Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 294: login

In the terrified eyes of everyone, hundreds of cannonballs with fireworks smashed into the basically defenseless coastline, killing and injuring them instantly!

There is no problem with the layout of the front line, and there is actually a sufficient safety distance from the shore, but the presence of heavy fog obstructs the line of sight, and the commander of the imperial army is not prepared for a sudden attack - who would have thought that there would be artillery attacks on the southern coastline of the empire ?

While the commander frantically ordered the front line to retreat and the artillery to counterattack, he was worried in his heart that the southern part of the empire was the boundless sea, and only the Devil Sea Realm was unknown.

Could it be that there is also human civilization on that side, and now they have discovered the existence of this continent?

The troops led by him are responsible for guarding the beach area that is as long as one thousand meters. I don't know what is going on in the port area. Is it also attacked?

Commander knows that this is not the time to think about this, so he forced himself to calm down.

The distribution of the opponent's warships is not dense from the light of the artillery fire, and they are mainly concentrated on the left side of the beach area.

The second round of shelling sounded again, and even the fog was blown away. Fortunately, the order was timely, and the distance of retreat made the loss visible to the naked eye. Well, probably because of never going through the war, most of the soldiers are in a bit of a hurry.

The commanders who are already in the rear are not very experienced in combat, but the basic principle is that they understand-the artillery attack of this level, the opponent is definitely not just playing with artillery!

This is no nonsense.

This is the beach area. There is a very important problem when the opponent chooses to attack here. That is, the warships equipped with artillery cannot enter the shallow sea area. With the current direct fire of artillery just over 500 meters, the maximum range of the attack distance is 1500 meters. If you want to hit the city, it is Arabian Nights.

Shooting cannons on beaches and non-urban areas?

No, the other party already knew that there were troops stationed on the coastline before firing, and choosing to attack at this position means that the other party wanted to land and fight!

This is no ordinary provocation, this is a siege! is aggression!

The weather was already hot, all kinds of conjectures were rolling in his mind, and the commander's uniform was soaked in cold sweat.

By the way, the military uniform of the Wagner Empire is based on dark green, and the overall shape is simple and atmospheric, capable and easy to move.

The commander forced himself to calm down and asked loudly, "What is the maximum distance the warship can go off the coast?"

"Considering the number of warships on the other side, it is expected to be around 200 meters!"

"200 meters..." The commander chewed the distance and calculated silently in his heart: "The first round of shelling was obviously not a direct shot, and the front was still 200 meters away from the shoreline when it was attacked... The arc of the second round of shelling was flatter. , the elevation angle will inevitably decrease, but it has not reached the level of direct shooting, and the landing point is 300 meters away from the shoreline!"

"No... the other party's artillery can attack farther than our artillery!"

This also means that when the opponent approaches the shallow sea area, the range that can be hit is even wider!

The commander did not hesitate to give the order: "The front is further retreated, 400, no, 500 meters offshore!"

500 meters is the distance that their own artillery can reach. If you want to block the opponent's landing operations, artillery is essential.

damn it!

This is the role of fog, because it is impossible to judge the position of the opponent's warships. Blind shelling not only wastes ammunition, but also exposes one's own artillery to the opponent's attack range, and giving up the distance is equivalent to handing over the first line of defense. , at least during the time when the opposing warships approached, they were not hindered.

The front retreated again.

The opponent's artillery attacks are no longer as dense as before. It may be that the opponent does not want to let them judge the distance, or it may be that the position of the front line is unclear.

The first is more likely!

At this time, a man wearing a dark blue priest's robe was led by an officer to the commander's side and whispered to him, "The other party is already at sea and is taking a boat to prepare for landing."

Commander's eyes suddenly lit up!

As a high-ranking officer, how could he not know about the extraordinary world that had a great influence on the war?

There was even a rank 3 Extraordinary beside him—don't think too low, this is the southern part of the empire where war is almost impossible.

But the 'spirit' of a rank 3 Extraordinary cannot detect too far, and this information cannot be obtained.

However, the Church of Storms has high-level Beyonders!

Clearing the distance under the white fog is very important information. The commander decisively ordered: "The first and second battalions of the artillery unit stop retreating and shoot straight at a flat angle!"

It is impossible to leave them all. The power of the artillery on the sea is naturally inferior to that of the land, and the purpose is to slow down the opponent's landing speed.

The two battalions had a total of 30 artillery pieces, but compared to the 1,000-meter coastline, this number was a drop in the bucket, so we could only concentrate on the left side first.

Although the artillery has rollers to help it, the retreat speed is too slow on the weak sand. At this time, it is about 400 meters away from the shore, and the distance is just right!

Clear the gun tunnel, reload!


One order, fire, and the shells strike with a huge roar!

There was a sound in the distance, but no screams.

"Missed?" The commander jumped in his heart and looked at the priest of the Church of the Storm beside him.

The priest frowned, and the feedback from the 'Spirit' was still the same as before.

Suddenly, on the right side of the beach area, the area that had not been bombarded at all, suddenly came the sound of very dense gunfire!

No shouting, no slogans, just pure, cold gunshots!

Commander's body is cold-

Yes! The other party didn't land on the left side at all, but on the right side, and they even went ashore under the cover of heavy fog!

Because of the Beyonders who trusted their own side, they didn't even think of it.

His bloodshot eyes roared and ordered: "Enemy attack, the troops on the right, all fire!"

Then he glared at the priest and saw the same panic on his face.

He believes that his perception is not wrong, so the only explanation is that he was influenced by the opposite side, received completely wrong feedback, and there are Beyonders of higher order intervening in this war!

The troops on the right had organized their lines under the orders of the officers of various ministries and opened fire, but the first wave of attacks was too sudden, and the front row soldiers suffered heavy losses.

"Take the wounded down, and the one behind comes up!"

"The medics aren't in place yet!"

"The speed of changing ammunition is accelerated! The fourth battalion of the artillery fires at a straight angle, fast!"

The roars of officers, the roars of orders rang out everywhere, and the weak combat experience once again enveloped the Wagner Imperial Army!

Changing ammo is too slow! The artillery fire is too slow!

The sound of gunfire is getting louder and The footsteps are getting heavier and louder, and the opposite side is rushing towards you fast, frantically and desperately!

The landing operation was all about taking the first opportunity and time, and the Wagner Empire army gave too many opportunities.

Getting closer.

Getting closer!

Then, after the fog was slightly dispersed by the gunpowder, a group of tall soldiers in black military uniforms came into view.

Everyone was almost stunned for a moment.

An officer muttered to himself in disbelief: "How is it possible..."

"How could it be the army of the Fibo Empire!"

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