Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 70 - 12. Back to Paris - 1

Chapter 70



12. Back to Paris – 1

Jean-Batist Bernad was a former French, who had confidence and pride in his own tendency, unfortunately came at odds with the top of France. Most of the French army’s heads, but Bernad was different.

‘Even before I led the entire contribution to the completion of the achievement was only thanks to nothing to it.’

Bernad proudly was not above me before the throne after being left alone.

She spared no effort to crush Bernad, who did not give in.

She hurt his pride in front of his marshals gathered, intentionally classified the Bernad loot.

However, such attempts did not dampen Bernadotte’s high self-esteem, but only increased his antipathy toward Napoleon.

‘Marshal Bernad Swedish people’s and our noble council will be waiting for her wise decision.’

Jean-Batiste Bernad was an attractive bloodline on the verge of dying in an era of constant chaos of war and capabilities that had already been verified as the hegemony of Europe.

Bernad was also looking for an opportunity to escape any objection.

Bernad converted from to Julius, vowing to serve the people.

After the Northern Battle, Sweden ostensibly followed British banner. During the state affairs from the Swedish noble council, while learning the king’s work.

A special guest came to her today.

Big eyes like thick flats, white monocle, were the outer features of this guest.

The full name of the man, who appeared with a green strap tied to his medals, was Mikil Koutouzauv. Koutouzauv was a former armies of the Empire in the past.

“May the Kingdom blessings! First of all, I would like to express Your Highness.”

“No, I know the circumstances… I’m really glad.”

“Hehehe I only got more and more.”

The veteran return after his defeat and desire for a new life.

The anger of the salamander’s flame, Karl John clicked her tongue inwardly.

‘If this man had been Napoleon in that way… Perhaps with his strategy, Napoleon’s reign.’

But why was then? There was always this kind of fortune for it. Karl Johan quietly received her letter. As she read the eyebrows, which had been going down gradually, narrowed.

“As far as I know, the terms of the thirty years…”

“A pact is always just a consent of powerful figures.”


“His Majesty is willing to take this order.”

If they could really win over a problem. Britain, the injustice of broken teeth toward France.

Even if it was an unfair and indecent victory, the history had done so far. Could they trust the international course this was only if they were successful in France.

If Russia were to switching the positions… The aftermath would be beyond imagination.


Karl Johan’s apple, imaging this event in real time. The Russian pact of three treaty.

‘But Alexander I and Russia now, our country will die heroically.’

She was deeply troubled, but he had only one choice.

Karl Johan shook Johan was not listening to Alexander I who had sent the letter, head now.

The first man of her husband, Bonaparte.

And he still had not forgotten him. Napoleon’s name, which came out of her, tore her heart apart. He could not blame one person.

“Oh, God! I brought tears to the eyes of countless people. I will be patient, work hard and devote myself to you, while waiting for this time.’

For her lifelong lover Prince.

Once again, Karl Johan decided to raise her sword.


A trumpet was heard from the French side announcing the retreat, just when the sun had fully risen. The blue waves that had been sweeping the Allied forces stopped and began to step back. The coalition soldiers, officers and generals cheered and raised their hands when they saw it.

The French cavalrymen, who rushed were overwhelmed even before they could fight.

“Shoot! Shoot!”


Screams erupted from a blunt shock. Most of them came from the cavalrymen led by their chests and backs, protecting their flanks. On the other hand, the light cavalry were no match. When unilateral results confirmed the military formation of their retreat without hesitation. They were light cavalry.

“It’s a small achievement! Our treatment of prisoners is more bad.”

Bessières smiled at their fighting spirit. Seeing that smile, the small battle, but the French succeeded in keeping down the British.

The French army was on the rise.

Long-grown sideburns, protruding cheekbones, extremely curly hair, and numerous military medals of the Republic and the Empire Napoleon, whose marshals were his respect to the Emperor by bending.

Nabot of this world could not have met for a long time.

The importance of the two places was the British Navy’s current grand strategy was to block and monitor all the coasts occupied by France and its satellite countries.

This strategy of preventing even a single ship flying a tricolor flag from leaving the land was possible because of Britain’s naval power, but it had to do (such as blockade). And therefore, the more inevitable the gap in power occurred.

The city of Murcia was also a key point that had been repeatedly taken by both sides during the Peninsula War. It was indeed Grenoble, with Spain’s Provisional Government, was just around the corner.

Holding them would completely sever the link between the Spanish Provisional Government, Metz, and their Allies in Burgos, able to continue the battle. If they lost the war on the Iberian Peninsula was practically over.

“The Corps of Mortier and Jourdan launched an attack on the Portuguese border… Masséna’s Corps is preparing to recapture Arthur Wellesley and his allies on fire.”

Napoleon recalled Arthur Wellesley, who was commanding his corps over the Arlanzón River. In fact, Napoleon did not manpower.

Napoleon was able to affirm the opposite.

“I heard you encountered Corps on your way here. And yet?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! The first plan of Your Majesty’s brilliant loss. The officers judged that forcing an engagement could have resulted in tarnishing Felices.”

Masséna’s defense was flawless and fleeing.

What she wanted to point out was something else.

“You don’t have to convince me, I am aware of this.”

“Please speak as before, Your Majesty! Although we have been each other, my loyalty to change.”

“…All right. I’ll do that.”

It seemed that Nabot did not go against her.

“What I am curious about is everything ready by troops weren’t finished with maintenance.”

“After the crushing defeat but the troops needed time to Madrid.”

“Well… If that’s true, then you’d better return home.”

The marshals and officers raised their words. On the other hand Napoleon’s eyes.

“The Battle of October… It’s hard to understand the master of maintenance.”

“The reason why I became known for disruptions to the operations before going on the field after consulting with the commanders and answer this.”

A silence covered the barracks.

The officers had to swallow the surroundings.

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