to return to their base.

"You got lucky this time Hanako, but next time we'll take you back and punish you accordingly... Filthy traitor."

The Captain was actually Dodai, one of the Third Raikage's direct subordinates. He was currently in the fire country to carry out a mission handed to him straight from the cloud's upper echelon. Now, with the three good-for-nothing brothers' attempt at heroism, their plan was squashed as they headed back silently.


The Hokage was sitting on his chair. Wearing a deep frown as he smoked his pipe.

Today, one of his patrolling ANBU had sensed a disturbance in the academy and decided to check it out. Only to find that the academy's borders had been covered in seals that made up a massive genjutsu formation.

The good thing was that it was only low-level genjutsu, so the ANBU easily released it, venturing inside. What he found later, was a school full of sleeping children and teachers, along with three tied up ninjas. They were being guarded by Hideki, while his cousins had fainted and were resting on the floor.

"Sigh... I'll have them dish out all the details... This is not good."

The men had already been taken to the Yamanaka clan and were being searched for information on their identity and reasons. He suspected they were from Kumogakure, but he wished they weren't.

Just as Hiruzen's head started to hurt, three boys made their way through the door.

They seemed fine, with minor bruises only including Jin's cut wound. Fugaku was the only one on crutches, as receiving a full-power kick in the stomach by a Chuunin was no joke for a kid his age.

"Do you know what I've called you up for?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama"

The three of them responded in sync and started to explain what happened. Hiruzen listened as they took turns speaking, visibly impressed by what he was hearing.

Jin went into detail with everything but did not mention his final technique, replacing it with just a minor genjutsu used in conjunction with clever trickery to get him off the hostage. The fewer people knew about his abilities, the safer he was.

"So you are telling me that three academy students defeated Genin and Chuunin level ninjas by themselves."

"Believe what you will."

Jin had a nonchalant attitude, while Fugaku just stood there. Seemingly in deep thought. Hideki was smiling while excusing his cousins' behavior towards the Hokage.

"Well whatever, it remains a fact that you three have prevented the deaths of many young leaves that will become Konoha's future. I believe a reward is in order."

Jin and Hideki looked at the Hokage with expectancy, while Fugaku still was in his own world. Seeing this, Jin bumped him with his elbow, bringing him back.

"What kind of reward, Hokage-sama?"

Hideki was very excited, a gift from the Hokage couldn't be anything short of amazing. This filled him with expectation for something grand.

"Well, how about I give you guys some weapons?"


The trio looked somewhat confused. Didn't they already have kunai and shuriken?

"You'll see when we're there."

The Hokage got up, and led them to a warehouse-like room, with countless shinobi Items stored inside. They made a couple twists and turns through the maze-like warehouse, and finally reached their destination. Lying in front of them, were countless ninja weapons, some battle tested and some brand new.

"These are the weapons of warriors who have died in battle, along with my personal collection. I usually keep them here for posterity but we currently have some that I believe would interest you three."

The Hokage emphasized the word 'interest', as he took a small sword from one of the many shelves. Handing it to Hideki.

"Young Hideki, this short-sword was none other than Kagami Uchiha's, Your father. When he died, we kept it here, but I believe you would make great use of it."

As Hiruzen handed over the dagger to Hideki, the young boy's eyes shone like a kid on their birthday. He gently took the dagger and vowed to never lose or use it incorrectly.

"Thank you Hokage-sama!"

Hiruzen smiled and turned around. Reaching for a sickle.

"Fugaku-Kun, this is a sickle that I got on the battlefield."

Hiruzen remained silent as he stared at it for the longest time, before continuing.

"To be honest, I don't think I should be giving you this. but I have to give you something and I can't think of anything else. Use it wisely when you become a genin."

Those last words came from a very deep place in Sarutobi's heart, as he looked into Fugaku's eyes. Madara's weapon was a sickle, and he was giving the young Uchiha one. Even he couldn't really understand his actions.

Fugaku had a rare smile that he hadn't had in a while, as he received the same weapon his ancestor used. He knew about Madara from his father, but instead of hating him he respected such a powerful shinobi and aspired to reach his level one day. This only brought him closer, as he respectfully bowed.

The Sickle was a bit too big right now, but soon enough he would be able to use it.

"Thank you kindly, Hokage-sama!"

Hiruzen was giving out these weapons because he wanted them to have an extra layer of protection. These ninjas that had infiltrated could be the first of many, so keeping the village's geniuses alive would become a top priority.

"As for you Jin, I have another special weapon to give you. I'm sure you'll like it"

Sarutobi then reached for another shelf and brought out two kunai, although they weren't really kunai. They were ninja sais. This pair of ninja sais had a similar grip design as Minato's Hiraishin-kunai, but were pitch black instead of yellow.

"These sais belonged to your father, he used them on the battlefield to kill countless enemies in the first great Shinobi world war. They used to call him Inari the red claw, because every time he used his sais, they were tinged in the red color of blood."

Jin was pleasantly surprised, but having to remember his dad only made him rage as he closed his eyes and calmed himself, he then thanked the Hokage. His father only surprised him more everyday, he seemed to have been a great ninja. This made Jin proud in his heart.

After a little bit of chit-chat and a small speech on the will of fire, Sarutobi finally dismissed the three as they left.

Jin now had a pair of weapons, as he couldn't wait to master them. It would become a big boost in his battle strength if he did so.

In the last battle, he realized that he had to improve his taijutsu, especially his strength. Even though he had speed, it would be useless without being able to damage his opponent through taijutsu.

But before all of this, he needed to rest. He made his way back home, and greeted his mother, who was finally beginning to cheer up , as he made his way straight for the bed.

It had been a very long day.

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