My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style

My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style Chapter 787

"This is not a question of reservedness..."

"Look at people's real pears, they will take off when they come in, so consciously!"

"That's because Shit is too bold! Hush, keep it quiet, I feel someone is eavesdropping next door..."

"how is this possible……"

When the two men looked at each other awkwardly, the sound of bathing came from across the wall.

"Shhh! There is a mixed bath next to it. Maybe those wretched boys in our class are in it."

"Tsk, those cowards."

At this moment, four figures sneaked in from the outside of the mixed bath, and the four boys from Daqiao High School only realized that there were already two people here.

These two people are still... oh, they are eavesdropping, right!

So wretched!

I really want to beat them up.

Huh, that person is...

"Bi, Biqigu Jun?"

Long'er yelled subconsciously, but was heard by the tiger with the sharp ears next door. She was pounding the wall: "Hey! You guys are next door! Right! It must be the ears. Post it on the wall to eavesdrop, right!"


"You must be fantasizing about the stupid figure of Chihuahua!"

"Hey, why are you pulling me in—the boys have given me enough!"

Bachan rolled her eyes and coughed, learning Kotaro Katsura's voice, deep and slow: "Yes, they also stretched their hands down while listening, only I was sitting..."

"Fuck, fuck..."

Gui didn't see it well, and it was too late to glaze at the damn guy. He was about to rush out, but his face was blurred by the water, and his eyes could not be opened.

In the mess, Mr. Biqigu made a decisive decision, rushed out like the wind, rolled up his bathrobe, and ran away in panic, leaving five people staring at each other without knowing what to say.

A minute later, the long-haired man who ran to the door was caught by Aizaka and the tiger carried him into the mixed bath with a sneer.

The wig rolled his eyes: "Damn Biqigu...


Thank you Datengu for his great support for the new book. I actually want to watch Remilia's daily life. Tsk tsk, there is no pursuit at all.

It's actually on the 17th. Can Quan Qin write 200,000 words this month?

Chapter 13 How can men not wear bras?

The dead fisheye who fled hastily in a yukata knew that Katsura would definitely confess herself, and Dahe would also use her hound-like sense of smell to follow the smell to find herself.

So let's just wear a yukata, and the smell after the bath is faint and faint, and if you have a dog nose, even if you go through Okinawa, you will never find the place where the spa is.

I gave myself a thumbs up to the Bachan that my good friend had pitted: "High, high! You can be better than Qigu, smart guy!"

The wise man is smug. He is now using the strategies in the art of war to avoid being tracked by the river. After all, the smell is a bit unreliable. Kotaro Katsura might still be a tiger and help her to retrieve the surrounding surveillance video-no, not to say Uncertain, he definitely will!

Digging holes for each other and kicking each other down is a normal way for them to joke with each other.

"What is black under the light? What is the safest place in the most dangerous place? This is it!"

He sneaked into the hotel near the hot spring, which is where the students of Ohashi High School stayed, and found an unoccupied room to get in.

"Huh... this is the girl's room?"

Blindly glanced, and smiled happily: "I'm really lucky! It's a group of girls who don't lock the door. Do you think this is an automatic lock, or ran outside to play? But it just happened to be convenient for me... "

In a room with eight tatami mats, the ski shirts that were taken off were just thrown on the tatami mats. The uniforms hung on the shelves consisted of only two coats and four skirts. The luggage for five people was all piled up in a mess. , A few even open the zipper, and the contents inside are also exposed.

In addition to cosmetics and strange magazines, there are also some pink things.


There is actually a lonely sock on the wall.

How could it be so sloppy?

The teenager frowned and covered his nose, and looked at it disgustingly. He despised the group of girls for being neat and hygienic. The half-bag of potato chips that was left after eating was probably damp in the humid air, right?

Forget it, it's just a school trip, don't expect too much from a group of high school students.

Go one step further inside—"Huh?"

It seems that I stepped on something.

Looking down with trembling eyebrows, this is...hand cream?

Or Yamei's hand cream?

Hi, why is even the only conscience Miss Kawashima so sloppy?

Bajiang's eyes rolled around, rubbed the hand cream on his arm, then smelled it, and touched it again.

"Oh! Sure enough, it's only for models, it's so tender!"

The excited boy rubbed a little more on the back of his hand unceremoniously, and it seemed that the perverted liking that had been in the dust for a long time was lighted up again, and the raging desire for women's clothing filled his brain.

friend!Stop it!

Please don't spread the cult atmosphere!

"Um... it's pretty fragrant, ah, I really miss it!"

Don't miss you pervert!

"...Um hehe"

——Laughing so disgusting!

Come on, a policeman will take this guy away!

Isn't it just making yourself savory?

Didn’t you just see the girl’s uniform and skirt?

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