The technique of killing, Ye Zicang's favorite.

God's thoughts open!

In an instant.

The leaves are receding.

Chi Chi!

Silver sword energy erupted from the animal skin, and the entire ancient cave was directly carved out of cracks.

This is because Ye Zicang has strengthened the valley through the Jingyue Palace inheritance secret method. If not, I am afraid that this mountain peak and this piece of land will be turned into grass and powder at this moment.

The animal skin disappeared at the same moment, revealing a silver metal page.

There are mysterious words on it, exuding sword energy, peerless!

Sword Intent rushes to the sky!

Simple one-page paper.

The pages were silver-white, and the clanging swords slashed people's souls and forced their souls. It was not the body of the sword, but there was such an astonishing and terrifying sight.

After a long time.

It was quiet and motionless, only the silver light flowed, like a galaxy condensed.

It did not fall to the ground, but hung in the air, silent.

"It's really terrifying. Fortunately, I knew before that, I was prepared, and if someone else came here, God would fall."

Ye Zicang stared at this scene.

You must know that he used special protection measures just now, and he has reached two or three pieces of sect-suppressing tools.

And it still cooperates with the formation method, and the protection ability is comparable to the guardian formation of the top forces in the world.

Still the same.

The entire formation exploded, and the cave was drawn out of cracks. , , .

Chapter 3 Wow, there is a brothel here 4/[-]

Time passed without knowing it.

The shattered cave erupted with astonishing sword energy.

If it weren't for the isolation of the formation.

Its sword qi rushing into the sky is an inevitable trend.

In front of Ye Zi Cang, nine leaves were born.

The silver blade of grass, like a nine-handed Heavenly Sword, moved lightly.

Cut through the sky, stunned thousands of gods and Buddhas.

The sword glow is sharp, peerless and domineering.

this moment.

Ye Zi Cang's eyes opened and closed.

Continuously practiced the two world-shattering techniques, and its combat power soared again, reaching the power of destroying the gods by raising their hands, and not blowing them away.

His eyes flickered, and he opened and closed, making all beings tremble, wanting to worship him.

next moment.

Ye Zicang took out the mountain treasure.

"Turn on scan."

"Ding, the scan was successful, and the magic of supernatural powers was obtained."

"It can change its own breath and body shape, and no one knows that even if it is several levels higher than itself, it is impossible to detect."

Listen to the words in your head.

Ye Ye Cang raised his eyes.

"Hey, it's exactly what I want."

Thief smiled.

"It's time to go!"

Whisper softly.

Only half of the ruins remain in the Xuefeng Ancient Cave.

Ye Cang hides in it

several days.

In an unimpeded land.

There is a huge city.

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