Mystery: the Outer God is Myself

Chapter 251: Abrahams are coming soon

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After getting the information she wanted from Bernadette Gustave, Lin Ruo had a few more chats with Bernadette. As an elder, she cared about her current life, so she chose to end this exchange.

However, both sides have left contact information. Bernadette Gustav even said that she will stay in Backlund for a while in the future. Except for the matters related to the Loen royal family, if Lin Ruo has any other places If you need her help, you can contact her anytime.

For this, Lin Ruo naturally expressed her gratitude and said goodbye to Bernadette Gustave.

Walking out of the cafe, Lin Ruo glanced at the sky outside, it was almost dusk.

Apparently, they had been chatting all afternoon.

It's not surprising, after all, they talked about a lot of things, whether it was all kinds of information about Roselle or things about Lin Ruo, they couldn't finish it in a few words.

"I knew it would be so late, so I would eat first." Lin Ruo touched his stomach. He drank tea all afternoon, and he didn't eat any dry goods.

Lin Ruo then looked at Medici next to him and asked casually, "Want to go to dinner together?"

"No, what's the point of eating with your baby, not even drinking." Medici glanced at him, yin and yang chose to refuse.

"And you really think I'm as idle as you are."

"I'm not busy, I've been busy lately." Lin Ruo rolled his eyes and didn't care what Medici said, just thought of something and said, "By the way, Medici, you're still with Ling Ling recently. Are those guys in the sect working together?"

"Is something wrong?" Medici took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it while saying this.

"You should also know about the artificial death plan of the Spiritual Religion." Lin Ruo said calmly. When facing Medici, he was never used to covering up his purpose. "I need relevant information."

"And for which friend of yours?" Medici took a breath of the cigarette in his hand, and then the white smoke made his facial features look a little hazy.

"Yes." Lin Ruo nodded, paused, and said seriously, "If you have any information you want to know, you can also tell me, and I will also help you."

"Tsk!" Medici tutted, suddenly snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, threw the cigarette **** on the ground, casually crushed it with his foot, and said, "I will keep an eye on it, how much I can get is not guaranteed."

"As for the information I want to know..." Medici paused for a second, probably thinking, and then said:

"Help me pay attention to the actions of the Witch Sect and Augustus during this time."

"Okay." Lin Ruo nodded. He knew why Medici wanted this information. After all, he had told the other party that Augustus had a Conqueror trait in his hands, and he suspected that he would use this trait to communicate with the Witch Sect. make a deal.

"Let's go." Medici waved his hand, and his figure began to become transparent.

"See you next time!" Lin Ruo said with a smile as he watched him disappear, then stretched lazily.

"I'm so hungry!" Lin Ruo then patted her stomach again, and decided to go to Klein's house to grab a meal, just to see if the other party had planned a "card stealing" operation for the night.


Backlund, Chorwood District.

"It's so good, it's all because the desserts in this restaurant are so delicious." Forsi covered her mouth and burped, and said something to complain, but she didn't really mean to complain, but rather reminisced about the deliciousness just now.

"I feel that if I come here a few more times, I will definitely gain weight." Forsi said in a low voice, with a joking question.

"Trust me, if you've been reluctant to go out for activities, even if you don't come to this restaurant, you'll gain weight." Xio said in a joking way.

"Fors, I'm serious, you really need to go out a lot. You've been staying at home for too long recently."

"That's because I have a lot of manuscripts to rush recently. I have to make money to buy Beyonder materials for promotion to Sequence 8, and..." Forsi retorted, and stopped again, thinking of someone who was extremely terrifying in her mind. People, said: "And I don't want to be urged by Roldy."

But you don't go out much when you're not writing... Xio said something silently in the bottom of his heart, looking at his friend with a frightened expression, he didn't say it, just said: "Actually, I don't think Roldy is that scary... … those words of his should just scare you, er, presumably."

"What if it's true?" Fors grimaced, "and I can be sure that Roldy was serious when he said those words. If I didn't finish the manuscript on time, maybe he would really do those things to me. Terrible thing."

Such as closing a small dark house, such as falling from high altitude...

Just thinking about those terrible "punishments" made Forsi feel scared.

She suddenly remembered something and said, "Speaking of which, Roldy also said that members of the Abraham family and I will meet soon, and I don't know when it will be."

She didn't doubt what Roldi said. After all, Roldi, as a high-ranking sequencer, as Mr. Fool's favored one, really didn't need to deceive her with a small Sequence Nine.

The only thing Fors was curious about was when Roldy called "in the near future".

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When Xio heard this, she also paused. She naturally knew that Fors had taken on the task of contacting members of the Abraham family, because Lin Ruo had said that Fors could freely choose whether to tell Xiu this or not. Best friend, and Forsi naturally chose to tell.

After all, this is not something that needs to be concealed from Xio, and secondly, as a bounty hunter who often takes on tasks and runs around outside, he really has all kinds of experience in dealing with people. Rich, if there is anything wrong with contacting members of the Abraham family in the future, Hugh knows that Fors can at least ask her for reference.

And Xio is indeed a very good advisor. For example, after hearing Fors's words at this moment, she thought about it and said:

"Would you like to go to Mrs. Ann Lisa's house? If members of the Abraham family have already arrived in Backlund, there is no reason not to go to Mrs. Ann Liza's house. Maybe we can pass the traces near Mrs. Ann Liza's house to come here. Judge whether members of the Abraham family have come to Backlund."

After a pause, Xio added, "And aren't you hungry? It's not far from here to Mrs. Anlisa's house, and walking there is just enough to digest food, so it's like a walk."

"Okay." Fors didn't object. Although he was a little nervous about contacting members of the Abraham family, as the saying goes, extending your head is a knife and shrinking your head. Although Forsi doesn't know this common saying, he understands it. The truth is that the mentality is actually closer to:

Anyway, I have promised Roldy to contact the Abraham family members, otherwise I will contact them earlier.

After she agreed, the two ladies turned around and walked towards Mrs. Ann Lisa's house.

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