Myriad Worlds Inventory Box

Chapter 2586: hunting

The scene was too chaotic before, and the soldiers on both sides of the scene didn't notice any abnormality in the army that came to support, but at this time, they found a difference.

This army obviously has strict discipline. Every soldier has a firm expression on his face. The whole team made no sound, like a silent beast. What is terrible is that there is still a sound in their bodies. The sturdy atmosphere, afterwards, cooperated skillfully with each other. It was obviously a two-on-two scene, and it was the feeling of being beaten four-on-two by them.

It was just a contact, and the fierce advancement of Qian Yuanguo’s army was stopped. The front row of them all fell straight down, and the row behind them still didn’t understand what was going on, that one. The soldiers of Yuanfeng State had already arrived in front of them and launched an attack on them.

Qian Yuanguo’s soldiers hurriedly resisted, but the effect was not achieved. This time, many people were directly cut to the ground, but the rest were not able to survive the second round, the same. It fell down.

The weird aura on the scene is even stronger.

Those Yuanfeng soldiers who stepped aside looked at this scene with shocked expressions, and were very puzzled. When did they have such a powerful army? Why have you never heard of it before? Which team do they belong to? Who is the leading general?

One after another doubts appeared in their minds, so that they all forgot the environment in front of them and were stunned.

And Qian Yuanguo’s army was also a little dazed. After they entered through the city gate before, they went all the way. Although Yuanfeng’s army has been resisting them, the effect is not obvious, except for delaying them some time. , There is no other effect, and the time wasted by the soldiers, otherwise, they would have already hit the palace of Yuanfeng Kingdom.

It's just that, how could an attack that had been smooth before suddenly encounter such a blow here? Why is this Yuanfeng country's army so strong that just appeared? Two rounds of attack, and a lot of deaths on his own side, but none of the other side fell down. This is incredible. How could this army on the other side be so strong? Awesome?

Because both sides are on the streets now, Yuanfeng is not a big country, even if this is their capital, the streets are not too spacious, so only a few soldiers on both sides can fight, and most of them are blocked. In the back, there is no way to attack, only to shout a few words from a distance.

This is also the reason why Huang Feng doesn't exchange too many soldiers. The area here is so large, and it is useless to exchange too many soldiers. He can only watch from behind, and there is simply not too many people to be squeezed here.

Qian Yuanguo's army is indeed large, but in this environment, it will not play any role at all.

"Rush in, all rush to me." Qian Yuanguo's generals apparently also noticed that the situation seemed a little bad, and the other side seemed to have a powerful reinforcement.

However, he also discovered that the number of opponents is not very large, so no matter how powerful the opponent is, it will be of no use. If he consumes them, he can also kill them. After all, there are too many people on his side.

At this time, some generals asked some soldiers to walk the streets next to them. Although they were not very familiar with the road, there was only one direction to move forward. The palace was there. They might delay some time on the road, but, It's better than just squeezing here and watching.

Of course, most of the army is still on this main road, which leads directly to the palace, and the enemy they are facing is the most powerful, and they have to use the most soldiers to attack.

This general who called out soon fell from the horse like the previous one. The surrounding soldiers also did not see how he died. In addition to this general, there are several more one after another. The man who looked like a general fell from the horse.

Obviously, some of the people in Yuanfeng State were performing the beheading operation, and the opponent's strength was still very strong. This situation scared the rest of the generals, all of them came down from the horse, fearing that they would become the next target. .

However, in this way, although they temporarily saved their lives, they were unable to conduct effective command. Without seeing them, the morale of Qian Yuanguo's army was also affected.

However, this kind of generals can no longer take care of so many now. Someone is killing them in a targeted manner. All they can do is this. The most important thing is to ensure their own lives.

At this time, the support army led by the new emperor of Yuanfeng Kingdom has been continuously attacking. Their fierce offensive made the soldiers in the army facing Qian Yuanguo unable to resist at all. They were either cut down or cut down. It was the constant retreat. Qian Yuanguo's army, which had been advancing, was not only unable to continue advancing at this time, but it was still retreating continuously.

Because the road area was not wide enough, Qian Yuanguo’s army lasted for a long period of time. People in the back couldn’t see what happened before. They just felt that the team that had been advancing suddenly stopped advancing. Moreover, it seems to be regressing.

As a result, the team will inevitably be in chaos. The people in front want to retreat to avoid the fierce edge of the opponent, while the people behind don’t know what’s in front at all. They just want to move on and score. Going to the palace, this way, it is natural to squeeze together, especially behind Qian Yuanguo’s team, as well as Wang Cheng and the soldiers from other countries. They all want to move on, and Qian Yuanguo can’t benefit all of them. Take it away, isn't it?

Seeing that Qian Yuanguo’s army was actually retreating, they did not expect that Qian Yuanguo’s army had encountered a strong enemy. After all, they had gone all the way smoothly before, and Yuanfeng’s army could not stop them at all. How can you suddenly encounter a strong enemy as you move forward? Yuanfengguo is the weakest country outside the pass. In such a country, there is no strong team at all.

Therefore, people in other countries only thought that this was done deliberately by Qian Yuanguo, and his purpose was to block the direction of their people's advancement, not to allow them to move forward, and to prevent them from gaining benefits.

With such an idea, can those people behind be willing to step back? Obviously it was impossible. Instead of backing up, they continued to squeeze forward desperately, obviously rushing to the front.

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