Mysterious Job Called Oda Nobunaga

144 Enemy Viscount Capture

The Viscount Kalkh, a former royal sect, who had been performing well enough to surpass the Conqueror at the Kajo Castle, has recently begun to attack the Conqueror. So we should think that there was a reason to change our strategy.

The reason why the seizure army was not rapidly increased was that the reason had to be sought from the Kajo castle. That was because the food situation worsened.

In fact, the trumpet reports that the assaulting soldiers have robbed the Continental troops or attacked the loading platform. Needless to say, the attack on the soldiers itself is a blow to the enemy even if they are not hungry, but there is almost no doubt if there is a report that the bandits are too thin.

"Your Majesty has been disappointed. The enemy may have made a noise if you sit still and do not move at will, but the enemy's attack will remain as it is a gathering of weak soldiers Now, the soldiers who are not willing to attack become frightened by the enemy.

That's why I was called.

"I'm grateful that it has weakened the enemy moderately. In this case, you can win here just by continuing the Kagojo. Raviara knows that this is an easy one, so he's really upset.

"Certainly, you can win the castle alone, but that's not a very good impression. Anyway, I want to drop the castle here by force. For that reason, it is better for the enemy to come out, but, It's something you have to do with, so I just want to come out. ''

"Let's leave the car loaded with soldiers on the stall," Kerala said. I adopted it immediately.

Indeed, three days later, the force of Viscount Calk's Force Morsey was attacking a number assembled from the castle. Nutrition can be largely determined by the movement of soldiers. Not a good one.

"A lot of people are lightly dressed as a whole." "I guess it's because I'm assaulting and pulling right away, but I can't wear heavy armor. The lack of a cavalry probably means I ate a horse."

"Well then, let's go. Archers ready!" Under the command of Raviara, the archers look around for supplies and wait. The enemy attacks there.

The enemy soldiers are shot one after another by the continuous firing of the bow and fall. In the first place, it is a reckless attack. If you've defended your defenses, it's nothing. The Continental Army was killed because he immediately became frightened and showed his back. Even if the enemy is weak, you can never win if you turn behind.

This attack was an undertaking. Kill an approaching person with an arrow. Over time, the momentum of the assault fell. Finally, they have become good. Using a gun would have been more efficient, but it wasn't necessary.

"It's pretty weak. It's a zombie," said Raviara, shooting her own enemies. Almost no one can escape from Archer Raviara's bow and arrow. However, there is no need to aim separately. There is no decent general on the enemy side.

"It should be more merciful to kill it than to make it a zombie alive. Well, will you attack? Are you ready for the SS? Three units, are you ready?" Dorborg is preparing for a sortie. With a loud voice, I ordered, "Attack!"

This army swallows the enemy army that is making great sacrifices with this bow and arrow. The power of the assault that gives power to the weak soldiers, once they step on with the bow and arrow, only damages the death of the sloppy.

Violation began at once. The enemy army that had almost emerged was destroyed. However, this does not end the attack. Rather, it's a start.

Part of the enemy flees back into the castle. A black dog corps team led by Dorbeau is in the middle. They are experts in drilling forts and castles. We are thinking of all means for that.

This army attacks the enemy's Honjo. During that time, the fire rises from the enemy's castle and the gate is opened. It seems that the black dog squad played a role. In this way, Dorborg has repeatedly opened and looted several fortified cities. That knowledge can of course be used to drop battlefield castles.

Then just send troops there. An army whose reliability and concentration have been doubled thanks to the special ability of my profession [Hao's Signpost], and its attack and defense have been increased by 30%.

Thoroughly do it. I have to make my strength known to the former royals and to those who fled to the royal capital.

The game was a success. It was reported that without delay, Viscount Calk Force Moracey was captured alive. The mistletoe in the form of a wolf came right in front of me and quickly returned to the Werewolf to talk about it. This time, I told her not to take it away immediately.

"Ok, torture for the time being and let out all the information you know." We don't yet know the details of the former royal family. It's early to hear from those who guard on the front.

"Well, I'll show you how to get it right." "I'll drop you. I'll drop another fort. Well, it won't take that long."

With the fall of the castle, surrenders and deserters increased from other forts, and the calming work was largely completed within a day from the engagement. It was an easy fight. However, there is no intention of struggling in such a place. You can now go further west. Continue the seizure as it is.

What I do is to destroy the ex-royals.

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