Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 165: adventurers

"This rain is really endless!" A middle-aged man with a full beard sitting not far from Dylan cursed.

"There's more, just go in in the rain if you can't bear it!" The man sitting across from him was relatively thin, but the skin on his chest was also very lean.

The bearded man took a sip of dark beer, not paying any attention to the beer bubbles on his beard, and shouted, "I dare not! The bones of the two who went in last time have turned into scum."

"The two of them... don't talk about it, respect them!" The capable man shouted with a toast.

Most of the people in the tavern raised their glasses and shouted, "Respect them!"

Adventurers are a profession that entrusts their lives to the gods, and no one can say when their lives will end. They respect them today, and maybe someone will respect them tomorrow.

There is real freedom and sadness in the wine.

Dylan also held up his beer and silently said "respect them", even if he didn't know who he was honoring.

The lean man cleaned up a pint of beer in one breath, turned to Dylan and shouted, "Have I never seen you before? Are you an adventurer too?"

The way Dylan raised his glass made him feel a little better.

"Yes!" Dylan also shouted loudly, pretending to be free and easy.

"Ha!" The bearded man laughed loudly: "It doesn't look like much, so I'm still a rookie!"

In their eyes, the white and clean Dylan is a typical template of a rookie.

Dylan blushed: "I'm not a rookie, I'm very good!"

In fact, he is not embarrassed at all, he is not an adventurer anyway.

"Oh, great rookie!" Bearded shouted, "Come on, respect our rookie!"

Everyone shouted: "Respect the rookie!"

The capable man held the empty glass: "I don't have any wine, fill it up for me first."

Dylan suddenly found this life interesting.

He did not find the beards vulgar and unreasonable, but rather admired their attitude towards life.

"Deeply trapped in the quagmire of life, but my heart is bright." Drinking dark beer, Dylan couldn't help thinking of Mr. Mentor's evaluation of the "adventurer".

He laughed and officially started 'work'.

At this time, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and a giant bald man with a height of nearly two meters came in through the door with his head lowered.

He was wearing a short-sleeved undershirt that was soaked wet against his body, his arms were almost as large as Dylan's thighs, and his muscles looked solid like a stone.

"Ashe, your door is too small." He touched the bald head that almost hit the door frame, and said to the woman sitting behind the bar playing with her fingernails.

"That's because you're too big!" The woman pouted and rolled her eyes, not ladylike.

Beard laughed and shouted from a distance: "Mundo, how does Ashe know you're too big?"

The capable man followed suit: "Of course I saw it!"


The people in the tavern suddenly roared, and even patted the table rhythmically.

Dylan was dumbfounded, what the **** are they talking about?

Dylan, who is only 17 years old and has a strict tutor, is too pure.

"Shut up for me!" Ash's face flushed with anger, and he pointed at the bartender and shouted, "Asin, give me 5 copper nars for all dark beer tomorrow!"

"Yes, boss." Asin replied with a smile.

Mundo patted the wet rain on his forehead and wondered, "Aishie, when did you see it?"

Ashe yelled: "Get out of the way, Asin, give him 10 copper nars!"

Axin grinned and replied, "Yes, boss."

The strong man burst into laughter, he was naturally joking.

He seemed to be on good terms with everyone, and every now and then someone handed him a glass of wine as he walked down the aisle.

He is also welcome, every cup is a bold mouthful of stuffiness.

"Mondo, come here!" The bearded man stood on the bench and waved.

Mundo walked over with four draughts of dark beer in both hands, making the lean man look like a child.

The capable man looked at Mundo's figure enviously, threw a peanut in his mouth, and asked casually, "How is the harvest?"

Mundo said harshly: "It's all worthless."

Bearded said: "These days, valuables are hidden inside, how can you find valuables on the outside?"

"I think so too," Mundo felt a little depressed, "but I get lost as soon as I go inside!"

The capable man smiled sullenly with alcohol - what's the matter, people who beg for food in the forest can get lost, who will believe it?

"It really doesn't work, you'll get Ashe!" The bearded man glanced at the hot tavern owner and said in a low voice.

"I don't eat soft rice!" Mundo slapped Beard with his big fan-like hand.

At this time, a thief voice in the crowd said:

"Hey, have you heard that Miss Winnie is getting engaged!"

The tavern was abruptly quiet, and then the 'boom' exploded, and everyone screamed:

"with who?"

"Which turtle grandson is so lucky to marry Miss Winnie!"

"It's not true, is it? Miss Winnie is only nineteen."

"It's too late to get engaged at 19, you idiot."

It was quiet for a while, and the sleazy voice said again: "I heard that he is the third son of Marquis Arendine of Spurzy."

"Tyvalon Arendine?"

"I heard that guy is a piece of He only knows how to eat, drink and have fun every day, he doesn't look like a noble at all."

"How can this kind of guy match Miss Winnie!"

This time it was completely blown up, and the whole tavern was full of anger.

Ashe behind the bar made a "cut" and took a sip of the dark beer on the side. She naturally knew about this, and she was unhappy!

She glanced at the position close to the corner and said nothing.

The bearded man said, "That **** can actually marry a girl as good as Miss Winnie, damn, **** noble!"

The capable man ate peanuts and said disdainfully, "It's the Marquis's house after all, how could Baron Ryrant refuse?"

The giant man Mundo did not speak, and fell abnormally silent.

Thick fingers rubbed the peanuts, unconsciously in a daze.

Dylan took a sip. He had been watching the strong man, and the sudden anomaly caught his attention.

The relationship between Sunderland and Tai Vallon is still ongoing, so Dylan naturally knew about the famous noble lady 'Winnie', and also knew about the engagement.

Judging from Mundo's reaction, he seems to have some thoughts on Miss Winnie...

Of course, this is not surprising.

Since the last time he was in Helen Town, Dylan knew how much Miss Winnie was loved in this town.

"Hey! What are you thinking?" Beard bumped into Mundo's arm.

"It's nothing." Mundo came out of his mind and lowered his head to drink.

The capable man lowered his voice and said, "Don't think about it, I know that you were taken care of by Miss Winnie when you came to Helen Town, but she is a noble..."

Mundo muttered: "What's wrong with the nobles? It's not all two eyes and one mouth."

The capable man rolled his eyes: "Even if you become a woman, it's useless to look like Miss Winnie."

He knocked on the table and said coldly, "It has nothing to do with the breed, it's just class."

Mundo took another sip of wine.

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