Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 41: Preaching (Part 1)

These girls, who looked about the same age as Hailiye, were in the same workshop as her. When she was working today, she had already told them what happened this morning.

These girls were all pale, some looked like they hadn't slept for a long time, some had drool in the corners of their mouths without knowing it, and some had blue lines on their gums.

There is no doubt that these girls have more or less symptoms of lead poisoning, but in order to survive, they can only continue to work until they die.

Hailiye stood in the middle, and her inner emotions were undoubtedly revealed on her face. This was the first time she was surrounded by so many people, which made her feel that she was an angel sent by God to save them.

She slightly restrained the smile on her face and affirmed: "Of course it's true! I fell on the ground at work today and twitched. Many people saw it."

"I originally thought I was about to die, due to lead poisoning, but God sent Mr. Blessed One to save me!"

"He fed me the magical water, made me spit out all the lead dust in my body, cured me, and gave me hope for life."

Speaking of this, Hai Liye's expression became serious and said: "Although God has mercy on everyone, whether you believe in Him or not, you will save, but, He saved us, shouldn't we believe in Him? So I am God's now. believers."

"I hope that after you are saved, you can believe in God like me."

After speaking, Hai Liye's eyes swept to everyone, and someone immediately said: "Hailiye, don't worry, if it is really like what you said, I will definitely convert to God, my family believes in the storm. Lord, I am only a shallow believer in Him."

"Yes, yes, Hailie, don't worry, we will definitely believe in God."

Seeing that so many people are willing to believe in God, Hai Liye was very proud.

"If Mr. Blessed One knew, he would definitely praise me." Hailiye thought so in her heart, and then urged: "Everyone, hurry up, Mr. Blessed should have been waiting outside for a long time."

Afterwards, a dozen girls followed Hailiye and walked out together.

It's just that a few girls were still in the changing room, and they were a little overwhelmed. When they glanced at Hailiye, they bowed their heads because they didn't want to change their beliefs.

After Hailiye left, the girls followed them far behind.


Heidor held a beaker in one hand and a small cup in the other. Because he was wearing a hooded coat, it was difficult to see his appearance even under the light of the gas street lamps.

In fact, he wore makeup on his face on the way here, because he was afraid that he would not be able to act that kind of approachable temperament.

As people passed by, he soon saw Hailiye walking towards him with a dozen female workers.

Sidor smiled and nodded to Hailiye, then turned and walked towards a dim alley. Hailiye quickly understood what he meant and asked the girl behind her to follow her.

Entering the alley, as expected, Mr. Blessed was waiting for them under the gas lamp at the end. Hailiye asked the girl behind her to stop, and she hurried up.

He came to Sidor, saluted and said, "Mr. Blessed One, I brought people here, and they all expressed their willingness to believe in God."

Hydall was overjoyed and secretly said, today's hint has worked, and it will not lose God's force.

"Sure enough, having a trumpet is a good thing. God can't say it, but he can say it!"

With a smile still on the surface, Hydall nodded with a warm expression and praised: "Hailiye, you did a good job, let them line up, um, you can find a bucket."

"Bucket?" Hearing the praise, Hai Liye's happy face showed doubts.

Heidor did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Have you forgotten how you expelled lead dust this morning?".

Hailiye blushed immediately, and the appearance of spitting out lead dust in her body was really unbearable. She quickly turned around and returned to the girls, asking them to line up, and then went back to find a bucket by herself.

After the bucket arrived, Hidal filled a cup with holy water and motioned for the girl in the front to come up.

The girl was a little nervous and came up and said, "I will believe in God, if...if it can cure me."

Heidor was not angry, just smiled and had a gentle temperament, and handed the holy water to the girl.

The girl took it with trembling hands, then drank it in one gulp, and returned the cup to Hidal. Everyone looked at her nervously.

Suddenly, the girl's complexion changed, she felt that something was about to come out of her body, and a strong feeling of vomiting occurred.

Hai Liye hurriedly brought the bucket in front of her, and then the girl lay on the bucket and vomited.

A minute later, the girl wiped away the tears from her face with her hands and stood up slowly. She found that the stinging pain that used to make her headache as if someone stabbed her head with an iron stick had disappeared.

"My head doesn't hurt anymore!" the girl said in surprise, and the girl behind her finally felt relieved after hearing it.

He hurriedly asked, "Lafferty, is it true?"

Lafferty nodded excitedly, "It's true, you guys can help me take a look at my gums. My gums used to be blue."

She opened her mouth, and the girls rushed up together. They found that Laverti's gums were normal color, and she was pleasantly surprised: "Really, your gums have changed back to normal color!"

When Lafferty heard this, tears rushed out: "I'm really healed, I'm healed!"

Immediately, he ran in front of Sidor and saluted, "Thank you, Mr. Blessed One, for saving me, thank you God, and I will serve God with all my heart in the future."

The smile on Hiddall's face bloomed, and he made a prayer gesture and said, "Praise God!"

Hailiye, Lafferty and the other girls quickly followed suit with prayer gestures and said, "Praise God."

Seeing this situation, Hydall was extremely satisfied, and it seemed that he would add a lot of believers to him tonight.

However, Hildor didn't believe that all these girls who came to drink holy water could believe in God, but even so, he was very satisfied.

Lafferty suddenly said, "Mr. Blessed One, I would like to invite some of my friends to come over as well, if they are willing to convert."

After hearing the words, Hydall was naturally happier in his heart, but on the surface he still looked unhurried.

Said: "Go, God will bring them light and hope."

When Lafferty heard this, she happily ran out of the alley. As soon as she came out, she saw several girls standing outside the alley, secretly peeking inside.

They all belong to the same workshop.

Lafferty ignored them and ran away with joy on her face.

When those girls saw Lafferty's expression, they knew that Hailiye really didn't lie to them.

They were tangled outside the alley, but in the end they didn't go in, they just kept watching from outside.

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