The foreign pioneers were annihilated, and this domain once again gained short-term peace.
But everyone knows that the crisis from a foreign country has not been lifted.
Larger storms can break out at any time.
“what’s your plan?”
Red Emperor looked toward Yan Changfeng and asked.
“Exotic creatures, the real goal is not our domain, but Immortal World.”
Yan Changfeng’s gaze is slightly condensed, and the faint road: “This is the ninth domain, and the old grievances of Immortal World, our domain, was forced to get involved.”
“The ninth domain wants to attack Immortal World, and Immortal World doesn’t necessarily want to sweep out the enemy of the past.”
“You want to let Immortal World shoot?”
Red Emperor and the others are astonished.
“The power of the ninth domain alone cannot be resisted by our domain. Moreover, even if it can stop, because of their grievances with Immortal World, Immortal World does not move, but we want to suffer. ?”
Yan Changfeng said openly.
“The Immortal World channel is closed, how do we communicate with Immortal World and let Immortal World come out?”
Red Emperor shook his head.
“There is a natural way to open Immortal Sect!”
Yan Changfeng said openly.
“You mean…”
Red Emperor and the others seem to think of something.
Yan Changfeng thought about it, and a piece of Innate Supreme Treasure flew out and floated in the air.
Twelve pieces of Innate Supreme Treasure can be combined at any time to create a long-lasting terrifying power that forcibly penetrates Immortal World.
“Innate Supreme Treasure !”
“Have you found all 12 Innate Supreme Treasures?”
The Red Emperor and the others were all shocked, and the face was full of surprise colors.
“The legendary Twelve Great Innate Supreme Treasures will be able to force through Immortal World and establish its one immortal channel!”
Ye XIII also looked at the eyes, apparently did not expect that Yan Changfeng had already gathered the legendary Twelve Great Innate Supreme Treasures.
Originally, Yan Changfeng had only the top ten Innate Supreme Treasure.
However, Xuan Jiuyou gave him two other Innate Supreme Treasures before he gathered Innate Supreme Treasure.
As for the jade vine that was originally controlled by Su Meng’er, it was handed over to Yan Changfeng when Su Meng’er retired.
“What are you waiting for? Open the Immortal World channel and let them deal with the exotic creatures!”
Ye XIII’s urgent road.
Yan Changfeng has some concerns.
“Innate Supreme Treasure is all in one, but there is no guarantee that after the Immortal World channel is opened, those at Immortal World will honestly go to the ninth domain of the creatures.”
“Perhaps in their view, the destruction of our domain does not matter at all. Who can guarantee that they will not be as mortal as the ninth domain, and that we will be treated as a mustard?”
“In addition, if we build the Immortal World channel in our domain, then our domain will be even more embarrassing.”
“Since there is a ninth domain, and the ninth domain’s living body calls us this domain as the eighth domain, then in this world, there is no need for the seventh domain, the sixth domain, and the creatures of these other domains will also marry us. The Immortal World channel built by this domain?”
Yan Changfeng said the concerns in his heart.
鈥渊an Changfeng 镄勫苟闱炴 镄勫苟闱炴 镄勫苟闱炴 chain 夐 鐞嗭纴鎴戜 鐞嗭纴鎴戜 鐞嗭纴鎴戜 I I I I Immortal World 镄勬 佸 佸 佸 屼笖锛岃嫢鏄湪鎴戜 屼笖锛岃嫢鏄湪鎴戜 屼笖锛岃嫢鏄湪鎴戜 屼笖锛岃嫢鏄湪鎴戜 屼笖锛岃嫢鏄湪鎴戜鍩熸惌寤 捣 捣 Immortal World 阃氶 锛屾棤寮 锛屾棤寮 锛屾棤寮 簬锷犲揩浜嗙涔濆 镄勮剼姝ワ纴浠栦 镄勮剼姝ワ纴浠栦 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏 铡熸湰灏熷綋 氭垬鍦 氭垬鍦 纴浠ユ垜浠 纴浠ユ垜浠 鍩熶 鍩熶 鍩熶 鍩熶 鍩熶 鍩熶 璺 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
璧ゅ笣涔焢ondered then said 銆
Great 潵锛屾垜浠 潵锛屾垜浠 Great 杩橳 杩橳 We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We We
鈥滀笉濡效皢骞茶剢灏咺mmortal World 阃氶死寤虹珛鍒dressing 涔濆 欎粬浠兘澶熺洿鎺ヨ繘鍏 欎粬浠兘澶熺洿鎺ヨ繘鍏mmortal World 锛屾€讳Supplementary slider
鈥滀互鈥滀滑涓嶪mmortal World 镄勬仼镐纴涓€镞”氶氶氶寤寤珛锛屽珛锛屽mmortal World 涓嶆兂鐜板湪鍑洪閮閮閮笉琛屻€傗€
鈥滃彧鏄 Umbrella 镙 纴浼 纴浼 hydrogen hydrogen argon 洜姝よ mm Immortal World 璁 仺锛熲 仺锛熲
Yan Changfeng wel 槸灏 wel welwel Great Innate Supreme Treasures 涓 鎷涳纴鏀 鎷涳纴鏀 璧 璧 璧 璧
鈥沧垜浼 墠寰 墠寰 寮 寮 寮 涓 瓒燂纴 瓒燂纴 瓒燂纴 or or or or mmortal World 锛岃呖浜庡缑缃狪 mmortal World 锛屽浠婅缮 chain 夊繀瑕佽 umbrella 镙烽【蹇屽悧锛熲€
Yan Changfeng said openly.
寮 鐢熺伒杩熸棭瑕佸啀娆 鐢熺伒杩熸棭瑕佸啀娆 ° ° ° 潃鏉ワ纴鍒 椂 欎粬浠 欎粬浠 欎粬浠 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶 鍩燂纴蹇呭畾鎶
濡傛鎯呭 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 岃缮椤 缑浜唗 缑浜唗 many many many many many many 锛
鍦ㄥ纾鍩熸惌寤篒mmortal World 阃氶 锛屽皢绁 鐩 I Immortal World 锛屽埌镞跺 欑涔濆 欑涔濆 涓嶪 mmortal World 浜夐攱锛岃呖灏戣兘涓 粬浠 粬浠 涓 鍩熷浜夊彇涓 鍩熷浜夊彇涓 浜汿 浜汿 浜汿 銆
Key chain slippery chain mustard time 銆
鈥沧棤濡纴姝ゅ墠浣犱 鐩 鐩 锛孹 锛孹 锛孹 锛孹 锛孹 锛孹 Jiuyou 渚挎浘鍓嶅 寮 寮 寮 锛屽苟涓斿湪寮 ius ius ius ius ius锛屼粬灏hydrogen 笖镞犳儳锛屾垜杩樻湁浠€涔埚ソ镐旷殑锛熲€
Wel 涓湁 wel Twelve Great Innate Supreme Treasures 锛屼缭 絜 絜nough and to spare 銆傗€
Yan Changfeng said openly.
鏁版棩钖庯纴Yan Changfeng 渚垮惎绋嬩简锛屼笉鏁(4)€芥芥 Time 锛屽惁鍒欑瓑鍒板纾鍩熺敓鐏靛啀娆”ぇ杩涘帇杩涳纴灏卞お杩熶 銆
镆愮墖骞 喎瀵傞 喎瀵傞 镄勬槦绌 镄勬槦绌 €
涓€鍏鍏ぉ妫ぉ妫ぉ妫Void 涓鍑恒€
澶╂:涔嬩腑锛岄亖鍑涔嬩腑锛岄亖鍑竴阆撶槠鍏夛纴鍖栦綔涓涓︼涓︼涓︼鏉愭闀鏉愭闀鏉愭闀殑 white clothed 鐢峰瓙銆
璧劧鏄痱uan Jiuyou 銆
鈥滀 n n n n n 纴鎹 纴鎹 一 一 一 一 涓冭壊 涓冭壊 涓冭壊 涓冭壊 涓冭壊 涓冭壊 vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine er er er er er er er er er er er er er澶у晩鈥[€[€
鈥滀笉杩囷纴绱(二)€ф垚锷熶简锛屼簨瀹炶锛屼簨瀹炶鏄庯纴杩欐浔璺纴镄勭琛屽缑阃琛屽缑阃纴鍙︼缁 涓嫔幓锛屾垜画涓嫔幓锛屾垜Vine 瑕佸哜镵 鑹睤 ivine Spark 锛屽苟闱炴 夊彲鑳 chain 夊彲鑳 紒鈥
Xuan Jiuyou 鐩桦潗鍦ㄤ竾涓栦粰妫潗鍦ㄤ竾涓栦粰妫箣涓婏纴闾 f灇娴幇鍑虹鍏棰滆壊镄凞 ivine Spark 锛岀紦缂撹瀺鍏ュ埌浠栬韩浣箣涓纴浠栬韩涓婄殑姘旀伅锛岀珛鍗冲紑濮嬫毚娑ㄨ捣鏉ャ€
鍗婂 钖庯纴瀹囧畽杈 钖庯纴瀹囧畽杈 钖庯纴瀹囧畽杈 钖庯纴瀹囧畽杈 崚锛屼竴阆搒 崚锛屼竴阆搒 崚锛屼竴阆搒 鍐嶆锲炲埌浜呜 鍐嶆锲炲埌浜呜 鍐嶆锲炲埌浜呜 鍐嶆锲炲埌浜呜 鍐嶆锲炲埌浜呜 鍐嶆锲炲埌浜呜 鍐嶆锲炲埌浜呜
Chang 绗 绗 鍩熺殑 Yan Changfeng 銆
杈Si崚 chain 変笉灏戝纾鍩熺敓鐏 椿锷纴鍏 腑 腑 Chang an Changfeng 涓 鎺屼箣涓嬬伃浜嗕 鎺屼箣涓嬬伃浜嗕 鎺屼箣涓嬬伃浜嗕 骞 骞 骞噣銆
浠栧皢浠栦 韬笂镄勬 韬笂镄勬 娴娄箣姘旓纴榛戞殚涔嬫皵鍑濊仛浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鍗 娴娄箣姘旓纴榛戞殚涔嬫皵鍑濊仛浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鍗 娴娄箣姘旓纴榛戞殚涔嬫皵鍑濊仛浜呜捣鏉ワ纴鍗 苟 苟 苟 皢瀹冧 皢瀹冧 寰 寰 寰 寰 闾 埇 埇椹 恟 恟 efining 锛岃 屾槸璁╀粬浠鐩栧湪镊 屾槸璁╀粬浠鐩栧湪镊 屾槸璁╀粬浠鐩栧湪镊 韬笂锛岀敤浠ヤ 韬笂锛岀敤浠ヤ 韬笂锛岀敤浠ヤ 韬笂锛岀敤浠ヤ
杩欓粦鏆椾箣姘旇槠鐒跺叿 chain 夊 鐑堢殑 鐑堢殑 愯殌涔嫔姏锛屼絾鏄嵈闅 愯殌涔嫔姏锛屼絾鏄嵈闅 瀵筜 an Changfeng 璧 peak 埌鏁堟灉銆
闅忓悗锛孻an Changfeng 鍙埚彉鎹 瀹 瀹 矊锛屾惮鍙栦 矊锛屾惮鍙栦 杩欎簺寮 杩欎簺寮 杩欎簺寮 鐢熺伒镄勬 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜 傦纴浜呜Effective smoke
鈥滃师鏉ヤ粬浠墍璋撶殑鍩熶富杩杩苟 chain︻湡姝eft seclusion 涔堬纴姝ゅ墠娲鹃仯鍑哄幓镄勫厛阌嬮槦浼嶏纴鍙槸涓€浜涙寜鎹轰笉浣忕殑宁濇棌锛屾墍鍙泦镄勪汉嬨嬨€傗€
Yan Changfeng 鐩厜寰棯锛屽皢杩欎簺寮 鐢熺伒鎺屾 镄凣 镄凣 reat Dao 钖炲櫖涓 绌 绌 绌 纴鍗 vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine mov mov mov mov mov绗 鍩熺殑鍏ュ彛椋炰 鍩熺殑鍏ュ彛椋炰

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