My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style

My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style Chapter 278

If you want to make a love game for girls, then the protagonist prototype can be based on Ye Shan.

Anyway... loneliness and dead fish eyes can't be the protagonist anyway.

Thinking of this, Biqigu easily set up a comic flag for himself.

Eilao Hime's eyes traversed back and forth between Yeshan and Xiaocai, her breathing hurried unconsciously: "I only heard that Yeshan-kun and Hubu-kun are going to camp together..."

Hachiman took a step back impenetrably, but the rotten woman didn't seem to let him go, she looked straight over, her face full of excitement...

Biqigu Baobao expressed fear for the corrupt girl who lusted for herself and went against other men.

What is going in the opposite direction? It is the opposite of "opposing".

——It's totally unreasonable for a master like me to miss the idiom conference.

Shizuka slapped his hands, and the teacher at the school said: "I will just say a few words..."

This sentence is tied to the nine big lies with the other eight sentences.

I'm urging you, the food will come soon!

I invite you to dinner another day!

Wife, I'm in a meeting.

Guest, please be gentle, this is the first time...

Sanlu, pure milk.

Sorry, we tried our best.

No matter how poor it is, education cannot be poor.

Do practical things for the people.

"I don’t know why I was asked by the principal to supervise the volunteer activities in the area... So I brought you here. You have to work as volunteers in the forest school of the elementary school. You have to help the teachers and children. Simply put It's just doing chores...the extreme point is a slave."


Someone sneered low, and squinted dangerously at the quiet and cute voice.

Teacher Xiaojing shuddered and stared back unwillingly: "Of course, it also serves as a hostel for the Ministry of Service. You won't be stingy with any pre-determined bonus points. You can also play during free time."

"So, come and have fun together!"


There is an asphalt road from the parking lot to the main building.

On the way, Xuexia spoke with a gloomy expression, and the words were full of wind and snow.

"...Why even Ye Shan and the others are here?"

Biqigu looked at the ground to see if there were any smooth bricks: "That's right, how come the Lonely Group and the Existing Group can fight together? Teacher, give me a disability indicator!"

"If you dare to pick something up, I will let you call the parent."

This bitch is afraid of this, holding his sister's hand with a sneer: "Don't be afraid to tell you the truth, I am the emperor at home!"

My sister whistled disdainfully...

The main reason is that the parents are out of town all year round and they can’t control their brothers and sisters. Why do the couple work so hard? It’s just because at some point, Yahata sent an email to his father with a few numbers but inexplicably sad: "What about me, Is it possible to be a rich second generation?"

After reading it, the head of the family had mixed feelings and forwarded the email to his own Laozi, and then went to the field to try to make money.

"As the Minister of the Ministry of Service, I personally do not approve of cooperation between two small groups that obviously have no emotional foundation."

"Yes, yes, there is no tacit understanding. Xuexia can at least read my eyes. Can the four of them?"

"No, I don't understand, and I don't want to see your blindfold. I just guessed it."

"...Use your same solitary thought circuit?"

Yukoshita's face was cold again, and he didn't want to say a word.


Here, there are nearly 100 elementary school students.


They should all be sixth graders...

It's just right, I'm more excited...

what?You said it's not all girls, but little boys?


The pupils are not wearing school uniforms, but they are very colorful, almost everyone is talking, so it feels very noisy.

Totsuka, who had the sensitive intuition of a small animal, took a step back subconsciously, Yubihama stood there at a loss, and Yukishita's face was slightly blue.

Yahata didn't care, he was looking for a little guy.

It is still a bit difficult to find one out of more than a hundred people.

He could only complain by text message: "I said, can you stand in a slightly more conspicuous place, there are a lot of people here."

Tsurumi Liumi in the crowd saw him at a glance, and replied with his mobile phone: "Guardian, you should have noticed your unparalleled princess at a glance among a group of ordinary guys."


When was this hapless kid so conceited?

You are so unscrupulous in front of me, Xiao Liumei!

He calmly sent an e-mail under Xue Xue's increasingly iron face: "Stop talking nonsense, the color of the clothes?"

Xiao Liumei curled her lips: "White."

Yawata squinted his eyes, the color in his eyes was only pure white. Finally he found the lonely kid who was also holding the phone, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "I saw you, see you later."

The content of the activity is not very complicated. In addition to some ordinary sports, elementary school students are also required to learn how to cook by themselves. Of course, there is also a bed skill that military men can do.

Stack the quilt...

"Then finally introduce the brothers and sisters who came to help everyone. First of all, let's say hello, please take care of me."

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