Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 229: 1st Tarot Club

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Backlund, in the dead of night, at No. 59 Egram Street, there were inexplicably two figures in the corridor on the third floor. They were Miss Diviner and Miss Maid.

The reason is very simple. Katrin, who has been promoted to "Magician", has greatly increased her inspiration. In a sleeping state, she found that someone broke into the house, so she woke Sophia and came together to "catch the thief".

Miss Diviner and Miss Maid looked at each other, pushed open the door of the master bedroom suddenly, and found the person who "broke into" the room. Her figure seemed a little dark in the dark, and when she turned around, a faint figure appeared. The face that Zhang was all too familiar with turned out to be Louise!

Both were surprised.

"Miss, how are you..." Sophia asked in surprise, but for some reason, she didn't say everything.

Louise's face was as usual, her clothes were slightly wrinkled, she said in a flat tone:

"Due to some unexpected reasons, I did not choose to return the next day, but came back early."

"It's Miss." Sophia said softly, and then Miss Diviner, who was standing in front of her, relaxed and said:

"Then it's fine, but why didn't you knock on the door and instead just broke in?"

Louise smiled slightly, knowing that she was a little rash, and admitted her mistake:

"It's because I didn't think about it thoroughly. I won't be able to do it next time. You should go back and rest."

As the "audience", the maid noticed that Louise's state was a little strange, so she couldn't help but worry and wanted to say something, but she was quickly pulled away by Catherine, leaving Louise alone in the room. .

She rushed back to Backlund from Pritz Harbour overnight. In fact, she did not return to her residence immediately, but rushed to No. 66 Dalton Street, North District, because that was Will Auceptin's home.

Unfortunately, the building was already empty, and only one servant was left.

In the bedroom, Louise was sitting in front of the desk, staring at the three tarot cards placed in front of her, and finally put them away. Since Will Auceptin didn't want to meet, all her attempts were just nothing. is futile.

Then, she took out the high-level charm presented by Senator Richord, which radiated a faint white light in the darkness, like the fluctuation of fate.


The next day, the weather in Backlund was as bad as ever, but this did not hinder some people's expectations.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a crimson halo struck as scheduled, and above the gray fog, a few figures appeared out of thin air in the eternal giant hall.

Audrey did not greet Mr. Fool immediately, but turned her head to the right of her seat and found a figure that had never appeared before.

Fors? stop? Or Louise? Judging by her height, it should be Louise...

"This is Miss Power, a new member of the Tarot Club."

Sitting at the head of the long bronze table, Klein, who was shrouded in gray fog, briefly introduced.

The "Power" card represents divine power and feminine charm, and symbolizes infinite energy. It should be Louise without a doubt... Audrey quickly analyzed in her heart.

Alger also noticed the female figure on the opposite seat right away, and, under his careful attention, he also noticed the slight changes in Miss Justice's movements, and he could almost draw a conclusion:

"The new members are recommended by Miss Justice."

"The problem is that Miss Justice has boldly recommended three Beyonders, but who is the new female member of the Tarot Club?"

"In the later communication process, you can try one or two, but you can't be too extreme, otherwise Mister Fool will be disgusted..."

In contrast, Derrick's mind seemed much simpler. He was very happy to see the 'Tarot Society' continue to grow. At this time, he was impatiently waiting for Mr. Fool to finish reading the so-called "Russell Diary". , enter the stage of free communication.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~ Good afternoon, Mr. Hanged Man~ Good afternoon, Mr. Sun!"

Audrey half stood up, lifted her skirt, and greeted happily, and finally turned to Louise on her left, and said:

"Good afternoon, Miss Power."

Realizing that Audrey was specifically introducing herself to the members of the "Tarot Club", Louise paused deliberately, then got up to say hello to everyone.

After that, Mr. Hanged Man respectfully said:

"Mr. Fool, there are still six pages of Roselle's Diary this week."

Watching Alger successfully present the six-page diary, although Louise felt a little ashamed, she still pretended to be shocked and said:

"Roselle... Diary?"

Audrey, who remained in the "audience" state, couldn't help but smile. This was the first time she was so surprised when she saw Louise, and explained softly:

"The note left by Emperor Roselle, who has not been deciphered so far, is actually his diary. This is a fact confirmed by Mr. Fool."

After explaining Louise's confusion, Audrey turned to the head of the long bronze table again and said:

"Mr. Fool, I also have a two-page diary."

"Very good." Klein nodded slightly in satisfaction, then turned his gaze to the diary embodied in his hand.


Louise had regained her composure. She looked up and down Miss Justice in a rude manner, looked at the latter, and then quickly looked away, staring down at the long bronze table in front of her, as if there were some secrets on it. generally.

"What's in Roselle's diary this week?"

She thought for a while, and the corresponding memory emerged in her mind:

"Roussell mentioned Zarath, his wife's pregnancy, and finally a small description of Nast, the King of the Five Seas."

It doesn't matter on the whole, it just widens Klein's vision... As for the diaries that Louise made up, most of them are meaningless diaries of hunting, a small amount of Zarathul and the "audience", but I don't know Audrey. Which two pages are presented today?


Klein said that the two-page diary that Miss Justice submitted today was useless, except to let him sigh about Roselle's absurd life. In contrast, he, a transmigrator, had simply failed to live...

He restrained his emotions, let the diary disappear from his hands, and looked at Justice and others and said:

"You can trade or communicate freely now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Argel, who was more active than usual, took the lead and said humbly:

"Mr. Fool, I have inquired about a piece of information related to the 'Secret Order'."

"Let's talk." Klein ignored "The Hanged Man"'s gesture of trying to communicate alone, and didn't mean to shy away from the other members.

This is not only to maintain the status of "God", the key is He also counts on Louise to add more relevant information!

Alger inadvertently glanced at the newly added Miss Power, and said unhurriedly:

"The 'Secret Order' has a certain connection with the Republic of Intis."

Gone? That's it... The leader of the "Secret Order" is Zarath, who has a close relationship with Roselle, and even helped the latter launch the famous coup... Although Roselle has fallen, "The Secret Order" "There is a high probability that the Republic of Intis, which has been in business for many years, will not be withdrawn...

Klein first confirmed the information provided by The Hanged Man, and then turned his attention to the other three members, focusing on Miss Power.


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