
Ji Yao started to act.

That little box was all she had to do.

This small box can be said by Ji Yao when she is exploring a certain historical site.

It is an aphrodisiac, but if used in moderation, it can promote the development of both men and women.

Originally, Ji Yao wanted to promote the relationship between Ye Cang and Yin Yueyi through the right amount of powder.

Rather, it belongs to the promotion of pure relationships between men and women.

But Ye Zicang's soul ability was beyond imagination to discover Ji Yao.

Let Ji Yao be terrified.

And after that, Ye Zicang also used terrifying means.

Keep Ji Yao in the attic.

Then it was in that situation that the hands trembled.

The powder in the small box is scattered in the air in large quantities.

As soon as the powder comes out of the box and comes into contact with the air, it works immediately.

And this large amount of powder is no different from powerful aphrodisiac drugs.

And even "Gods" will be recruited, let alone Ji Yao, a pseudo-god, and Ye Cang and Yin Yueyi from Er Xuanjing.

However, Ye Zicang was also hit by the terrifying soul power after holding on for a while.

Hearing Ji Yao's words, Ye Zicang's face was dull.

This kind of wanting to help the apprentice has instead pitted himself, and also pitted the apprentice's master.

Ye Zicang gave a thumbs up.

it is good!

Please give me a dozen of this kind of master.

However, this sentence can only be thought in Ye Zi Cang's heart.

Speaking out, I am afraid that Ji Yao will be beaten to death.

Say it.

Ji Yaorong Tui looked at Ye Zicang with a charming smile and smiled.

"Little man, we will be your women in the future. We won't care about your three wives and four concubines, but if you dare to abandon us, we will kill you, and then commit suicide."

After saying that, Ji Yao smiled and looked at Ye Zicang,...

Chapter 3 My Good Sister Ji Yu Is Like Me 5/[-]


Ye Ye Cang's face was startled!

Looking at the faces of Ji Yao and Yin Yueyi.

That steadfast virginity.

"I wouldn't do that."

Ye Cang shook his head slowly.

Seeing this, Ji Yao smiled coquettishly on her face, as she tapped her toes in front of Ye Zicang.

The red lips were imprinted on Ye Zi Cang's cheek.

"Giggle little man, this is your reward."

"You have to be good to Yueyi and me in the future, or I will castrate you. Even if you are stronger than us in the future, we will try to castrate you."

After giving Ye Zi Cang a sweet jujube.

Ji Yao regained her flirtatious beauty and molested Ye Zi Cangdao.

"Uh, no no."

Hearing this, Ye Zi Cang scratched his head and waved his hand.

Up to now, Ye Zicang is still a little confused, even in such a strange situation.

I ended the boy and got two wives!

Think of this situation.

Ye Zicang was a little excited without the help of Xiao Zicang.

This abnormality made Ji Yao and Yin Yueyi discover that their cheeks were all blushing.

Ji Yao is no exception.

In fact, after all, Ji Yao doesn't look at charming and likes to tease Ye Zicang.

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