Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 2 Chapter 823: Are you awake?

Darkwill swallowed his saliva subconsciously, looked away from Tracy's face with difficulty, and said incredulously:

"Lieutenant General Sick also likes the tune of the 'Church of the Celestial Body'?"

Although Tracy is not a good person, she is really not that kind of person, so Abner simply explained to her after thinking for a while: "She was plotted against."

Is that person you? If it was before, Darkwill must have blurted out, but when the other party just sealed the special "0" level sealed item, Darkwill swallowed the sentence back.

Then, he returned to the shop, took out a bottle of prepared potion to give to Abner, and said, "You are very lucky, I just prepared a similar antidote for a guard before, and there are still some leftovers...

"However, the dose she used before was too high, and she didn't take the 'antidote' for a long time. The toxicity not only eroded her body, but even her spirit was 'polluted' to a certain extent...

"The best I can do now is to help her ease... If I want to eradicate it, I'm afraid I have to find someone with more sophisticated means... Well, such as my teacher."

What is Darkwill's mind? Abner's mind is clear, but he has no idea of ​​conflict with the Loen military for the time being, and his "plan" on Trier's side has just started, and there is no time. Mind the business.

What's more, there is no danger that Darkwill's teacher is imprisoned in the Governor's Palace. According to the original book, it will not take long for him to escape successfully due to the chaos caused by the personnel changes of the officials of the Rhosid Islands.

Therefore, Abner didn't take Darkwill's words, only took the potion, opened the bottle cap, and poured Tracy down.

In fact, in his heart, what he cares more about is the "lucky" mentioned in Darkwill's words...

"This kind of 'lucky' is more like an arrangement!" Abner sighed inwardly, and threw the empty bottle back to Darkwill before saying:

"I don't have time to help you save your teacher...but I can introduce you to a great adventurer, you can just talk to him."

Abner was naturally talking about Klein. Since the other party wanted to infiltrate and investigate the "Celestial Sect", he should not refuse to rescue Darkwill's teacher from the Governor's Mansion and earn some extra money.

Darkwill was a little disappointed to see Abner not answering at first, but when he heard his words, he couldn't help but ask curiously, "Which adventurer is he?"

"Gelman Sparrow!" Abner replied after picking up Tracy again.

"Gelman Sparrow? The one who hunted 'Steel' McVeity, and also helped 'Lieutenant General Disease' fight off the Witch Cult... um." Having said that, Darkwill aimed at Abner holding Tracy, who was suddenly stuck.

He looked into Abner's eyes in surprise. Although he didn't speak, the meaning conveyed in his eyes was obvious. Abner easily read it by means of "mind reading":

You took someone else's girl and asked me to find someone for help... If he found out, would he take revenge on me!

At this time, because of the actions of the Witch Sect and the Celestial Sect, the identity of the adventurer who helped Tracy was finally revealed, and the rumors are spreading, so even if Darkwill is in poor condition these two days, he still remains heard.

"It was Gehrman who entrusted me to treat and take care of her..." Abner thought for a while, then just explained a little, trying to save his reputation. After all, it really has nothing to do with him...

"Then what special hobby did he specify!" Darkwill muttered, then asked, "Where do I find him?"

"In a while you take Buddy to the 'Fragrant Leaf Bar' to find 'Sea Snake' Weaver, he will arrange accommodation for you... By tomorrow, Gehrman Sparrow should be able to return to Bayam, then He will find you on his own initiative." Abner handed Darkwill a "Courage Badge" as a token, and Weaver knew it was the one who arranged it by himself when he saw it.

"Also, the gathering of the 'Fragrant Leaf Bar' is sheltered by the 'Punishers', so it is much safer." Abner added after thinking about it.

"But is it really good for an Extraordinary like me to be exposed to the eyes of the Church of Storms?" Darkwill said a little tangled after receiving the badge.

"Don't worry, the people of your school have already cooperated with the Church of the Storm... That so-called bell ringer, Kano, is ringing the bell of the storm." layer known.

"Is that so? The old man never told me..." Darkwill only felt that what happened in the past two days was like a dream.

At this time, Buddy and Harry the owl, who went out to buy a late-night snack, also returned to the yard of the store. Abner took the Bayam specialty "Tea Tiwa" that they bought back, and then went with Darkwell. A bird said goodbye and disappeared directly into the yard.

Although she already knew about the existence of the "Extraordinary", Buddy, who didn't have enough knowledge, was still startled. She couldn't help but look at her boss, and found that he also opened his mouth at the moment, and murmured: "He said earlier that he would 'Teleport', let him send me directly to Oravi..."

Hearing this, Mr. Harry the owl tutted twice: "Obviously, the woman he is holding is more attractive than you."

Darkwill came back to his senses after hearing the words, silently took out the whip he had packed before, and said "kindly": "Come here, I have something good to share with you..."

Harry the owl looked at the whip in Darkwill's hand with love and fear, then spread his wings and flew to Buddy's shoulders, disdainfully: "You can't fool me..."

Buddy finally smiled from the heart when he saw this scene... It's good, the former Mr. Darkwill and Mr. Harry are back.

Although she didn't know what happened in the past few days, she could feel the fear and anxiety of her boss, but now, with the arrival and departure of the detective, everything has finally returned to normal...

Really sea **** bless... thank you for your kindness!


Inside the ancient palace above the gray fog.

Klein, who had just returned to Lansi Island by "Big Fish", did not rest immediately after returning to the rented hotel. Instead, he came to the gray fog to study the ability and origin of Tracy's bracelet.

At this moment, the crimson star symbolizing Mr. "Tower" expanded and contracted.

He thought about it, spread his spirituality, and then heard the other party's request and report.

"Please ask the 'World' to ask the 'Mercury Snake' from Backlund about the 'Dice of Probability'...

"What is the 'Dice of Probability'? Is it a Sealed Artifact of the School of Life?

"Besides, there is a fat pharmacist who wants to entrust me? Go to the 'Fragrant Leaf Bar' tomorrow?"

After thinking about it for a while, Klein did a few divinations and confirmed that there was no danger. Then he left the gray fog and returned to the bedroom. After taking out a thousand paper cranes from his wallet and unfolding it on the table, Klein glanced at it. There are scratches on the surface, picked up the pencil, and wrote a simple question:

"The Dice of Although there is only one noun, he believes that as the "Snake of Quicksilver", he must know what Mr. Tower wants to ask.

Then, he folded Qian Zhihe back as it was, stuffed it into his wallet, and then took four steps in the opposite direction and entered above the gray fog again.


On Tuesday morning, when Tracy felt a burst of warmth and finally overcome the mental exhaustion, when she opened her eyes, she saw a strange man appeared in front of her eyes.

The man was handsome, with brown curly hair and gold-rimmed glasses. He looked polite and bookish.

He was still a little familiar, but Chaos' brain couldn't remember where he had seen him.

Tracy was about to ask something, but she saw the man looking straight into her eyes, then raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:

"Are you awake? The operation was a success!"

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