Shirakawa Natsu turned around and looked around, hoping to find that pretty figure among the sparse trees.

"No." Ya Zhiguo shook his head with a playful expression: "You came here with the expectation of a miracle, right? Then tell this land that you like her."

Bai Chuanxia was stunned for a moment, then nodded sadly.

When she first met Nao, she came right up to express her affection.

And he was used to Nao paying for him, taking everything for granted, and indeed he had never told her that he loved her.

Shirakawa Natsu didn't know if the land beneath his feet was the birch forest where Nao wanted to come with him.

Take a deep breath.

He closed his eyes, tried his best, and his voice broke out of his throat: "Nai! Xu! I love you!!"

The final sound was a bit broken.

Feeling relieved, I finally said what I should have said to Nao a long time ago.

In such an environment, I spoke out.

The things that were blocked in my heart, the things that had been accumulated for the past three months, were all let out at this moment with the shouts.

The sound carried far through the woods.

Baichuan Xia opened her eyes and looked around anxiously.

The only sound in the woods was the wind blowing through the leaves.

The workers on the construction site were working in full swing, and everything was the same as before.

"Haha." Bai Chuanxia smiled awkwardly. He admitted that at that moment, he had some unrealistic fantasies in his heart.

He raised his head and wanted to tell Yazuki to go home.

Suddenly a tall figure walked out of the woods, with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth.

"I'm sorry, do you need me to avoid you?" Yazhiguo held a cigarette between his two fingers, his eyes playful: "You will feel better if you vent your depression alone."

"Mazuki! Alone? Damn it?!" Shirakawa Xia suddenly turned around and looked around him, but there was nothing there.

Where is the figure of Mi Zhigong just now?

He looked around blankly.

I missed Nao so much that I had hallucinations?

"What's wrong?" Mi Zhiguo came over and said, "I went over there and asked the workers. This used to be a military zone, but now it has been changed to..."

"Shopping mall?" Bai Chuanxia answered.

"Hmm?" Surprise flashed in Mi Zhiguo's eyes: "You already know."

"Pah!" Shirakawa Xia slapped her face fiercely. There was a crisp sound, followed by a stinging pain. It was not an illusion.

Even if there are hallucinations, it cannot be Yazuki.

There is also the action of lighting up a cigarette just now and extinguishing it again without taking a puff.

"I'm going to chase Nao!" Shirakawa Natsuki turned to Yazuki and shouted, then ran towards where Nao was standing just now and rushed into the forest.

He yelled and ran like crazy, hoping to find the familiar figure in the forest.

He had been waiting three months for this moment.

"Nao?" Yazuki looked around and sniffed. He frowned slightly, looked to the right, and then looked at Shirakawa Natsu, who had run out of sight to the left.

She tilted her head, debating whether to tell him he was running in the opposite direction.

Mi Zhiguo leaned against the tree trunk and took a deep breath. Then he smiled at the corner of his mouth, put out the cigarette butt, and walked slowly towards the direction Shirakawa Xia was running.

Shirakawa Natsu didn't know how long she ran until night fell, with only the moon providing some faint light.

He stopped and realized that he had run into the forest without knowing it.

There was silence all around, no insects chirping in autumn, only the coolness of the evening breeze.

"Oh, I'm really crazy."

Shirakawa Xia squatted down, took out her mobile phone, and turned on the navigation. The signal was not good, and it was now twenty kilometers away from Moscow.

"What the **** am I doing."

Every time he calmed down, he felt stupid.

He stood up straight and wanted to go back to find Yazuki.

His feet really softened, and then he squatted down and sat on the ground.

There is grass and soil below, so it's a little cool, so there's no need to worry about getting hurt.

Only then did Shirakawa Xia realize that after the long-distance run just now, her body was already exhausted, and she just took a breath and never stopped.

I just stopped for a while, and my physical fatigue immediately showed.

"never mind!"

Shirakawa Natsu lay back on the ground, stretched out her hand, and looked at the moon between her fingers.

He knew that it was Nao who didn't want to see him.

But why did he appear in the form of Mi Zhiguo just now?

Thinking of this, Shirakawa Xia smiled. This was the happiest day in three months.

He was sure that Nao was here and that she still loved him.

"I have to start drawing comics tomorrow, but I don't know if the editorial department will accept my manuscript." Shirakawa Xia looked at the moonlight between her fingers.

Living here costs a lot of money. In the past, comics were mostly about eunuchs, which affected their income.

You have to find a way to make money.

He was just thinking about all kinds of random things.

Suddenly a face appeared between his fingers.

Wearing a bright smile on his face, he seemed to be always happy and without any worries.

"?" Shirakawa Natsu took her hand away and looked at Nao in disbelief.

She had her hands behind her back and her body was slightly bent.

The beautiful eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight.

Even in dim light, Shirakawa Xia could see herself in these eyes.

only myself.

"Natsu~" Nao called out this familiar name without any change in her tone, as if nothing had happened between the two of them.

Bai Chuanxia's eyes were red, and he wanted to reach out to grab her, but stopped in mid-air.

This is my own fantasy.

Nao's appearance was very random and made no sense at all.

"Hehe~ Welcome to the place where I live." Nao stretched out his hand and took Shirakawa Natsu's hand: "It's great that you can come."

It has a familiar feel, soft and waxy.

"I..." Bai Chuanxia turned his head away, tears falling from his eyes.

He felt that he was quite embarrassed and did not deserve to be called Huang Mao.

"Where is the tree where you carved your name?" Bai Chuanxia held her hand tightly: "I want to carve my name next to it, and we will always be together for twenty or thirty years."

"That tree has been cut down, you must have seen it when you came here." Nao smiled and sat next to him, looking down at him:

"My name, the place where I live, and the land I paid for. A reinforced concrete shopping mall will be built on it, invested by Yan Guo. There will be a lot of people, and no one will remember what this place used to be. "

Nao then smiled brightly: "But it doesn't matter, I just remember."

Chapter 465 Want to see you

"Go back." Shirakawa Natsu held Nao's hand tightly. When he was looking for her, he had thousands of words to say to her and express his love for her.

Those words were repeated in my mind countless times.

When they actually sat together, it was like their mouths were full of lead: "You and us, everyone is worried about you."

Nao turned his head sideways, with dark eyes and a smile: "Are you worried too?"

"Well, yes." Shirakawa Xia leaned towards her, keeping his body as close to her as possible: "That's why I came to find you."

"Why?" Nao tilted his head and said with a smile, "Why are you worried about me? I can be considered your ex-girlfriend at most."

"Because of me..." Shirakawa Xia wanted to say that he loved her, but her lips were pressed by her fingers.

"Hehe~ Let me show you around the place where I was born." Nao held his right hand and stood up, her eyes smiling like crescent moons:

"Although it's not as a partner, a promise is a promise~ right?"

"Uh." Bai Chuanxia looked at her smiling face and couldn't tell what the girl was thinking for a moment.

He suddenly realized that he had never known the real Nao from the beginning.

He just regarded her as a girl who liked him very much and accepted this feeling.

"Let's go." Nao took his right hand and walked towards the forest: "This is an agreement, hehe~"

At the same time, on the other side of the forest.

Mi Zhiguo leaned against the tree trunk, a cigarette in his mouth, and his eyes were deep.

Next to her stood a stunningly beautiful woman. Under the moonlight, she looked as beautiful as an elf that did not belong to this world. She was a woodweed girl.

"Nao will take him away. She has no past. Maybe Shirakawa Natsu will not appear again~"

Mi Zhiguo took a deep breath of cigarette: "Let him decide."

"Does it really not matter?" The algae girl came over and smiled slyly:

"Don't be deceived by that woman's appearance. Purity and innocence are just appearances. She is a master at playing with people's hearts. Human decisions will be controlled by others under certain conditions. This is not difficult. This is what that woman is good at. .”

"That was also his decision." Mi Zhiguo closed his eyes and continued to lean against the tree trunk.

In the woods.

"You know, the happiest time for us was during the wilderness survival training." Nao held his hand and kicked pebbles on the ground from time to time:

"Although it will be very hard, I have to find food by myself, and it will make me dirty, but I am really happy. I made a hat out of flower stems."

"You can run outside in the forest all day. You can climb into the birch trees and listen to the sound of the wind blowing on your face."

“At that time, everyone in the institute was a good friend and a partner working towards a common goal.”

Bai Chuanxia looked at her smile, frowned and asked, "Do you have many companions?"

As far as he knew, this world was almost full of ordinary people.

Monsters like foxes are already rare, otherwise she wouldn't have been looking for companions because of her loneliness.

"Yes, a lot." Nao nodded and looked at the night sky: "Although we are very different in age, we all regard each other as family."

“But people often leave saying, ‘First time meeting. "The time between "goodbye" and "goodbye" is less than a week."

"The memories from that time are all about constant separation."

Nao said, the innocent smile gradually faded from her face, and something else appeared on her face.

Shirakawa Natsu was stunned. This was the first time he saw Nao like this. She lost her girlishness and was filled with sadness that couldn't be overcome.

"You'll get used to it, right?" Shirakawa Xia said blankly.

"No~" Nao turned around and looked at him: "Every time I am separated from everyone, I feel the same sadness, so I cherish the time we can be together. When we meet and say hello every morning, I always think about Keep her in mind and say what you like, because maybe there will be no second chance to see her again, that’s what I often think.”

Shirakawa Natsu looked at her expression and recalled the scene when she met Nao in her mind.

It was her who took the initiative and expressed her love to her unreservedly.

It turns out she has such a past.

The two of them were walking through the woods, and could see scattered city lights in the distance.

"Sometimes I think it would have been better if I hadn't left." Nao suddenly stopped: "But then I wouldn't have met Xia~ It's so annoying."

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