Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 95: pleasure

Golden Rose Hotel, luxury suite on the third floor.

This is a richly decorated, even flamboyant suite, and its most striking design is a 25-meter wide bed.

'Cade', no, it should be said that Mr. Fernand is very comfortable now, he loves the woman on this bed...



The gasping in his mouth, the moaning in his ears, the touch from all over his body...even the sweat on his skin, every bit made Mr. Fernand feel comfortable.

His movement is very rhythmic, neither fast nor slow, which not only makes both parties feel happy, but also prolongs the happy time - this is the skill brought by experience.

Fernand is very satisfied with his life now.

He is a flexible and smart guy. When he bought the 'Leon Ghost' with his parents' inheritance a few years ago and made a successful contract, he knew that he would usher in a 'brilliant' life!

If asked who Fernand admires most, he will answer without hesitation

"Of course it's Phantom Thief Xintu!"

It was the phantom thief who was active before the establishment of the Wagner Empire. In that chaotic and dangerous era, the phantom thief Xintu made himself a famous legend in history!

There are too many specific deeds, but the most famous one is the successful stealing of treasures from the tight guards of the four churches!

Church of the Mother Earth, Church of Two Moons, Church of Storms, Temple of Glory.

It's a pity that he "died" in the hands of the Temple of Knowledge.

For a profession like a thief, even if it has the title of strange thief, one failure is the end.

During the public execution of Alan in the city that never sleeps, the phantom thief Xintu smiled like a child. He did not say a word and was hanged with a smile.

Fernand worships him, worships his fearless spirit, worships his free and unrestrained life, worships his incomparable wisdom...

But there was something he didn't understand.

The reason why the phantom thief Xintu is still famous is that he did not steal property for personal gain, and of course not to save the poor, but to build a 'Xintu Treasure'!

It is said that Xintu put all the property he stole there, and there is wealth beyond the reach of the country.

This is news that makes adventurers of an era boil, but Fernand doesn't understand this. He feels that stealing things is not for flowers, but for hiding things. It is a very stupid thing.

So, after he became 'Phantom Thief Cade', all the things he stole turned into money for him to enjoy.

And this kind of fun, it may be difficult for ordinary people to understand——

Fernand gasped for pleasure, looking at the middle of the woman's chest, a beautiful and noble artwork was swaying and sliding on the delicate skin of the beautiful girl with the rhythm of the movement of the two, and the corners of her mouth were full of smiles. .


The latest work by the famous master Ferro Gignier in the Empire, 'The Chant of the Wind Spirit', is right in front of my eyes - the greatest theft since his debut!

The group of deacons and priests of the Double Moon Church, in front of me, Kaid, the thief, are as stupid as the stupid monkeys in the Great Forest of Gorrant!

This work of art, which should have been placed in an exquisite glass window and placed on expensive and rich silk, should have enjoyed the attention of the nobles and celebrities of the empire, is now under a wonderful background, in my Swaying in front of your eyes!

This kind of joy, this kind of joy that has nowhere to tell, is even greater than the girl under him brings him.

As for this woman, she is the daughter of a small local businessman. She has no knowledge. She just hangs something around her neck, and she is obedient like a warbler caught by Huo Duyou orchids. I guess she just thinks it is exquisite. Do not know at all.

But she's hot and **** on the bed, that's enough... I feel honored, woman, you have brought treasures that the imperial family has never brought.

"Ah, ah, dear..."

The woman's cry echoed in his ears, and Fernand felt that the critical point was approaching, and immediately accelerated the pace, preparing to meet the climax of his life.


Lying on his back on the bed, Fernand looked at the ceiling with a relaxed body and mind, playing with the delicate body with his left arm around him unconsciously.

The woman came over, her hair tickled Fernand, and said gruffly, "Honey, I'm dying... You are so good..."

"I know I'm great, dear." Fernand pinched her cheek, calm as water.

Now is the time of the sage... He no longer has the joy he had just now, but more impatience with itching and dissatisfaction with the sticky sweat on his body.

How boring!

Fernand said to himself, it's time to change to a woman.

A woman can't play for more than three days, this is his choice and his way of self-protection.

"Go to sleep girl, I believe you are tired." He began to pat the woman's shoulder gently like a lover.


The woman was really tired, and soon fell asleep in a daze.

Fernand smiled playfully, stood up on the ground, and stretched a lot.

He paused for a moment, then covered his waist with grinning teeth and muttered, "I've done too much these two days, my waist."

Fernand twisted a few times, driving the weakness away from his waist, and slowly put on his clothes.

When finished, he went back to the bed, pulled the artwork from the woman's neck, and whistled.

"It's a pleasure to get along with you, goodbye baby~"

He leaned down and kissed the mumbling woman, smiled freely, and turned to leave.

Fernand, Mr. Kaid, the thief, is on his way to find a new adventure.


Fernand ticked down the dark street, scratching his head lazily.

There are no pedestrians here, and it is estimated that it is past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night according to the sky.

It was still morning when we entered the hotel, but it was already evening when we left the hotel.

I've been doing it for a full day... No wonder my waist hurts so much... I want to find a place to eat, but it doesn't seem to work.

Fernand rubbed his gurgling stomach, seriously reflecting on his behavior for the first It's so disrespectful!

As for the issue of staying overnight, he never thought about it. Phantom Thieves are originally animals that sleep during the day and move at night.

He stole some jewelry yesterday, and tonight he's going to steal some money directly.

But after taking a few steps forward, he slowly stopped his steps, and his heart skipped a beat.

Not far in front of him, in the middle of the brick-paved street, stood a figure shrouded in black robes.

The gas lights burning on the street were steady and bright, pulling the black robe out of shadows in all directions.

It was dark all over, with gold edging only on the cuffs and the edge of the hood... It looked both eerie and noble.

"Who are you?"

Fernand's heartbeat began to accelerate, he was not a Beyonder who was good at fighting.


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