Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 10: without delay

"Okay, Hynas, let's open it up and have a look, I can't wait!" Sirius urged impatiently, as if he couldn't wait to watch the content inside.

Hynas, who was beside him, was not in a hurry, so he took out a pendulum in his arms and said, "Sirius, you are too unsteady. We should at least make a divination to see if it is dangerous to open this kind of ancient family thing."

Sirius thought it was unnecessary, "You are wasting our precious time, you are not a fortune teller."

Regardless of the anxious Sirius on the side, Hynas began to do divination. Although he was not a fortune teller, but a secret analyst, but his spirituality was also high, and he knew it well enough to do divination.

"There is no danger in opening this notebook."

"There is no danger in opening this notebook."

After seven times, the pendulum began to swing, clockwise, indicating that there was no danger.

"I just said you were wasting your time!" Sirius said impatiently.

"Hehe, I don't think I'm wasting my time. Divination is very necessary. The difference between us and the other members is that we are both rational!" Hynas put the spirit back into his pocket.

Don't look at Sirius' anxious look, but he is not reckless. From the afternoon to now, he has not opened the notebook without permission to watch, and is waiting for his divination at this time.

After making sure it was safe, Sirius quickly opened the note, and the two saw the contents inside.

However, they soon looked at each other, and they couldn't understand the words inside.

"This... what should we do now, are we going to look up the dictionary?" Sirius asked uncertainly.

However, Haines quickly regained his composure and said: "Don't forget that divination is just my hobby. I am actually a knowledgeable person who knows ancient Fusac, ancient Hermes and other languages. I will try to translate the content inside, you remember to help memorize it!"

Sirius breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I'll go get a pen and paper now."

When he took the pen and paper, he muttered, "I am also a secret prayer person, but I don't have much knowledge."

The ability of secret prayers has nothing to do with knowledge, they are just easier to connect with unknown existences.

For the rest of the time, one of them translated the content, and the other recorded it with a new notebook, until late at night when Haines was too tired to bear it did they stop.

Sirius was very excited when he saw what he had recorded, "Hainas, we are going to make a great contribution this time. There are actually three potion formulas in it!"

Although Hainas felt very tired, he was also very happy, but looking at the potion formula, his mood was a little complicated.

These three recipes are "Divinator", "Clown" and "Magician", and they happen to be Sequence 9, Sequence 8, and Sequence 7.

What Hainas wanted to be the most was a fortune teller back then, but unfortunately the Aurora Society did not have a corresponding potion formula.

Seemingly seeing Hainas' emotions, Sirius was afraid that the other party would not translate in the future, so he quickly comforted: "Don't be discouraged Hainas, if we translate something of greater value later, you may make a wish to the Lord, Change you to a fortune teller!"

Hynas also felt that it should be possible. After all, the Lord is omnipotent!

When the sun rose in the sky as promised and shone the sun into Hiddell's room, Hiddell opened his eyes soberly. He actually slept soundly last night.

"Maybe that's the benefit of falling asleep during meditation."

He didn't stay in bed, because he was too awake, so he got up and changed his clothes, then went to the bathroom to wash up, then went downstairs, got breakfast, and after eating, he went back to the room.

He was going to enter heaven again, but he didn't want to stand in it like last time, so he sat on the soft leather sofa in the room, arranged the spiritual wall, and used his spirituality to inspire the cross.

So he came to the void again. He tried his best to look into the distance. He wanted to see where the end of the void was, but he couldn't see the edge. exist.

Siddall strayed upwards and saw again the scene of the people in the Forsaken Land praying in different pictures, but he still couldn't see the specific situation, because he passed them quickly, and when he saw the white light, he immediately He was sucked in and sat on the gray seat again.

Sidor knew that he had a lot to do and his time was limited, so he didn't dare to delay, and immediately opened the "Book of Blasphemy".

"Where did you see it yesterday?" Hedor couldn't help muttering, so he saw that the "Book of Blasphemy" began to turn pages automatically.

Wah Wah Wah... It was soon fixed on one of the pages, Hidall was stunned, glanced at it, and found that it was the page he saw yesterday, so he smiled: "I can't think of 'blasphemy'. Books' have this ability."

Not daring to waste time, Hydall began to look through it, because he could remember it just by looking at it once, so Hydall read it very quickly, and he had already finished most of it yesterday, so it didn't take much time, Hydall just read it. Completely finished.

"Huh, I didn't expect that the content behind this is all high-level mysticism knowledge!" After Hidell read it, UU read the book www.uukanshu. com couldn't help but sigh.

The following content records the sacrificial rituals and the esoteric knowledge of the secret deed rituals. These are high-level rituals, because if used properly, there is a high probability that these two types can be bestowed by the gods, especially the former.

Like some evil **** organizations, they like to perform **** sacrificial ceremonies in order to obtain the evil power bestowed by the evil gods. Some of these **** sacrifices are by killing others, and some are a large number of believers willing to become sacrifices.

However, the sacrificial ceremony in the "Book of Blasphemy" is not like this. It uses something valuable as a sacrifice, and then sacrifices it to a specific existence. If the other party accepts it, it will give the sacrificer what he wants. .

After studying the contents of the "Book of Blasphemy", Hydall began to work on the Land Forsaken. This was about his role and the "anchor" for his early awakening to the antigen, which was something he had to do.

It's just that those prayers are all in emptiness, and Hildor has no way to establish contact with them.

So Hidal looked at the silver-white cross on his right. Although he didn't know what the cross was, it was very personal.

Hiddell actually had a guess that this cross is likely to be the uniqueness of the "clergy" pathway!

Perhaps he could connect with those who prayed through the cross.

Thinking of this, Sidor stretched out his right hand and held the silver-white cross. At this moment, Sidor felt that he was full of power, giving him the illusion that he had become a god.

"Huh? This feeling is different from the first time I came in and held the cross. Could it be because I was just an ordinary person last time, but now I have become a Beyonder and the master of 'Heaven'?"

With the help of the cross, Hiddle felt that the entire heaven was under his control.

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