Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 10 Chapter 12: missionary

"Mushroom" Abner gave Klein a weird look when he heard the words, and couldn't help complaining, "Could it be that you plan to let that Admiral Peter Ivan play a game, Super Mario?"

Klein let out a "huh" and said mysteriously, "Have you heard of it, ianna? It's actually more similar to that one."

"Oh, poor admiral, I will pray for you." Abner tapped his chest four times and said in an exaggerated translation voice.

Seeing that he was using the "point the stars" gesture, Klein suddenly remembered something, couldn't help but put away his smile, and asked seriously, "Old Liu, there is something you have to tell me honestly. In this war, your What's your position?"

Abner was taken aback when he heard it, and after thinking for a few seconds, he understood why Mr. "Fool" asked such a question, so he smiled back and asked, "What do you think my position will be?"

"I originally thought that you would be very embarrassed. After all, no matter the goddess or the Mother Earth, they are all right with you, but now it seems that you don't seem to be troubled by it." Klein said "honestly".

He now "knows" that the Mother Earth is Omebella. As the former queen of giants, she naturally stands on the side of the God of War and is hostile to the goddess.

Abner smiled and said: "Don't worry, I don't have any embarrassments. The embarrassment is to accept the goddess and the mother earth at the same time, investment, yes, fool, sir."

"Can you really laugh? Really, scum, ah! I've been annoyed by this thing recently, you know, girl

God has given me so much help, and the same fellow, I can’t be against him, but the Mother Earth rescued the captain, this favor is enough for me to give everything, I’m afraid that there will be people who choose sides The situation arises. Klein sighed.

"You think too much, and with your current strength, how could there be a **** to let you stand in line? Really, the Fool, it's not too bad!" Abner emphasized the modifier "true".

"That's good." Hearing what Abner said, Klein let out a breath and finally felt relieved. He glanced at Abner and asked again without giving up: "They are all closely related to you, and now they are against each other. , are you really not sad?"

What am I sad about? Those are two true gods! Not to mention that they are just acting, even if they are really enemies with each other, with my current strength, I can't get a hand in it. Since I can't control it, why worry about it?

Abner slandered, but on the surface he directly changed the subject and said, "By the way, I found an angel again for Mister Fool."

"Angel?" Klein was confused by this turning point, and asked subconsciously, "Which existence is it?"

", Queen of the Blood Moon, Olnia!"

Southern Continent, West Balam.

Due to the war between the powerful countries in the Northern Continent, the situation here has suddenly become tense.

The warlords supported by Ruen Fusac, Intis Fenepot, and even Lunburg and other countries are also gearing up, and armed conflicts may break out at any time.

No, although the big war has not yet officially started, the friction between several parties has already begun. The first to suffer are the tribes and villages in the fringe areas of various forces. The cult organization is eyeing.

Alder Town was originally a relatively prosperous town because it was backed by the iron mines, but it has been quickly run down due to the back and forth competition of several forces, and there have been many terrorist incidents in the past few days. Human beings are eaten by inexplicable monsters, leaving only bones.

Under this terrible atmosphere, the townspeople chose to flee one after another, but they couldn't escape. It seemed that someone had set up barriers around the town. As long as they left the town, they would enter the mist and die miserably in the end. , is to return to the center of the town again.

Faced with such a hopeless situation, many people are already desperate, venting their emotions and desires without restraint, adding to the human tragedy.

But fortunately, the sheriff of the small town was a man of resolute character. He decisively shot and killed those who vented their desires, stabilizing people's emotions and preventing the despair from spreading.

However, this is only a temporary sheriff after all, just an ordinary

As a normal person, he has no solution to the monster that eats people at night. Sooner or later, people's sanity will collapse again, including himself.

That's how it should be if no "miracle" happens.

But the "miracle" finally came.

After the sheriff led the townspeople to stand firm for a week, a pair of gorgeously dressed men and women came out of the fog and came to the town.

This couple is naturally "Master of the Dead" Vicente and "Queen of the Blood Moon" Olnia.

Of course, Olnia is not the real body, and what is active now is just a demigod-level avatar that she "created" casually.

"There is a disgusting smell here." Olnia said while covering her nose in disgust.

"Oh, but this disgusting aura comes from vampires, or in other words, this is the vampires that most people recognize." Abner joked with a smile.

"Very well, it seems that the Rose School of Thought is really going to be wiped out! Olnia hummed.

"To be precise, it is the Rose School of Thought that is going to be eliminated. The indulgent faction and Torzina of the Temperance faction are now our allies. UU Reading" Abner corrected a sentence.

"I know!" Olnia responded casually, looking at the townspeople who gathered carefully because of their appearance, and continued, "The new country that believes in you, let's start with them!"

Abner nodded slightly, didn't say anything more, just quietly watched Olnia step forward to negotiate with the sheriff, and then he didn't directly kill the vampire who secretly ate people with thunder, but led the townspeople Made a trap, ambushed the monster that night, and finally killed it after a "hard" battle.

Regarding Olnia's actions, Abner understood her intention after a little thought.

For one thing, Olnia is now acting as the apostle of the "God of War and Destruction". Naturally, she has to guide believers to win the "war" and destroy the enemy. This is more in line with the characteristics of a **** and easier to preach.

Second, the sense of participation in joining the "battle" will make it easier for people to unite and form a stronger "team" for this new organization. After all, when everyone completes an almost impossible task with one heart, that kind of collective The sense of honor is unparalleled.

In short, from the point of view that after the vampires were eliminated, everyone successfully became believers in the "God of War and Destruction", Olnia's method was quite successful.

At this time, it is time to perform "miracles" and bestow "divine grace" on new believers, especially the police chief of Tuo Lei.

Then, a potion of "Hunter" fell from the sky and fell into the hands of the sheriff.

"Praise be to the great God of War and Destruction!"

Seeing the strength and speed displayed by the sheriff after drinking the potion, the townspeople shouted in unison.

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