My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style

My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style Chapter 601

Biqigu shook his head and looked down at Xia Zhiqiu's electronic document manuscript. There were a few text libraries on hand.

"Is there a problem?"

Kasumigaoka, who is very calm on other topics, is a little nervous now...

After all, it was the third volume of her novel. As long as he was not too mad and proud, any writer would be more or less nervous when others read his manuscript in person.

"...I always feel that the plot is loose and somewhat subtle."

The beautiful black hair drifted forward all of a sudden, and the girl’s strong fragrance accompanied by a slight breath made Hachiman lift his eyes: “Simply put, it’s at this transitional stage that people don’t know whether it’s funny or serious... "

"Summer fireworks incident?"

"Yes, in fact, I personally think that it is completely fine for this incident to be the climax at the end of volume two."

The elder sister puffed her cheeks, whimpered a few times with great unwillingness, and then her eyes lit up: "Well... how about becoming a winter firework incident?"

"No, no, no, I want to use lively fireworks to contrast the sadness of the plot? The setting is correct, but it's too abrupt, and you know, except for Christmas, winter events are generally not very eye-catching..."

Xia Zhiqiu lowered his head reluctantly again, frowned and stared at his part of the manuscript, rubbing his forehead painfully: "Then...delete it directly? But I always feel that I can't connect, it's so painful and painful! "

Taking the coffee brought by the maid, Bi Qigu grinned slyly: " can let the heroine and the hero temporarily break up at the fireworks display?"

"What kind of bridge is that?"


"Don't talk about it, what bad ideas are there."

The boy shrugged gracefully and listened to the lady maid introducing the specialty snacks and drinks of this shop.

After scratching her hair and thinking for a while, the girl muttered to herself: "This idea might be really okay..."

"Ah, this one is newly launched. It seems to be called'juice squeezed by my sister's own hands'. Do you want a copy?"

Hachiman absent-mindedly shook his head, sister's juice...

Brother's juice?

Self-produced and sold?

"This, it's the school wife's lunch box of childhood sweetheart~Would you like to have one, Ernie Chan?"

Hearing this soft and cute sound of O'Neill, he couldn't help turning his face: "One more sound of O'Neill—why, what are you doing, Xiao Huihui?"


Thank you for your determination to count the eight sins you owe a thousand rewards. You are turned into ashes, I know you!

Thanks to Shiho Moori for his great reward-this man changed his name several times overnight, and finally changed it back. I must have struggled in my heart, Shiho...

Thank you Tsurumi Yawata (Hey, what's the name of this name?), passing by countless worlds, the lament of the green blade, filthy friends, smiling, fiery and fiery7, a certain scientific bookworm, white devil, ah Meow Awang, Hasegawa Kitty (Burn Burning!), Cang Yun, the not arrogant real Ji, Jishu of Thirsty (I teach you), Qixingzi, Zhishi, Sloth no Guda grass, You poisonous, astrologer Sun Liancheng, Crescent C, Eight Clouds, Ming, Ji Jijun's rewards and blades... (to be continued)

The new books of this month are a bit abnormal, um, Cao Cao Cao Cao...

Chapter 73 Silk stockings, what's the big deal, who didn't wear them?

The maid in front of me...

How to put it, most of the maid shops in Akihabara are based on the element of "cute", highlighting the characteristics of the two-dimensional, not to mention the personality and name customization, just the clothing-white!

Although some people divide the maid uniforms into Victorian and French maid styles, in fact, most cafes are still based on French maid uniforms.

Clothes, petticoats, aprons, and lace headdresses need not be said. Sometimes, rabbit ears or cat ears headdresses may be worn to increase its "cute" power.

No matter how much it is, it is nothing more than hiding some strange things in the skirt, when necessary...

But no matter how much the clothes have changed, most of the accessories of the maid clothes are still white.

Of course, silk stockings are also included...



Xia Zhiqiu refreshed his knowledge of this person again!

What the hell is he doing now?

Bending wretchedly... Stroking Kato-san's leg!

"...Eh much?"

Hui, who was originally smiling, had a very strange expression at this moment. Although she had no expression at all, now she has to clamp her legs under the caress of her childhood sweetheart (try typing these four words) and breathe gently. I got up quickly, and the hands holding the menu twisted with the upper body twist...

In fact, Bajiang is not trivial at all!

He didn't touch Xiao Huihui's leg, right?

What he studied is obviously silk stockings, okay!

"This texture... is refreshing and smooth. It is not a popular core-spun yarn on the market, nor is it a lycra that can be put on Wang Nima's headgear, which is famous for its stretchability. It is a velvet with a dense and delicate texture, good visual effects and warmth. Stockings..."

(Big head is perverted!)


The two girls were shocked and speechless, seeing that there was an inexplicable pride of "I've seen it many times" on his serious face...

In fact, they were wrong.

This kind of inexplicable pride is not called "I have seen it many times", but "I have worn it many times"...

Mr. Biqigu touched it nostalgicly again: "It's soft and slippery...this shop is kind, Xiaohui, these socks are perfect for you!"


The girl bit her lip and patted his head lightly with the menu, her face flushed slightly.

"...Bad guy!"

[Picture: This is also a bad guy] Link:


"Where are An Yijun and his childhood sweetheart? I heard they are golden double ponytails, so rare things, I am curious."

Hui, who had already changed her maid outfit, took her cell phone and pursed her lips like cherry blossom petals: "Sawamura-san seems to be sick... Well, there is good news and bad news."

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