Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 112: detail


Aldrich chopped the rushing fisherman in half and came to Herbert, who spat out a head.

He said directly: "The claws of these guys are like knives. When they climb up, they may damage the hull. Arrange two people to take a look."

"The captain has gone." Herbert spit out a little more saliva mixed with minced meat.

"That's good."

Aldridge put down the snack, and although Helena was average, no one on this ship was more nervous about the ship than she was.

She should have a secret relationship with Yaksha, but Yaksha of rank 0 can only provide the extraordinary ability of 'shallow sea cruise'. The fighting ability is completely derived from the bonus of physical fitness, and this ability itself is not lethal.

For Aldridge, this ability makes Helena more like a scout in the sea.

However, will Helena, who is the captain, become a scout?

Hmm... just think about it.

There was chaos on the Zhanlang, but with the two Beyonders Aldrich and Herbert present, the situation was not bad, but the personnel were unavoidably damaged.

After all the fishermen died and escaped, and after they were completely stabilized, they joined the unfortunate man who had died in the stern before, and the Zhanlang lost a total of 3 sailors, 1 serious injury, and 7 minor injuries.

This is not a big blow to the 14 sailors' Zhanlang, but there are also advantages. At least a few rookies who survived seem to have grown up all at once.

As Aldridge said before, "It's good to see blood."

The fisherman's knives did little damage to the Zhanlang, and the only place that was penetrated was quickly repaired. The sudden attack in the middle of the night was a surprise on the whole.

The sailors began to clean up the mess, and Aldridge and Herbert walked into Helena's captain's cabin.

The female captain's face was still not very good-looking, but at least she was polite on the surface.

Herbert said solemnly: "We have returned to the correct route. We exchanged information with the Roman and Ledger just now. Not only us, but they were also attacked."

Helena snorted coldly and said, "We saw it on Ledger's side, but we're not sure if the Roman was really attacked."

Inside and outside the words, it is all dissatisfaction and distrust of La Masia.

Aldridge regards himself as an entrusted bodyguard, never interjecting in matters that have nothing to do with safety, but just listens.

Herbert said hesitantly: "We suffered losses before we entered the ruins, and the sailors are already a little dissatisfied, are we..."

"Did you turn around and go back? Like a coward?" Helena interrupted him loudly and gritted her teeth: "This is an adventure, not a child's play! How can there be undead when you go out to sea? Which ship dares to say that it has never died a few times? personal?"

Herbert was silent, that was not what he wanted to express, but Helena was obviously in a wrong mood, and he didn't want to argue.

Helena took a few breaths, covered her brows, and said in a calm voice, "Condense the dead sailors, and each of the remaining sailors should compensate for 1 Kinnar."

Herbert nodded sullenly: "Okay."

Aldridge sat aside, half-squinted looking at Helena's clothes - not yellow, but strange.

Her clothes are dry.

Aldridge was 100% sure that she hadn't changed clothes, which was of course very strange. It was raining outside, not too big but not too small. Helena had just been on the deck and had been there for a long time. What happened to her clothes? Will it be done?

Looking at her hair again, it was a little damp, which was normal.

Aldridge suddenly had an idea that completely changed his impression of Helena on him—

Did she really have a secret bond with Yaksha Yaksha?

This is by no means unreasonable doubt.

Restoring wet clothes to dry in such a short period of time is not a natural means, but an extraordinary means of course.

If the secret contract is the sea patrol Yaksha, it is impossible to do it.

As for what extraordinary item was used...

Who would use Extraordinary items like this, or in other words, where did such boring Extraordinary items come from?

Hey, if the previous trip to the sea was just a cover to catch Yaksha, and if she bet her life just to give herself a hidden hole card, then she is by no means a simple woman.

Aldridge didn't change his face, but he had already raised the possibility of his previous thoughts.

Humans are the funniest...anyone can be a liar.

After coming out of the captain's room, Aldrich rejected Herbert's boring invitation to eat dry food together and returned to the cabin alone.

But as soon as he walked down, he met Hook who was standing there.

The guy's face was tanned, now a little whitish in the light, and he seemed to be waiting for Aldridge.

"Mr. Aldridge..." Hook swallowed and shouted carefully, "I, I killed those two monsters."


Hook thought he didn't believe it, so he panicked and hurriedly said, "What I said is true. I stabbed them to death with the knife I picked up, many times! I confirmed that they died..."

He swayed, nervous and wronged, lest Aldridge really throw him into the sea.

Aldridge looked at the bandage on his right forearm and could understand that this beanie should not be telling a lie.

But he didn't care, it was just to coax him.

The corner of Aldridge's mouth twitched, patted Hook's shoulder, and said with a chuckle: "Well done, a timid guy at sea can't survive, you... It's okay."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for the guy who was slapped stiff by him to react, and wiped his body away. It was a hassle to have a cleanliness addiction, and now he just wanted to change clothes quickly.

Hook looked at his back with fear, unwillingness, and a bit of longing in his eyes.


Spurzy, Dylan and Tina's residence.

Tina is reading, um, a storybook.

Although she is not very old, her parents are historians after all. With the help of her brother Dylan, some simple books can already be independent.

She read the story with a milky voice, and she read it with sound and color.

It was night, and she was sitting beside a big bed, taking care of her big brother on the bed.

Brother Black Mamba.

Even though Tina already knew his name was Sunderland, she liked to call him Black Mamba.

She once asked him what the black mamba was.

Sunderland replied, "That's a lovely animal."

So Tina thought the name was cute.

Dylan was also beside him at the time, hesitating to speak...

Tina supported her red apple-like cheek with her hand and pouted, "Brother Black Mamba, when did you wake up, you've been sleeping for a few days..."

Terrified of her that day, brother Dylan returned to the residence with a collapsed Sunderland, Tina almost thought he was dead.

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