Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 204: ask for news

Karula pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "There will always be a way. Herbert and I are both Beyonders."

"I'm afraid this matter will become more complicated when Herbert returns." Aldridge said helplessly. Herbert may know the reason for the other party's actions, but he will never forgive Helena.

There will even be a stronger murderous intention than Karula.

Aldridge stopped delaying and said directly, "I can contribute a sum of money."

Carula was about to refuse immediately, but was stopped by Aldridge raising his hand: "Now is not the time for you to say polite words, count me lending it to you, your priority is to rebuild the orphanage, and it may not last long. "

In this era, how can an orphanage be truly prosperous?

Most of them live a tight life, relying entirely on kindness and government relief funds, and suddenly there are a lot of children, and the other party is not easy to live.

Karula is not so hypocritical, she said directly: "Okay! Herbert is working for you, and I can help you in the future! Until the money is paid off."

"You and Herbert both work for me, then who will take care of the orphanage?" Aldridge gave her a direct glance, saying unrealistic things.

"And Mrs. Murphy..." Carula's momentum suddenly disappeared, and her voice dropped an octave.

"Don't think so much, it's enough for Herbert to help me alone." Aldridge waved his hand.

But it's troublesome to say, this time Herbert came back and found out that this kind of thing happened, maybe he would refuse the 'business trip' job.

Karula was also worried, and said, "I'm afraid, what if that woman does it again? We are lucky that you came here this time. What if you didn't notice?"

This is quite right.

No one can guarantee that Helena will only do it this time. If she finds out that everyone is alive, it is not guaranteed that Helena will come a second time.

If you want to solve the problem completely, you still have to find Helena.

Speaking of which, Helena was taken away by La Masia at that time, and La Masia is now a believer of the Lord of the Sea, working for the Church of Storms.

Will Helena also start working for the Church of Storms?

Aldridge is worried about this situation, because once the church is in the shadow, even if it has nothing to do with the Church of the Storm, they will consider wiping Helena's **** for their own reputation!

The reason why he would tell the police, "I can't see the face of the arsonist" is because of this reason. Anyway, the police's search for the Beyonder is doomed to be fruitless.

I just hope that the Church of Storms will be more vigilant about the screening of outsiders.

In addition, the major churches must have paid attention to this case, which obviously involves Extraordinary. There must be a reason to investigate on the Extraordinary task list. In the past two days, there should be Extraordinary people belonging to the church.

Karula and Herbert have no special beliefs, but the orphanage is a social welfare institution, and every major church will intervene.

Aldridge pondered for a few seconds and said, "I will try to find her trace."

"Can it be done?" Carula said politely and hopeful.

"I can only say try." Aldridge is not a big talker.

He didn't have anything with Helena's breath on his hand, otherwise he could use 'Loyal Moto' to try to find it.

Aldridge asked Eve to stay to take care of him, and before leaving, he emphasized: "If a church comes to ask questions, you can tell the truth except for the Church of the Storm."

"Why can't the Church of Storms?"

"It's a long story, I'm just in case."


Aldrich found a sea camel car and set off to the port along Valentine's Street by the sea.

To inquire about information, the coast bar is naturally the first choice, although most of the people who drink in the bar in the morning are sailors who are incompetent...

Aldridge pushed open the door of the bar, looked at the familiar scene in front of him, and felt a little emotional for a while - he had just been promoted to rank 2 when he first came here.

The bar was filled with deafening snoring, and the long bar was not full, only three strong bartenders.

Aldrich leaned over to the bar where two sailors were lying, took out two silver nars and handed them over, and said, "Come and make a stout beer."

"More." A brawny man said, "A draught of dark beer only costs 5 copper nars."

"The rest, right as a reward for a question?" Aldridge naturally knew the price.

"Sorry," the strong man fiercely stared at Aldrich, who was dressed inappropriately here, and put his hands on the bar and said word by word, "The Coast Bar does not do intelligence business!"

"It's not intelligence," Aldridge looked directly into the other's eyes and smiled, "I just wanted to find out if Mr. Big Arm and 'Silent Singer' have been here recently."

"You know them?" The strong man looked Aldridge up and down and hummed.

"Not very familiar."

The strong man poured a draught of dark beer, placed it in front of Aldridge with a 'bang', spilled some hops, and said, "The 'Big Arm' is dead, as his sailors said, the 'Silent Singer' never Will patronize our pub."

Saying that, two silver nars were unceremoniously taken into his arms.

Aldridge knew from his actions that he would not answer other questions, took a swig of the stout, and left the bar with a toast.

"The news of Ledger's death has spread, so his sailors may have occupied Ledger's boat, or some of them may have broken up." Aldridge made a brief analysis and decided to put this matter aside for now.

He was about to find a place to sit down, but his eyes lit up. He walked quickly to a man lying on his back on a chair, and confirmed the scar on his face.

"Jack!" cried Aldridge.

"Who... don't disturb Lao Tzu's sleep!" The man shook his body, muttered unhappily, and opened his eyes with difficulty.

He blinked a few and said, "I seem to have an impression of you, um, when have you seen it?"

Aldridge smiled and said, "Herbert, ghost ship."

"Ah, yes! You were the little brother who came to find Herbert that time!" Jack patted his face and finally had an impression.

He was a friend of Herbert's and had a relationship with Aldridge.

Jack rubbed his face and said, "Why, are you still looking for Herbert? He hasn't gone to sea recently, and he spends every day with Carula at home... Hahaha."

"No," Aldridge held out the stout beer in his hand, "Come sober first?"

Jack unceremoniously brought it over and suffocated, burped loudly, and said, "It's still tasty enough."

Aldridge asked, "Do you know the 'Silent Singer'?"

"La Masia Ronan...a great adventurer, who doesn't know about him here? But he is a Beyonder, so not everyone knows about him, hey!" Jack said with a smirk.

"Do you know his whereabouts?"

Jack didn't ask why, and said directly: "His Ronan is parked at the port! It hasn't been moving for more than a month, you can go and have a look? It seems to be parked in the west, where there are many church ships. , few adventurers stop there."

Aldridge confirmed that the other party did not go to sea, which is good news.

But the other party's boat is where the church often docks, which is bad news.

: . :

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