My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style

My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style Chapter 511

Eilaoming's eyes were sharp, and he whispered: "It's a pity, you can't see the story of Brother Attack and Suffer."


Hachiman heard clearly, and suppressed the shaking of his shoulders, with a smile on his face: "In fact, Gui has a younger brother."

"Really? How old is it?"

"Well, he was born on the same day as him."

Biao made a non-obvious yellow paragraph, but it was a pity that Hai Laoming suddenly became stupid: "Ah, they are twins. They must look alike?"

The wig, who knew exactly what Dead Fisheye was talking about, looked underneath himself, and shook his head quickly: "It's not like it, it's not like it at all."

"That must look like your father...oh, father and son..."


[Picture: Kill her! Link:

too frightening!

Bajiang's classmates are not easy at all!

No wonder he said that this matter was helpless-this four-eyed girl is not easy!

"It's not easy..."

Looking at the stunned eyes of the Ministry of Households next to him, Ye Shan sighed lowly, as if he had gone through a great battle, and his whole body was softened.

Then, looking at Yuko Miura who was cutting the fruit and handing it to him, the look in his eyes became even more helpless.


"Why do you want to confess if you know you will be rejected? Why do you want to fall in love if you know you will break up?"

The Hube, who started drinking, muttered to himself like this, as if cheerfulness was leaving him.

When Hachiman came out, he was already drinking and lying on the table.

"Sooner or later, you will die. Why do people live again?"

Even at night, the courtyard is stained with beautiful colors by red leaves, and with some lights, there is a fascinating hazy beauty.

On the side of the courtyard, Ebiname Hime sighed "It's so beautiful," and then waited for Yawata with a smile.

"Entrusted, did you forget?"

Biqigu tapped his fingers on the wooden guardrail: "You should know the effect better than me."

She was silent for a while, then smiled again: "Is the relationship between those guys okay?"

"...Nothing has changed. I still play mahjong at night."

"I can't see that, it's not delicious at all! More importantly, it's the best to be able to see the boys unite together where I am also!"


This is why she came to the Ministry of Service to make a commission.

The ending has been settled.

"Well... I want to thank you."

The boy answered with silence instead.

Eilao Ming Ji Cai is a stranger, at least Bi Qigu thinks it is strange.

Although the appearance is relatively quiet, but in private performances, she can be seen that she is cheerful and lively, and she is also very intelligent on the inside.

However, if you add her status as a rotten girl, you will have a very strong sense of violation. This is when Biqigu and Yukoshita really felt this violation when they were commissioned before the school trip.

"I'm thinking, the reason why rotten girls are rotten girls, and the reason they want boys to have feelings beyond friendship, is that they all subconsciously want boys to stay away from themselves? Just like most boys who like lilies are bachelors?"

Ebina also walked to the guardrail and looked at the cold moonlight, and the corners of his lips were slightly pursed: "Boys who are too allergic will not be liked."

She smiled at the boy again: "Thank you this time, I really helped a lot."

"Thank you Ye Shan anyway. Although they are all half-hearted tricks, it should be called'he has a deep love for the Hube' in your words-you should have talked to him about this before the group."

Glancing at the girl’s subtle expression, Blind Fish’s eyes rolled his Blind Fish’s eyes: "... But really, I really don’t think about it? Although Hube is a more exaggerated person, I think it’s a good Here comes the guy."

"There is no play, no play, than Mr. Gu, you should be able to understand things like this? Because it is absolutely impossible for me to date with whom or anything now."

Eilao looked at him with a thrilling smile: "Because, I'm rotten."

(The sewer... forget it, it's disgusting to think of it)

Biqigu waved his hand in disgust: "Don't compare me to you. I never thought of twisting myself into another person just to make friends with others? That's really bad like never before."

"No way, no one can understand, and don't want to be understood. So it's impossible to have a good relationship with people."

Smiling at him, Ebina gently pushed his glasses, and the lenses reflected the white light like a certain delinquent boy, and he couldn't even see it.

She said as if to add, raising her head, her cheeks flushed slightly, a cheerful smile at normal times: "However, if it were me and Mr. Hitori, we might be able to date well. "

"That's impossible!"


Thanks for the reward and monthly pass of Origami Sauce every day.

Thank you forever pavilion no bell fairy (want to eat), look at my finger, how many worlds it is, pass by countless worlds, book guest 8151752345, Schrödinger's running dog (this name...), ping you (just like flat), Luo Sanpang , A certain zongzi, a monkey who turned into a sheep, Ayase Suji, the author's reward and blade for the trade in women's clothing

... There seems to be something wrong.

Thank you for your recommendation and monthly pass. Let me see if it is possible to stay in the top ten at the end of the month?

Chapter 30 In Japan, women's clothing is a tradition

Even more resolutely refused than facing a color feather, he stubbornly issued a card: "You are a good person. Besides, there are only one or two quiet literary girls..."

The latter sentence was vague and theoretically only he heard it.


The petite girl in the library rubbed her temples. Even if she was trying to suppress the various time and space turbulence caused by spring irritability, she couldn't help but feel a little tired.

The cute Sanwu girl who had already taken off her glasses murmured to herself: "One...two?"

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