Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 194: false eye


The other party was aggressive, and the bearded man didn't come to the truth right away, so he was passive everywhere!

Countless chains were like dense black snakes, tying Mr. Tank like a zongzi. He tried his best to activate the ability of 'power gathering', but he was still unable to break through the blockade.

Aldridge was about to kill when the bearded man shouted, "Wait a minute!"

This time, Aldridge didn't continue. Instead, he looked at it with great interest, and frantically transformed black gold particles behind his back, intending to find another opportunity to attack.

The Ring of God cannot answer questions beyond its own order, so Aldridge does not have his order in the information he receives.

The other party's order is above him, but it can only be rank 4.

Rank 5 Beyonders are already at the level of nuclear weapons. It is impossible for the Fibo Empire to send them, and the Wagner Empire will not allow them. The Beyonder barriers maintained by the five major churches will guarantee this.

The most important thing is that Beyonders of rank 5 will not be sent to do kidnapping.

Rank 4 Beyonder Aldrich can barely fight. Although he can't kill the opponent, it is difficult for him to kill himself, and he has a field advantage.

The bearded man has more concerns, the other party has many tricks and tricks, and he subconsciously recognizes the other party as a rank 4 Extraordinary. If it takes too long and the church is aware of the movement here, he will not be able to run. Lose!

He couldn't even figure out how the other party found it!

Aldrich chose to do it in places that ordinary people can see, based on this consideration.

The bearded man took a deep breath and said sternly, "Give this old man to you, give him back to me."

Aldridge tilted his head to look at Ferro, and the old man ran 100 meters away when the bearded man couldn't open his hands.

He chuckled and said, "You don't have the chips in your hands."

The bearded man's face was shaking, but he forgot that the old man was not **** and had long legs.

Several chains broke out from the ground, tied the old man's body, and carried him back to his side from a hundred meters away in his dissatisfied scolding.

Aldrich looked at him briefly, and when he saw his bald eyebrows, he almost couldn't help laughing.

He controlled the chain and threw the tank to the sea next to him, and the black and gold particles rushed to the bearded man like a sandstorm at the same time.

The bearded man scolded secretly, the twisting force field protected him, and then pulled the tank back to the shore. When he went to see the black fog man again, the other party had already disappeared carrying the old man.

"Damn it," the bearded man whispered, but there was nothing he could do.

The shirtless man's body retracted back to its original shape. There were many purple marks on his sturdy body. The scars from the impact and the marks from when he was tightly bound made him look embarrassed.

"Sir, I'm sorry." He bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"Never mind!" The bearded man spit out some saliva, "I can't deal with that shit, it's already a big deal for you to survive."

His tone was not good, but there was always an awkward 'concern' in it.

The bearded man couldn't help but glanced at the penetrating wound on his right chest, and his tone softened a little: "Let's go quickly."

"That Ferro?"

"It doesn't matter, let's run away first!"


"Shit, I should have killed him if I knew it earlier. I'm still thinking of kidnapping him back to help make money. It's really stupid."


"It's Nima's yes!"


"Where is this?" Ferro asked in a bad tone.

He couldn't improve his tone. He was bound by chains and floated all the way in the sky, his ribs hurt.

Now they are standing on the side of the street, because it is only about six in the morning, and there are not many pedestrians coming and going.

"Two blocks from here is the Double Moon Church." Aldridge looked at him and said calmly.

"I'm not going to Double Moon Church!" Ferro looked unhappy, how could he bow his head to Double Moon Church with his temperament?

Aldridge suddenly felt that the old man was a bit interesting. It was impossible for him to not know his current situation. These impolite words were probably a test of his attitude.

Well, it's also possible that it's because of the resentment that Sunderland made.

Aldridge is not the entrusted person of Smile Service, so he said indifferently: "You have no choice, Mr. Ferro."

"You send me back to Brando, and I can pay!" The old man said without wavering, staring at the black mist.

"Speaking of remuneration," Aldridge twisted his neck, "what are you going to use to pay for this commission?"

"After you send me back, I'll give it to you." Ferro felt a little guilty.

"That's it?" Aldridge chuckled instead, looking moody: "Then say goodbye to the beautiful world."

A thousand books were instantly formed in front of Ferro's eyes, and he was about to pierce his head!

"Wait a minute!" Ferro wasn't too nervous. He knew that this trial would have no good results, but he also knew that the other party would not kill him.

Otherwise, wouldn't the other party work in vain?

Ferro sneered in his heart, it is the uncle who owes money in this world!

Aldridge always felt that the other party was thinking of something rude.

He was silent for a second, and the black mist surged, directly wrapping Ferro, and after dispersing again, all the old man's clothes turned into black gold particles.

"It's a bit hot." Aldridge sighed and stepped directly on the old man's knee with his right foot, kicking him to the ground.

"You! You!" Even Ferro, who had countless swear words in his mouth, was blushed by the sudden nakedness, and he didn't expect the other party to act like this!

Aldrich stretched out a finger wrapped in black mist and said, "I'll give you 1 to get the reward."

Ferro tried his best to cover his shyness and shouted, "You have seen it too, where is the reward for me?"

Aldridge didn't believe his nonsense. If he didn't have a place to hide things, then why couldn't he see the fragments of Musa's dominoes. The black mist didn't touch the touch of transforming hard dominoes just now.


Aldridge looked from top to bottom and said silently, "What is this?"

Until seeing the eyes of the other party, the Ring of God gave the answer: "Crowley's jewel eyes."

After looking at it carefully for two more seconds, Aldrich's fingers pierced his right eye with lightning, and when he retracted it again, he had already pulled out his eyeball, leaving Ferro rolling on the ground and screaming in pain.

"Crowley's jewel eye."

Aldridge chuckled. Although he was a little disgusted with the mucus on it, he didn't care much, as long as the harvest satisfied him.

Sure enough, an extraordinary item for storage.

An Extraordinary gemstone master who is not short of money to become famous, it is not uncommon to have this thing on his body, but he did not expect it to be an eyeball, and it is very realistic, almost no different from the other eye.

At least Aldridge didn't see it.

Ferro was really shocked now that the other party even knew Crowley's jewel eyes!

This is an extraordinary item that he spent a lot of money to have the Double Moon Church make for him. intent

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