The young, handsome little face was full of surprise and excitement.

I saw that the area in front was not a desolate forest, a swamp basin, or a prairie.

The sky is clear and clear ahead, and it is like a dream.

Below is a majestic city of unknown length.

The deep trenches and high walls of the city walls swelled the city walls, and the colorful beast claws, swords, spears and halberds were long marks, all of which revealed the vicissitudes of time that destroyed it.

"There are people in this place. Sure enough, this time-travel is not pitiful."

A smile appeared on Ye Zi Cang's beautiful face, and he laughed brightly.

Stepping forward, Ye Zicang couldn't wait to walk towards the city gate.

"Hey, I finally don't have to be lonely anymore."

After muttering a few words in his mouth, Ye Zicang stepped forward.

Chapter [-] Blood Flying Swallow Quasi Holy Medicine


The majestic city gate was brought into view.

Dozens of soldiers wearing golden armor, fierce dragons and tigers, with rough faces and slashed swords, stood tall and straight in front of the door.

Looking at the dozens of soldiers, Ye Ye Cang clearly felt that the blood and blood flowed like a surging river.

It doesn't seem like I'm stronger.

Seeing this, Ye Ye murmured.

Looking at Ye Zi Cang that was wearing strange clothes and was in a state of dilapidation, the soldier did not look at him.

Doubt appeared on his cut face.

Whose child is this, has it been abandoned and has no cultivation?It was unexpectedly not eaten in the Great Desolation Vein.

In the face of the soldiers' astonished glances, Ye Zicang didn't pay any attention.

With a smile on her face, she walked forward.

The city is full of traffic, and there are various shops on both sides of the street, and there are endless calls to buy and sell.

Creatures of countless races walk the streets at will, and primitive chariots and incense chariots travel through the air.

Even a terrifying ominous bird passed by, casting a large shadow.

A strange snake, the whole body is crimson red, the head starts to fork below the head, has two bodies, gives birth to six legs, four wings, and the scales are dense, strange and hideous.

Pedestrians on the road are avoiding, unwilling to approach.

That's the heir of a fat legacy.

As soon as the fat leftover comes out, there will be a severe drought. That is because it is proficient in fire techniques. For this reason, an adult fat leftover can easily destroy a tribe with a population of hundreds of millions.

Fierce and monstrous, he dominates the world.

And this is just a corner of the city, a flood of wild and fairy tales is coming.

At this moment, Ye Zi Cang looked east and west with a smile on his face.

In the city, wherever he went, everything in his eyes was swept over.

Big Hungarian Girl, Lolita Young Woman, Dwarf Beast Boy, Broken Bronze Sword

"Sweep it, turn it on."

"Ding, invalid!"

"Ding, invalid!"

"Ding, the scan was successful"

Ye Zi Cang heard the voices in his mind, Zhan Zhan's actions suddenly stagnated.

A strange look appeared on her delicate face, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

A woman with a plump and graceful figure, a beautiful face, and a white skirt.

Immortal rhythm curls, gestures and gestures are beautiful and delicious, and the demeanor is graceful.

At this moment, Ye Zicang's eyes were staring at her big white rabbit that kept beating.

What is the situation when the scan is successful? Is the system Lily Plus perverted?

"Ding, get the blood flying swallow, the quasi-sacred medicine plant is shaped like a flying swallow."

Hearing this, Ye Zi Cang frowned frivolously.

Blood Swallow? The quasi-sacred medicine in "Perfect World"?

Hearing what the system scanned, Ye Ye Cang nodded frequently.

Although the system is pitted, the things scanned are all good and practical.

The last time Ye Zicang had harvested was the Qi Suppression Technique in "The Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals": an auxiliary mid-level spell that could resist the Heavenly Eye Technique, which could restrain his own aura and hide his purpose.

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