My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style

My Youth Love Story Sudden Change in Painting Style Chapter 638

Isshiki started to hit his back with her little head, and made a cute voice of "Woo", which seemed incomprehensible...

"Like you, I have no way of understanding this. After all, hobbies and impulse cannot last long, because we have to work and learn, unless it is a wayward rich second generation. I am thinking about how many people there are in Japan. Will the club exist for a long time?"

Just like Xuexia, a lot of money has been spent on hobbies such as black tea, Mr. Pan, and cat supplies. She is not a fan, she just likes it.

The most important thing is that her family is rich.


Are you idiots?You are absolutely idiots!Isn’t it enough to reverse the table of contents for the first extra-volume?How simple is this?

Today's third watch, there is something special, please support me, subscription is already very miserable, please recommend a monthly ticket for the blade.

The recommended position that I applied for last week said that it’s gone if I didn’t have it. I don’t even have a notification. I’m going to knock down the editorial department!

Chapter 5 This time, it’s my sister’s round

This is true of everything, whether it is words or minds.

As long as it is conveyed to the person who wants to convey it, it is enough.


The letter I took out of my schoolbag was very familiar handwriting.

What was taken out of the lovely envelope decorated with shiny tinsel in the snowy Christmas breeze was a list of gifts with no lovely wishes written on it.

Sitting on the sofa, I had a good video call with An Yilun Yaxiazhioka and others. It was originally a topic of discussion book. I don’t know when it became how to spend Christmas. In the end it became him and the famous writer Xia Shi Teacher Zi Biao all kinds of pornography...

Biqigu slowly put the envelope he had forgotten all day before his eyes, and said sorry to his sister in his heart.

He forgot about it...

Of course, don’t be overly guilty, because what the younger sister really wants to say is the part of "remember to buy laundry detergent when you go home"-is this the so-called Komachi-style American joke...

In short, Ignore all the requirements to buy on the list, and look at the bottom thing. That is the content that can easily affect Hachitani Hachiman.

"The last item-the happiness of Oni sauce!"

——What is it?

The teenager fell into inexplicable contemplation. It seems that since his return from Kyoto, he has often fallen into some worrying emotions and moods. Although these have not been actively expressed, as a sister who has lived together for more than ten years, she will definitely notice Arrived.

However, after realizing it, Komachi didn't ask anything about it. Maybe she thought her brother could handle it well, or she felt that if she managed too much as a younger sister, it would make him nameless.

It is precisely because of this kind of thoughtfulness that I use this indirect way of caring-I really love you, sister.

But what is the happiness of Higiya Hachiman, or the wish of Higiya Hachiman?

Before the age of twenty, Biqigu finally began to think about this problem.

"What kind of life do you want to have in the future?"

Are you really just being a family cook at home?

Although it is not bad, but I always feel that this kind of life is a bit boring, which is extremely inconsistent with the spirit of the regiment.

If, like Komachi has a wish, he also expects something...

The boy lyrics in a tone that is almost chanting: "...I wish Komachi can be happy! I wish my lovely young, beautiful and sweet princess, have endless happiness, just make her happy! Let her be one day The happiest bride in the world!"

The words paused for a while, and Yawata added without hesitation: "Of course, the bridegroom is me, so we will go to the Berlin Orthopedic Hospital to get married!"

Sitting on the other side of the sofa, the little sister who rarely watched TV and entertained him weakly gave him a roll of eyes: "Too perfunctory, brother!"

"How can you be perfunctory? How can you say that it is perfunctory? I can say even more sensational, but now this time can not distract you, how to say, you are also a fresh candidate, please be serious ."

Komachi is extremely dissatisfied with what his elder brother said, especially for exams or something: "Brother, you are so useless! I heard that sister control has the confidence to raise her sister for a lifetime, can't you say, "It doesn't matter if you don't go to school , Does O'Neill raise you?"

Biqigu opened his mouth in surprise and pointed to himself: "I said, don't you think the script should be a little novel? It should be you who go out to work and feed my family, right?"

"Stop arguing, watch TV!"

Yi Hueiyu was quite impatient with the dialogue between the siblings.

In short, put the "my happiness" aside first, and he folded the letter paper and put it in the inner pocket on the left side of his shirt.

My sister has been looking at him from the corner of her eyes. Seeing this action, Komachi laughed happily for no reason, and was cast a blind eye...


"Do you think he doesn't love you?"

I don’t know if it was a few years ago, or earlier, Mrs. Biqigu was whispering to her daughter on the sofa: "Dear baby, I don’t think even your brother himself knows how much he loves you."

In those wise eyes with years of innocence, reflected his little daughter, and reflected the little aggrieved face of a good baby.


Mrs. Biqigu at this moment is not a strong woman in the mall, but a mother listening to her daughter.

"Your brother is very proud. He not only despises the human relations rules of the world, but also often ridicules the values ​​conceived in tradition and Westernization-but in addition to his inherent arrogance, he is also deeply influenced by Japanese tradition... "


"Baby, haven't you noticed? Little frog always puts his own things on the right and yours on the left..."

In the Japanese tradition, the left is respected.

It is written in "Ancient History" that Izanagi and the Three Pillars God, washing the left eye gave birth to the Amaterasu God, washing the right eye gave birth to the moon reading fate, and washing the nose gave birth to the life of Jian Yasusa.

There is also a song in "The Collection of Many Leaves": "It's not common for the monarch to miss you. Holding the bow with the left hand and scratching the eyebrows, the meeting can be done."

The ancient Japanese believed that the sudden tickling of eyebrows was a sign of seeing a lover, and the left eyebrow was the one who knew the future. For the Japanese, only the left can touch the most mysterious destiny, and the "right" is only a daily routine. A sign.

My sister seemed to be filled with honey. Every time she saw her brother "Shang Zuo", she would be excited, and the love in her eyes made no secret of the love, making Isshiki turn her gaze helplessly.

Yawata patted the left pocket, and there seemed to be a special warmth from that position.


Does this mean I like Komachi?

He glanced at his sister and found that the little ghost was staring at his face, sometimes ashamed and sometimes gentle and weird. He stretched his waist quickly and realigned the collar.

So, you kid should study hard first. As for other things, wait until the exam is over.

Still, it's better to put on a cold image to let her take heart.

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