Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 286: struggling status

Aldridge could barely remember what the woman looked like at the time, but he vaguely remembered that the carriage had a family crest in the shape of a dolphin.

He asked, "Remember, what happened?"

Carula's face was full of dissatisfaction, and she said resentfully: "This afternoon, an old man came to the orphanage and said that it was the housekeeper of the McBerlin family, the businessman family who adopted Norton."

"and then?"

"He told me to give up adopting Norton!"

Aldrich frowned and said, "Let's not say the reason first. Under the circumstance that the contract has been signed, imperial law does not allow the adopter to give up the adoption without reason."

Although the welfare of the Wagnerian Empire has not kept up, some laws are still good. Aldridge has specifically learned about the laws in this regard when he was considering adopting Eve.

"That's it," Karula said, becoming angrier immediately, "they used the reason that the Sea Voice Orphanage was maliciously attacked, saying that we have enemies, which could potentially affect their safety! Tell me if you don't agree. Their request is like an arbitration application submitted by the Spursey Arbitration Office!"

The Arbitration House is equivalent to a court in a previous life.

Aldridge was speechless for a moment... As long as this reason is handled properly and does not make basic mistakes, it is entirely possible to win the arbitration trial!

The most important thing is that Karula does not dare to let the other party do this. Once the arbitration loses, not only will the orphanage not be able to keep it, but once the reputation of the orphanage has been publicized, who would dare to take over? Who dares to adopt those children?

Aldridge immediately asked: "What is the reason, and is there any room for turning back?"

"It's hard," Carula grabbed her hair, rubbed it into a mess, and complained, "As soon as the housekeeper left this afternoon, I went to inquire. At that time, the wife of the McBerlin family hadn't given birth to a child, so I asked. I was thinking of adopting one, but who knew that Mr. McBerlin was a sparrow who had a mistress outside!"

Hua Que is the local dialect of Spurzi, which is synonymous with a series of nouns such as "Chen Shimei" and "Flower Heart Big Radish".

Herbert said solemnly: "Pregnant?"

Carula said: "That's right! That disgusting flower sparrow wants to break the marriage contract with Mrs. McBelllin and lead the mistress in the door! Then he thought about kicking Norton out first, this dog's bite!"

Aldrich frowned and said, "It's a little troublesome. That mistress is pregnant, which means that the flower sparrow... Cough, there is no problem with McBerlin. The problem of not being able to have a child is on Mrs. McBerlin."

The reason for the high probability is that there is a small probability that it is the mistress's green warning.

If it is an ordinary family, it is okay to say, but in the case of a wealthy family who needs an heir, the responsibility for failing to have children lies with the woman. It is not difficult to terminate the marriage contract, and arbitration is also beneficial to the man.

It's useless to adopt an heir as an excuse. The Voice of the Sea Orphanage just gave them a reason - Helena Heimard is really harmful!

This kind of dog blood incident can really be seen in any world... The products with human characteristics don't deceive me.

Carula is so angry now because the current situation is a bit unsolvable. She said with grievance: "The other party wants to cancel the adoption contract for this reason. What can I do if I don't agree?"

Unless it can be proven that the child that was conceived was not McBlind's, but with the current medical level...sorry, no drama!

Is it better to be born or adopted?

McBerlin made what he thought was the right choice, even at the risk of rescinding the marriage contract with his original partner.

Aldridge sighed and said, "The normal channel is a bit difficult."

Carula and Herbert immediately looked at him, especially Carula, her eyes immediately changed from sparkling to golden, and said in their mouths: "Doing abnormal means? Extraordinary? Not so good..."

It's not very good to say in your mouth, what's the matter with your expression?

Aldrich's head was covered with black lines, and he said speechlessly: "I personally don't recommend using abnormal means."

Carula hurriedly said, "Why?"

"You can say that this is the fault of the flower sparrow," Aldridge said seriously. "We can also be selfish and use some unrighteous means for Norton, but have you thought about the consequences?"

"If you're afraid that the empire's officials will find trouble, you just need to hide..." Karula said immediately.

Aldridge waved his hand to interrupt her, saying, "I didn't say them, I said Norton, and the unborn child!"

"Even if Norton is not abandoned, have you thought about his future in that family? What will happen to Norton with that mistress, that unborn child?"

Aldridge's words were pertinent, but not pleasant, at least Carula and Herbert fell silent after hearing it.

Carula leaned on the sofa a little lost, and murmured, "Norton..."

Aldridge was also a little silent. The child named Norton was already 12 years old. This time, he was abandoned for adoption. If he could not find a new adoptive family for a while, he could only leave the orphanage and go out to seek a living.


But this is the norm in this era. Most people can't take care of it themselves. It is lucky that three or five people in a city can adopt orphans a year.

He had some ideas, but he didn't think about bringing them up.

Herbert said at this time: "The recent papers are saying that the war is coming."

Aldridge understands why he suddenly mentioned this - once the war starts, the empire's economy will be further frustrated, and I am afraid that there will be fewer families willing to adopt orphans!

What's more, every war creates more orphans.

Karula is not stupid, and immediately yelled: "This **** war, the **** Wagner Empire!"

The voices of the three finally attracted Mrs. Murphy and little Eve too. Seeing the atmosphere, Eve took Aldridge's big hand a little uneasy and put it next to him.

Aldridge was silent for a while and said, "Maybe it's out of time, but I have to say that the situation in the orphanage is very bad now."

He looked around the three of them and said solemnly: "The previous fire injured some children, what impact will it have? You should understand, Helena doesn't know that you are still alive, what if she comes back one day? ?"

"The current reputation of the Sea Voice Orphanage can be known by McBlind, and it will be known by others. Norton's incident is only a microcosm, and we must see the status quo reflected in it."

Herbert was silent for a few seconds and asked earnestly, "Aldrich, do you have any advice?"

Aldrich looked into his eyes and said, "It depends on your expectations. If you don't take full responsibility for their future and let them live in a normal way, you can only rely on their luck, or leave the orphanage and work **** your own. I want them to have another possibility..."

Herbert was naturally not stupid, and immediately said, "Extraordinary?"

"That's right."

Aldridge finally said what he had to say.

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