Mysterious city

Chapter 14 The way to become stronger

Although Jiang Zhe knew there must be something fishy going on, it seemed like he couldn't find out anything from Chen Hao's mouth.

This woman obviously has excellent professional qualities, will never reveal any information about her employer, and is very good at changing the subject.

But as a cautious person like Kenshin, he shouldn't let this woman know any information about Constantine.

"No thanks."

Jiang Zhe was a little speechless. He didn't expect that the plane would be equipped with a three-star Michelin chef, and there would also be such a beautiful secretary who could massage you personally.

It’s great to have money, this is a happy life!

Kenshin hurriedly said goodbye to Jiang Zhe as soon as he got off the plane, looking like he was extremely busy.

Going through customs was not as difficult as Jiang Zhe imagined. It seemed that the structure of alchemy weapons was very different from ordinary weapons. Even machines could not detect anything fishy, ​​let alone humans.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this should be just a luxury toy made by rich people using gold and silver.

Kenshin has not assigned any tasks to Jiang Zhe for the time being, but Jiang Zhe also has his own plans.

The battle with that mysterious man was the closest Jiang Zhe had ever come to death.

That deep sense of powerlessness made him clearly aware of his own shortcomings.

He needs to become stronger in order to escape when faced with a crisis!

After all, he couldn't be so lucky every time and meet Kenshin just "passing by".

For Constantine, there are basically two ways to become stronger.

The first is the simplest and crudest, and also the fastest effective.

That is to absorb the monster's "demon core" after killing it.

The reason why demonization can make ordinary people mutate and have physical fitness and various abilities that are several times or even dozens of times higher than ordinary people is precisely because of the existence of the magic core.

The magic core is the source of power for monsters and is formed by the condensed extremely paranoid desires.

Of course, only monsters above the tiger level have magic cores.

Like a ghost-level monster that has just been demonized, its obsessions are not deep, its desires are not strong, and its demonic core has not yet been condensed and formed.

The higher the level of the monster, the stronger the power condensed by the magic core, and it can also bring greater improvement to the person who absorbs it.

Of course, Harvey should have a magic core.

However, after defeating Harvey, Jiang Zhe was interrupted by the mysterious man before he could absorb his magic core.

After that, Jiang Zhe fell unconscious, so he had no way of knowing whether Harvey's magic core was absorbed or directly destroyed.

But both the mysterious man and Kenshin are extremely powerful beings.

Powerful men of their level should look down on a demonic core full of impurities that is condensed from a mere tiger-level monster, right?

The second way is to enhance your physical and mental strength through exercise.

This exercise can be mental or physical.

The two can respectively improve people's physical fitness and mental strength.

For a poor loser like Jiang Zhe, the best choice for physical exercise is undoubtedly to go to the gym.

There is not much time now, it is past the point of getting off work.

So when Jiang Zhe came to the gym, the various equipments were already crowded.

Helpless Jiang Zhe had to stand aside and wait for the equipment to be empty. To pass the time out of boredom, he observed all kinds of people in the gym.

Ironically, most people just sit on the equipment and don't do any training.

Some are sitting on equipment playing with their phones, while others are taking selfies with their phones.

In this impetuous era, going to the gym seems to be just a nominal "healthy life" to highlight the sophistication of one's life.

Just like taking a photo of fitness equipment with your mobile phone, the concave shape is equivalent to working out hard.

However, there are a few people who are training seriously, and two of them are the most conspicuous.

One is a tall and strong man, and the large fitness vest is like a small bellyband when worn on his body full of explosive muscles.

This strong man is called Wang Yan, and he is a well-known "star" in the gym.

With a height of nearly 1.9 meters and a body full of tendons, he looked like a beast walking upright.

This earned Wang Yan many admiring glances from the opposite sex, and of course, even more gazes from the same sex.

Every time this muscular man trains, a group of men will surround him and look at him with envy.

What's more, they would reach out to touch Wang Yan's strong arms and huge chest muscles, and exclaimed: "So big, so hard!"

Another focus is a girl who looks to be in her twenties. She always wears a ponytail, wearing a fluorescent green fitness bra and tight training pants that outline her slender, healthy legs.

Although she always attracts the attention of many crazy people, Jiang Zhe is not a mean person, so naturally he doesn't pay much attention to her, and he doesn't even know her name. He just meets her often.

Mr. Jiang Zhe waited for a long time before he got a vacant seat, and he filled it immediately.

When passing by Wang Yan, Jiang Zhe heard the strong man murmuring through the crowd's admiration: "Not strong enough, not big enough!"

Jiang Zhe couldn't help but smack his tongue slightly. This guy is almost as big as an adult gorilla. Isn't that big enough?

Judging from the fitness equipment he uses, whether it is dumbbells or chest expanders, they are almost the largest weights in the gym.

"It's not always a good thing to be too demanding on yourself."

Jiang Zhe smiled helplessly, turned around and began to fiddle with his equipment.

Neither he nor the crowd around him noticed that while Wang Yan was murmuring, a crimson streak appeared in his eyes, and then flashed past.

During training, Jiang Zhe deliberately did not use spiritual power. With the blessing of spiritual power, he could easily lift heavy objects several times Wang Yan's upper limit of strength.

In that case, training is pointless.

The relationship between physical body and spiritual power is like a container and liquid.

The larger the container, the more water it can hold.

Therefore, physical strength and mental strength are not separate, but complement each other.

Physical strength determines the upper limit of spiritual power, while the strength of mental power determines the quality of spiritual power.

However, not long after Jiang Zhe started training, his phone vibrated violently.

When he saw that it was Lin Zihan's phone call, his head suddenly pounded.

He had experienced so many strange things in the past two days that he almost forgot about this little girl!

Jiang Zhe didn't dare to neglect any more and immediately pressed the answer button.

He knew clearly that if he didn't answer the phone, he would be in big trouble.

"Hey, Zihan"

Jiang Zhe answered the call, looked up at the people waiting in line around the equipment, nodded to them, stood up and gave up his seat.

He doesn't want to occupy the latrine and not poop.

However, Jiang Zhe never imagined that Lin Zihan's phone call would bring her such a big crisis in a few minutes!

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