Mystery: Start with the Reader

Vol 4 Chapter 141: bloody planetarium

Cattleya the Hermit let out a breath, adjusted her emotions, and asked Mr. Door in detail when she planned to communicate freely, and was willing to pay a certain price for it.

An existence that can be solemnly mentioned by Emperor Roselle in his diary and let Mr. Fool speak in a relatively formal manner will inevitably involve many secrets, and it is by no means simple!

Klein didn't say any more. After all, as a "Fool", he was not obliged to explain further after answering the "Hermit" question by following the principle of equivalent exchange.

So he looked around and said in a relaxed tone:

"You guys start."

After speaking, he immediately manipulated the "world" and said hoarsely:

"I have two magical items and two Beyonder characteristics that I want to sell."

The expenses required to pretend to be rich are a bit large, which forced Klein to sell off some of his inventory.

What's more, Mr. "Ta"'s territory is currently recruiting investors, and he is quite optimistic about the industry of his fellow villagers. He also wants to invest a sum of money... Anyway, in his opinion, Abner's "Cineplex" project will definitely not lose money. .

Argel the Hanged Man was heartbroken, because he had heard from his friends about the "feat" of "World" on the outskirts of Bayam, and judged that the magical items he sold were likely to come from this battle, certainly not Difference…

However, thinking that he was on Pasu Island, and that his previous accumulation was almost exhausted, and even the secret of that primitive island was traded to the other party, he sighed silently and was inexplicably frustrated.

And after Audrey the "Justice" got the "Crate of the Fallen" and its matching bag assistant, Islant, the need for extraordinary items is not very urgent...unless it looks good.

As for "Magic", "Judgment", "Temperance" and "Moon" not to mention, curiosity is sure, but lacks the ** and financial resources to buy.

Only Derrick the Sun and Cattleya the Hermit showed great interest. After the former was promoted to the Priest of the Sun, the Hurricane Axe's improvement in his strength was not so obvious. , he really needs a more handy weapon or item.

The latter, thinking about where the other party's magical item might come from, if it is suitable and does not conflict with the two magical items on her body, she is very willing to buy it.

Seeing that only one of the two major customers was a little moved, Klein couldn't help being a little disappointed, but he still manipulated the "world" and said with a low smile:

"One is the 'blood-stained planetarium', which is my own name...

"Its ability is to create a 'starlight cage' and imprison the enemy in it. There are only a few abilities that can be broken under the demigod."

Regarding this point, Klein has already tested it. Anyway, with his current method, he can only break it by hitting the "Death Knell" and three "Fatal Attacks" at the same point.

During the melee outside Bayam City, it was precisely because "Admiral Blood" Senor's subordinate held this item that he resisted his "Admiral Hell" Ludwell Secret Puppet.

Klein introduced it here, and pretended to apply to Mr. Fool, showing the astrograph with indelible bloodstains.

"The 'Starlight Cage' of this item seems to be much stronger than the one I cast... The 'Cage' I condense with the astral light dust is not that strong..." Cattleya pondered while looking at the planetarium image The bloodstains on it suddenly felt a little familiar.

The pictures flashed back quickly, and finally settled on a few scenes. Cattleya's eyes shrank slightly, and she said in a stunned voice:


Yes, Senor once had his subordinates use this item to trap the people of "Element Dawn", and this item was mentioned in the information of "Moss Ascetic Order".

Hearing her subconscious words, Klein was refreshed, and immediately manipulated the "world" and said, "He is dead!"

This is a good fit, and I give it ninety points. Abner couldn't help but complain in his heart when he saw the shocked expressions of "The Hermit", "Magician", "Justice", and "Moon" who had never heard of this.

But speaking of it, Rivers in the original book should have read this news in the newspaper... Well, she went out to play with me day and night these days, I'm afraid she's too tired to even read the newspaper.

When Abner thought about it, Cattleya the Hermit asked thoughtfully, "What is the negative effect of this item? As far as I know, Senor will never use it personally."

"Its negative effect is very strange, that is, every time you use it, you will hear the ravings from your own path potion...

"I believe that everyone is no stranger to this kind of 'babble', after all, every time you drink the potion, you will hear it more or less.

"And using this item allows you to relive that feeling, and as you use it more and more and for longer, the effect of 'babble' will increase, like those that are about to be Just like a runaway Extraordinary.

"What's even weirder is that after you stop using this item, it will also 'reset' your progress in digesting the potion according to the degree of erosion of the 'babble'... This is also the most unwilling thing Senor is willing to use by himself. main reason."

Klein introduced in detail his divination results for this "blood-stained planetarium".

In fact, he had already known through "dream divination" that the indelible blood on the planetarium only came from an "ordinary" person, a farmer who was easily killed without any extraordinary ability.

But when he went to divination, why did the planetarium have the source of this negative effect, spiritual intuition stopped him... This source is likely to be more dangerous than "Eternal Blazing Sun" or "True Creator"!

Of course, this kind of danger is only for someone like him who has the ability to "kill". For ordinary Beyonders, it is relatively "safe".

Hearing such a negative effect, "Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya immediately lost interest. After all, the advantage of the "Starlight Cage" being stronger cannot make up for the loss it brings.

And "Justice" glanced at the blood on the planetarium and shook his head secretly.

However, Abner was somewhat interested. After all, the effect of affecting the digestion of "magic medicine" was quite interesting. He didn't know which way it was.

After thinking about it, he immediately asked Mr. Fool to show the image of the Book of Endless Teleportation that he created a few days ago. After briefly introducing its functions, he said with a smile:

"Although your 'astrograph' is essentially created by the 'astrologer' feature of Sequence 5, it has a single function and has serious negative effects. Strictly speaking, its value may not be comparable to mine made with a 'recorder'. The 'Book of Endless Teleportation'...

"I used it in exchange, what do you think?"

Replacing a Sequence 6-level item with a Sequence 5-level item seems to be a loss for Mr. World, but as Mr. Tower said, the price of an Extraordinary item should not only depend on the main material, but also the function, Comprehensive consideration of negative effects, etc.

At least most of the people here are obviously more willing to ask for the "Book of Endless Teleportation" of the "Tower". After all, "Teleportation" is a real scarce ability... If the "Tower" is not actively trading with the "World", "The Hermit", "Justice" and even "Temperance" want to bid and grab it.

Forsi the Magician stared at this item in a trance, and couldn't help but have a little doubt in her heart: As far as she knew, "Recorders" were actually quite rare, and most of them were in the warehouses of the "Abraham" family. , where did Mr. "Tower" find the characteristics?

"Judgment" Xio noticed the doubts of his friends around him, he couldn't help sighing secretly, and slandered sourly: How much do you trust him? Or too lazy to use your brain? I still have no doubt about it...

Klein, who is under heavy financial pressure, is a little confused. After all, what he needs now is cash...

But how can an item that can be "teleported" be missed? What's more, if you don't exchange it, the item "Blood-stained Planetarium" is likely to be smashed in your hand!

He quickly persuaded himself and let the "world" seriously consider the following:

"make a deal."

However, I still feel a little bit of a loss... In the hands of lucky people, it may indeed be the book of "endless" teleportation, but in the hands of me, the "king of yellow and black in charge of good luck", it will not be just "33 times" "The Book of Transmission, right?

After laughing at himself, Klein hurriedly took out the second item "Roselle's Grip", an extraordinary item with the ability of "Knight of Retribution".

This is the magical item that the rogue "Dark Emperor" took from Mr. Heras who protected Cappin during the battle of Cappin's mansion.

This "Grip of Roselle" once helped him defeat many enemies in Backlund, but with the enhanced version of "Wriggling Hunger", its role is not so important. Klein already has several I haven't used it for months, so I'm going to sell it for some money.

In the end, the glove named "Russell's Grip" was bought by Cattleya the Hermit for 12,000 gold pounds.

After all, this is an item created and used by the emperor, and it may be hiding the secret of the emperor. Cattleya knew that the queen had been collecting similar items, so she didn't even pay back the price.

Finally... At the moment when the deal was concluded, Klein quietly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the pressure on his body was relieved a lot.

Then, he packed up his mood and let the "world" take on the appearance of two characteristics.

One of these two characteristics comes from the "Apostle of **" under Senor, and the other comes from the killing of the "Lieutenant Admiral Dusk" in the sea area of ​​"Remnant of God's War". One of the "Knights of Dawn".

This time, he was manipulating the "world" to look at the "tower" and the "hanged man" and said:

"Are you interested in making these two special coins for the 'Craftsman' and selling them? I can give you a 20% commission."

An item of Sequence 5 level is worth at least 10,000 to 20,000 pounds, and a 20% draw is 2,000 to 4,000 gold pounds, which is quite a lot! "The Hanged Man" Argel was a little jealous, but thinking that he was on Passo Island and had no time to find Sharf, he had to shake his head regretfully and said, "I can't contact the craftsman in a short time."

Although Abner did not lack the small money, but after thinking about it, he still agreed, and Quan should help his friends.

"Well, just pay the patent fee for the invention of Klein's bicycle."

------off topic-----

Add more at nine o'clock~~


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