[With Sero being defeated, this time the protagonist of the video, G&D Ultraman, finally appeared, and as soon as it appeared, G&D used the power of the Ultra King and turned into the form of the Emperor. ]

“The power you have is too weak, but a little bit in the capsule, and I am absorbing the huge energy from the King of Ultra from the entire universe, and the gap between us has become more and more detailed.”

Extremely evil Belia knocked J&D back to his initial form with a paw, and then looked at him and said proudly.


At this moment, Sero suddenly rushed forward and concentrated the timer of the extremely evil Belia with an obviously special weapon, but the claws of the extremely evil Belia penetrated Sero’s shoulder, knocking Sero back to the human body.

Then the father of Ultra rushed from the Land of Light and dragged down the extremely evil Belia, but even the power of the father of Ultra could not stop the extremely evil Belia, and could only delay for a while.

In the end, it was J&D who stood up and fought with the extremely evil beria, of course, he will not be the opponent of the extremely evil beria, even if the current extremely evil beria has weakened a lot.

However, with the help of aliens, G&D and a monster called Saigan simultaneously emit rays, and the entangled rays actually open dimensional rifts, wanting to banish the extremely evil Belia.

However, apparently Extreme Evil Belia also knew their purpose and directly killed the monster of Saigang, no matter how fierce he said, Extremely Evil Belia still did not attack J&D.

“Get me off this planet!”

G&D looked at the extremely evil Belia and launched another attack, but he and the extremely evil Belia’s combat power is too far apart, not at all the opponent of the latter, G&D’s move is extremely evil Belia, and it is more powerful.

But even so, G&D did not give up and continued to fight.

“You’re just a test product, I’m your father, you can’t surpass me, give up!”

Extremely evil Belia looked at G&D and tried to convince him with his mouth.

“I won’t give up, I’m going to make a break with you here today.”

G&D firmly said that his strong will finally caused a miracle, and the power of the King of Ultra appeared, materializing several forms of G&D and appearing with the original form.


G&D’s opening behavior, even the extremely evil Beria was confused, looking at them stunned.

In the ensuing battle, G&D finally gained the upper hand, used light to knock the extremely evil Belia back to normal, and then took him with him into the dimensional rift.

In the dimensional rift, Beria is also constantly fighting with G&D, but in the attack after attack, G&D sees Beria’s memory and understands the pain and hatred of his rebirth over and over again.

“Then let it all end!”

After forcing out the Rebron multi-star people in Belia’s soul, J&D said to Beria.

“Don’t talk like you know everything.”

Cutting back to the outside world, G&D and Beria finally confronted a wave of light, and Beria was beaten to ashes by G&D.

“Goodbye, Father.”

J&D looked at the scattered Beria and said. 】

At the same time, the picture on the light curtain disappeared, returning to a pitch-black state again.

“Yellow Ape: Are those giants? It’s terrible. ”

“Whitebeard: yes, those guys are much stronger than the giants.”

In the pirate world, there is a giant race, and their height can reach more than ten meters, but compared with Ultraman, their strength is as weak as ants.

Even the outliers among the giants, Oz the Majin or the more powerful Sea King, the giant Sea King, even the Elephant Lord, is small compared to Ultraman’s power.

“Digga: The Land of Light, Ultraman, are there so many?”

“Yumbius: That’s right, Brother Diga, you can also come to the Land of Light.”

“Sero: For that old man, I’m afraid he can’t adapt to life in the Land of Light.”

“Alan: Giant! What a giant and still protecting humanity, it’s good. ”

How nice it would be if the giants of their world could also protect humanity.

“Kesha: Gigantic humans? But it doesn’t look like a divine river body. ”

Keisha looked at the huge Ultraman, thoughtful, huge flesh-like existence, but also the existence of human bodies.

This makes Ultraman not look like real life, but rather like a biological weapon.

Keisha remembers that Styx Karl developed the so-called upgrade technology, that is, the mechanical body that gives life forms.

And Ultraman, whose body is huge, can store energy, combine with each other and transform forms, and the existence of human bodies, is indeed very similar to a biochemical weapon.

Of course, Keisha did not say it, looking at the world view of the Ultra World, the multiverse has already appeared, and there is no need for her to offend others.

“Qiao Feng (Xiao Feng): Does such a huge human really exist?”

“Ying Zheng: It is rumored that during the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were inu-Rong giants, I don’t know if they are so powerful.”

“Giant Spirit God: The strength of the Inujung Giant is still very strong, and there is no problem in defeating most Ultraman, but I am afraid that there is still something bad for Ultraman who can travel through the universe dimension.”

The forces involved in the universe dimension are extremely powerful, regardless of race or manifestation, they cannot be underestimated.

The correct answers and explanations were announced on the light curtain, and the rewarded fighting skills were passed on to Sero.

Compared to Sero’s cosmic boxing technique, this fighting technique is more powerful, and it is also more practical for Sero’s huge body.

Moreover, the giant fighting technique can also be fused with the cosmic boxing technique, so that Sero’s power is strengthened again.

“It’s so strong, now I feel stronger!”

Although it is only a fighting art, Sero can feel that his strength has been greatly improved, and the giant fighting art can also be transformed into different fighting styles according to his different forms, which is extremely flexible and practical.

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