Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 107: Charm Siren

The 'mysterious' world is very strange, with all kinds of strange and inexplicable species.

For example, the famous "husband and wife team" of the Fear Yan Kraken and the Charming Kraken.

They are very different in appearance, and their extraordinary abilities are also very different, but the interesting thing is that the fearful face sea monster must be male, and the charming sound sea monster must be female. If they insist that they are the same species, there may be many people. I don't believe it, but to say that they are not the same species, and there is no reproductive isolation between them.

Babies can be born, but they are male and female.

Aldridge had read the records of this pair of 'mysteries'. As a human being, although Miche's 'mystery' preferred the ability, the Charming Siren was really not popular with male Beyonders.

Because it makes people 'feminine'-

If it is a man who has a secret bond with it, as the order improves, the male characteristics will gradually disappear, and the female characteristics will gradually appear.

And if a woman has a secret bond with it, it will bring a charm bonus.

This is a kind of passive ability-like change that cannot be reversed and is very special.

Who can ordinary men accept this kind of change?

Recalling this information, Aldridge directly threw the fight to the side, and looked at the old man who was walking slowly with great novelty.

Tinted glasses can not be said, but admiration is certain.

Aldridge muttered, "His order?"


Unexpectedly, he did not answer, he must also be a Beyonder of rank 3 or higher.

Such an order... It is estimated that the Charming Sea-Monster has played a sufficient 'function'.

Mr. Ramasia's masculine characteristics are estimated to hang.

From the outside, however, he also showed no feminine features, and his chest remained flat.

It should have been hidden, and it may also be hidden from A...

Aldridge felt awkward, Ledger or La Masia, there was no normal person.

Ledger stared directly at him with fierce eyes, and said without any face: "Roman, have you seen enough drama?"

Aldridge thought to himself, that's hardly a human word.

These two people can see it by themselves when they are acting, isn't it that one sings a black face and the other sings a white face.

From the time they got on the boat until now, there's always been 5 or 6 minutes of fighting, but this old guy has only come out now, and it's a bit too much to say that he doesn't know.

La Masia's eyes turned to Ledger, Ledger shook his face, snorted and stopped talking.

He looked at Helena again and said, "Helena, old man, I apologize to you for him."

This voice is really ugly, the kind of voice that is blocked and polished by gravel is very anti-human.

Aldrich squinted his eyes, feeling that the sound was not natural, but rather the result of damaging his throat the day after tomorrow.

Thinking of the Charming Siren, Aldridge was half sure, presumably to destroy the increasingly slender and feminine voice.

What can Helena say?

She sneered in her heart, but on the surface she just said blankly, "Let's get down to business."

From the beginning, her expression was not very good, and she looked at Aldridge with a lot of resentment. Her plan, which had wanted to be low-key, was completely disrupted.

Aldridge doesn't care what Helena thinks. Although he looks like a rude man, his heart is still calm.

Can you go back just now?

Never go back.

On the one hand, if you give in here, future cooperation will be suppressed. On the other hand, the other party will not let down your vigilance against you because of the concession, and maybe they will be seen even more deadly.

The most dangerous, most will not call.

Of course, the most important reason is definitely not these, Aldridge will not think too much about Helena.

He wanted to try Ledger's abilities.

After all, the information given by the Ring of God is on paper, and I want to analyze the strength of a Beyonder from what is on paper... Aldridge is not that stupid.

For example, the defense and strength bonuses on Ledger did not reach the level of extraordinary abilities, but they must not be underestimated.

In the short confrontation just now, Aldridge at least recognized the reality. With his current strength, it was almost meaningless to confront Ledger head-on.

La Masia said: "From here, it takes a day to go to 'Erwin', so let's not delay."

Helena frowned and said coldly, "Aren't we going to agree in advance?"

Ledger smiled and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Distribution!" Helena said affirmatively, "We should agree in advance on how to distribute the gains from entering the ruins."

The corner of Aldrich's mouth twitched - this is really dead!

Helena's words basically told them clearly, she didn't know what this relic was for.

Aldridge can only imagine how 'happy' La Masia and Ledger should be.

Sure enough, Aldridge, who was not paying attention, saw that the corners of La Masia's mouth slightly raised, but he calmed down in an instant.

"Hahaha!" Ledger laughed outright against La Masia.

"What's so funny?" Helena gritted her teeth.

Ledger stopped laughing and smiled evilly: "Thinking about how to distribute things before getting things done, what a baby."


La Masia said softly with a broken voice: "What do you think the plan you have made now is meaningful?"

The meaning of this sentence is on the bright side, I don't even know what's in the ruins, and it's useless to say it now.

Wealth is heartwarming.

But deep down, Aldridge felt that the sentence was full of malice.

Helena looked at La Masia, then at Ledger, and suddenly said, "Let's go."

After speaking, she turned her head and left.

Aldridge and Herbert looked at each other and left.

Ledger's laughter came from behind, Aldridge couldn't see Helena's face, but it must be ugly.

No matter how smart a person is, without the accumulation of experience, paying tuition is inevitable.

It's just that sometimes the tuition is too expensive, and once it's handed over, it's gone.

After returning to the boat, Aldridge thought Helena would say something, but she just said:

"Mr. I'm sorry to trouble you today."

"It's my duty." Aldridge understood that her mentality had not collapsed.

It's just that Aldridge can't tell how much time is left before it's broken.

"Herbert, come with me." Helena said with her back turned and walked into the captain's room.

Herbert naturally obeyed and followed.

"Could it be that I thought it was too simple?"

Aldridge suddenly had this feeling.

Judging from the few times of contact, Helena's ability was average on the surface, but there were also moments of flash. The gestures of Ledger and La Masia just now undoubtedly slapped their faces, but Helena's performance was both normal and suspicious.

Aldridge is a little suspicious. Helena's performance is too normal according to the information and guesses he accepts, it a bit strange that it is too normal?

With her mind, what she said to Ledger just now was too 'simple'?

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