Mystic Holy See

Chapter 85: 1 more

"Let's go in directly?" Aldridge asked.

"Yeah." Andrea nodded.

Aldridge stopped in front of the door and asked hesitantly, "Is it convenient?"

There must be some personal belongings in the girl's room.

Andrea replied: "It's okay, I told her before that she cleaned up the room when she was normal."

Aldridge took a breath and decisively pulled the door open when the screams faded a little.


The screams became intense immediately, and Aldrich fixed his eyes on the girl standing beside the bed in an instant.

Her flaxen hair was messed up against her bloodless face, and Aldridge couldn't see her appearance, only the bloodshot eyes peeking out from the middle of her hair.

Seriously, Aldridge has only seen scenes like this in ghost movies.

At this time, she was in a mess, but fortunately she didn't lose it. She was holding a torn pillow in her hand, and it seemed that she was using it to pour out her anger just now.

"Kill you! Kill you!"

She screamed and screamed, jumping over the bed to Aldridge with both hands and feet.

Aldridge didn't back away, but went up to meet her directly, holding her mouth where she wanted to bite with one palm, grabbing her shoulders with the other, and pressing her directly onto the bed.

She struggled hard, much stronger than Aldridge imagined! He quickly added more strength to control her, but he was afraid of hurting her, and he didn't want to take advantage of others unintentionally, so he was rather restrained.

The girl frantically pulled out her hands and feet, attacking Aldrich with all four limbs, and her mouth broke free and bit Aldridge's fingers.

Aldridge didn't feel any pain at all. Every time he hit his hands and feet, he could only feel the touch, but not the pain.

The girl seemed to find that no matter how much she bit it, she couldn't break it, so she grabbed Aldridge's hand with both hands and bit frantically.

Bite, bite, if you can bite me, I will lose...

Aldrich shook his head helplessly, looked at Andrea who was standing at the door motionless, and gave her a fake glare.

Andrea smiled casually, she knew that Aldridge was worried that the other party was too crazy and would hurt her.

Although she is powerful, she doesn't have the protection ability of Aldrich.

"How long will she go on like this?" Aldridge asked Andrea.

Andrea closed the door of the room, took off her coat and put it aside, revealing the sweater inside, and sat down on the chair by the wall, frowning: "It's not fixed every time, but now it's crazy compared to the beginning. It's getting longer and longer."

Aldrich looked away unnaturally. In the past, Andrea couldn't be seen in a hunting suit, but today she was wearing a close-fitting sweater, only to find that Andrea's body is actually very hot... with beautiful curves and a slender waist. And powerful.

He quickly turned his mind to the business and silently said, "What is this 'mystery'?"


Guangquan in her mind did not give an answer, indicating that her symptoms were not caused by some kind of 'mystery'.

"What did you say?" Andrea asked, she kept paying attention to this side and saw that he moved his lips but there was no sound.

"It's nothing," Aldridge said foolingly, "it's not because of the 'mystery' that she looks like now."

"Will it be done by Beyonders?"

Aldrich said while thinking: "If it's not a mental illness, it's most likely to be in contact with an unclean Beyonder object, or something made by an Beyonder."

Andrea was silent for a while and asked, "What should we do?"

"It's better to hand her over to the church." Aldridge sighed and said, "If we can't find the source, it will be difficult for us to do anything."


Andrea was about to answer when suddenly several girls screamed together from outside the dormitory.

Aldrich and Andrea looked at each other and said to her, "Go and see what's going on."

Andrea nodded, put on her coat and walked out of the dormitory.

The screams were still coming and going outside, accompanied by hurried footsteps, but the sound subsided after a while.

After more than ten seconds, Andrea came back with an ugly face and said, "Something happened, a girl died in the dormitory at the end of the corridor."

"what happened?"

"It was made by a boy," Andrea looked hesitantly at her roommate who was still biting, and said, "That person looks very similar to Yuma."

Aldrich's heart skipped a beat and asked, "How is that man now?"

"I locked him in the dormitory and asked my classmates to find the dormitory administrator."

Aldridge thought for a while, then said, "I'll go take a look!"

He got rid of Emma's entanglement, quickly walked out of the room with Andrea, and closed the door firmly before Yuma chased after him.

"You stay here, don't let her come out." Aldrich ordered, he was not sure whether Yuma would open the door in this state.


Aldrich walked out of the dormitory. In front of the dormitory door at the end of the corridor, there was a naked body lying against the wall...

It was a female corpse, the neck was blurred with blood and flesh, and there were many scratches and bite marks around the body, it looked like it was attacked by a wild beast.

In the hallway of the dormitory, there were only a few daring girls standing in the distance watching, pointing at the female corpse.

"This is no longer a small If only one person has an accident, it may be a small problem, but now there is another one with the same performance as Yuma, which shows that the source behind it is still spreading.


Just as Aldridge was about to let the daring girls go back to the dormitory first, the dormitory door at the end of the corridor was knocked open by a shirtless man, who stumbled out and fell on the woman's corpse.

"Ah! Ah!"

With the screams of these women filling his ears again, Aldridge shouted, "Go back to your dormitory!"

The screams of those female voices attracted the attention of the crazy man. He got up from the ground uncoordinated with his hands and feet, and rushed towards the girl closest to him.

The girl's legs trembled with fright, and she fell to the ground without noticing, screaming.


Aldrich ran long ago, and before the man caught the girl, a flying leg kicked the man back

"Go back to your dormitory! Don't come out!" Aldridge yelled at the girl.

"Oh oh……"

She rolled and crawled up from the ground, opened the door of the dormitory next to her, and quickly got in.

Aldridge didn't care about her anymore, he wouldn't be too restrained in dealing with men, not to mention this guy's mouth was full of blood, and he was no longer an innocent.

He punched the man directly on the nose, and then punched it accurately on the chin. Under Sureya, he hadn't learned much of his skills, but the accuracy of his punches had improved a lot.

A normal person was beaten in these two positions and would have been dizzy for a long time, but this man was struggling to get up again as if he didn't feel it.

"The brain can't feel pain anymore?"

Aldridge frowned, this is no longer like a living person!

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