Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 746: 3 types in 4 days

After hearing this prompt, Wen Rensheng was not surprised. He had already known Ji Zhengyan's illusion technique, which was very helpful to the real skill learning process.

It's just that in this illusion, the skills he learned in the past ten years of study did not show any hints of increasing the upper limit of the mystery, which means that he did not really learn it.

The illusion made him mistakenly think that he had learned it, but from the perspective of theoretical mastery, he did learn - the main points of knowledge, the details of skills, the casting method...completely mastered.

It's just that those skills have not been inscribed on the real alien species.

After all, it is only the mind and the body that are confused by the illusion, and the aliens are not confused...

But after returning to reality, combined with the learning experience in the fantasy world, he was fully confident that he could learn three subjects in two days.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng only feels that the situation is really good now!

The sun has risen in the east, and the monster doomsday is coming!

He was excited when the illusion in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the wooden house, courtyard, and running water reappeared in his field of vision.

Looking at the watch, the time is only a few tens of minutes later than before, and it really is an illusion of accelerated thinking.

Ji Zhengyan's voice sounded:

"What did you just see?"

"There is something unknown to the disciple." Wen Rensheng looked at Ji Zhengyan seriously, with deep gratitude in his eyes.

"Well, tell me." Ji Zhengyan noticed Wen Rensheng's sincere eyes, stroked his beard, and felt relieved.

In his opinion, Wen Rensheng must have understood an important truth after passing through the illusion he just created:

The road with the most people is the right road. If a road is hardly taken, it is likely to lead to a cliff, not a shortcut.

The adventure of falling off a cliff will not happen in reality. In reality, the one with the highest probability wins.

"That Master Jing, what happened later?"

"What do you care about him?" Ji Zhengyan was taken aback.

He concocted this illusion, indeed, to make Wen Rensheng go back to the right path.

Before, he was shocked by Wen Rensheng's ability. The other party was young, and his illusion skills were no worse than him.

At that time, he really thought that the talent of the other party would make it possible to realize the wish of "all laws are unified, no self and no signs", so he let go.

When he calmed down, he felt that this was unreliable.

Wasn't he like that back then?

The alien species is unique and the talent is amazing, which deeply shocked teachers and peers.

His alien species can evolve fantasy, accelerate thinking, simulate various situations, and deduce various mysterious skills, which is amazing.

But what about the facts?

In the end, he was still faced with the cruel reality, and his head was broken.

Getting started is easy, but diligence is difficult. The more you learn, the more difficult it becomes to master.

It is expected to grasp the essence after thorough study, but this is a paradox, because with the development of the alien world, the mysterious skills become more and more and more profound.

The essence of man's grasp is too little, too little, compared with its true essence.

Wen Rensheng replied, "I want to do something for that master."

He knows very well that it is difficult for people like Ji Zhengyan to accept the kindness of others, so he wants to take a curve.

"Okay, his bones are gone, and my master left early. What else can you do for him? Just think about yourself." Ji Zhengyan said angrily.

"The disciple remembers that experts of alien species can protect the children. That master, why did he have to be removed from alien species? Could it be that there was no such regulation back then?" Wen Rensheng asked with a doubt.

In the illusion, he didn't ask this question because he didn't want to interfere with Ji Zhengyan's operation.

"That's right, the regulations for xenogeneic experts to protect their children were proposed later. In order to prevent more and more exiles. A hundred years ago, our Dadongzhou was still invincible in the world. Escape?" Ji Zhengyan said disdainfully.

It seems that he still has some understanding of the decline of Dongzhou.

"The disciple has already thought about it. If the disciple wants to inherit the legacy of the master, he must overcome all difficulties, solve this problem that has never been solved by anyone, and regenerate the prosperity of Dongzhou." Hearing this, Wen Rensheng immediately expressed his righteousness and dignity.

"You, you, you..." Ji Zhengyan was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but he was a man who kept his promises. Unless Wen Rensheng repented, he could not stop Wen Rensheng from continuing to study.

He can only say: "Hmph, you are willing to be stubborn, I can't control it. But I have something to say first, you must be proficient in the first series before you talk about it. The skills of the first series range from a dozen to dozens or hundreds, I see you. Can you learn all the masters in one hundred years!"

Anyway, as long as the other party becomes a master of the first line, it is impossible to completely abolish it.

In the future, even if you learn more and more complicated things, you will still have a specialty.

Just like ordinary people, you can't get a doctorate degree, but as long as you are proficient in one skill, you will be able to eat and be looked up to by others.

Attention is mastery, not entry.

"Disciple will never disappoint you." Wen Rensheng said firmly.

Ji Zhengyan sighed when he saw Wen Rensheng's handsome face and remembered what happened in the fantasy.

The speed at which the opponent is proficient in skills is indeed very fast. If the entry is also fast, the combination of the two may really grasp the essence of all mysterious skills, and then realize his obsession...

No, no, still can't be delusional, let's take it step by step.

He sighed and turned his hands away: "Today is the official class. In the illusion just now, you should have thoroughly understood the main points of the three skills-'mysterious sneak', 'speeding run', and 'air flight'. I believe you You can get started quickly, and come back to me when you have mastered the three skills.”

Wen Rensheng understands that the other party will use the illusion technique again after the inspection, and use the method of thinking acceleration to help him quickly learn new skills.

Alas, he really wanted the other party to directly teach more than 10,000 skills.

But on second thought, perhaps the old man's consideration is also justified.

Mystery degree rises too fast, the power of the mysterious seed increases too fast, although my body is perfect, it may also cause the two to not fit.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng was no longer disappointed, and nodded in response: "Teacher, rest assured, I will naturally fulfill your request."

"You can do it yourself, and don't hang out with that lazy little Qin in the future. Be careful that he will spoil you." Ji Zhengyan finally left a sentence and went into the wooden house to sleep.

Not long after, there was a heavy sound in the room.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The educational effect of the other party's sentence just now is almost 0, or even a negative number.

He thinks that it should be Master Ji who brought Teacher Qin crooked.

Teacher Qin should also be a talented person in 996 back then, otherwise how could he be retained by the Inspection Division?

Then he stopped thinking about it and devoted himself to the study of the three skills.

The three skills - mysterious stealth, speeding running and flying in the air, Wen Rensheng knew that Ji Zhengyan didn't just pick it out, but he was well-intentioned.

The other party is improving their escape ability.

The potential of aliens can be said to be unlimited, the premise is to survive.

If you can't escape from danger, everything will be closed.

No matter how high your defense is, your stamina and health bar will always be limited. Once trapped, it is completely passive.

After three days of training in the illusion just now, Wen Rensheng really learned all three skills.

Although it was still a lot slower than the expected two-day and three-door, Wen Rensheng thought it was because he was just starting out and was not used to this way of learning.

So he was still very happy after hearing the prompt.

"You have mastered Mysterious Stealth, your mystery has increased by 10 points, and the maximum mystery has been increased from 941 to You have mastered overspeed running, your mystery has increased by 10, and the maximum mystery has been increased from 941 to 951 points to 961 points."

"You have mastered flying in the air, your mystery level has increased by 20 points, and the maximum mystery level has been increased from 961 points to 981 points."

Different skills have different levels of difficulty, and the level of mystery raised is also different. He knew this for a long time.

Flying in the air is the coolest thing for ordinary people, but for Wen Rensheng, it already has a foundation.

After all, when he first parachuted in the air, he used the mysterious power, the purple mist, to slow down his falling speed.

As long as you change your mind, it is the prototype of flight.

Of course, people are creatures that walk upright. It is very troublesome to change a posture. Just like learning to swim, many people learn to swim is a long-term process.

Flying is even harder.

Xenomorphs fly in the air, not like birds.

In that case, the speed is too slow.

By fanning the air to fly, there is an upper limit to the speed.

The Xenomorph's flight pattern, similar to a rocket...

Wrap your body into a streamlined shape with mist, and spray backwards with mysterious power...

This is equivalent to consuming the mysterious power and obtaining the recoil in the material world.

The Xenomorph is an engine in itself.

This is too demanding for ordinary aliens, and the consumption is too great. At most, they will lose their breath if they persist for a minute.

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At least among the xenogeneic experts, Wen Rensheng had never seen anyone who could fly in the air, so he had to start at the master level.

He has master-level strength, which Ji Zhengyan should have seen long ago, so it is not considered to be encouraging, but teaching students according to their aptitude.

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