My Wife May Be a Saint

Chapter 1025: Cartoonist

While Jiang Zuo was still saying something for Su Qijia, Su Qi kept staring at Jiang Zuo, and then said: "Did you just think in your heart that you can win the prize?"

Jiang Zuo was stunned, but he didn't understand why Su Qi could easily guess what he was thinking.

Then Jiang Zuo did not deny it, but said: "This is what you said, it has nothing to do with me."

Su Qi thought for a while and said, "Is mine yours?"

Jiang Zuo's instinct told him that there was definitely a problem with this sentence, but he couldn't answer no.

Then Jiang Zuo nodded: "Yes."

Su Qi said again: "Then I count you?"

Jiang Zuo said: "It doesn't count."

Before Su Qi's eyes widened, Jiang Zuo said again: "You are mine."

Su Qi didn't keep opening her eyes when she heard these words, but said: "I am all yours, then what I said is the same as what you said?

Are you responsible for this sentence? "

Jiang Zuo: "..."

He knew that the question itself had a problem, and now he didn't know how to answer it.

Then Jiang Zuo passed Su Qi and glanced at the three magicians behind her.

Then he felt that he should change the subject?

After making up his mind, Jiang Zuo cast a glance at Su Qi and said, "What we said seems to have been heard."

To put it simply, Jiang Zuo wanted to tell Su Qi that there were people behind, so it's better to say less.

With Su Qi's face to the outside world, this trick must be very useful.

Su Qi is particularly concerned about the look in others' eyes.

Of course, the main thing is shame.

However, sometimes she will not escape. For example, Jiang Zuo proposes to her in public. She can't run away or refuse to respond because of shyness.

Because this is about whether Jiang Zuo will be ridiculed or feel uncomfortable later, Su Qi does not want to make Jiang Zuo uncomfortable.

Of course, Jiang Zuo certainly didn't think so much at that time.

To him, it was just a surprise.

Well, there is surprise, there is joy, and there is shame.

At least in retrospect, it was particularly embarrassing, uh, a little proud.

When Su Qi heard Jiang Zuo's words, she immediately thought that there were three magicians behind her, not only the magicians, but also Lu Zhen and Inexplicable Bei.

Wow, it wasn't too much just now, right?

However, Su Qi is just awake, and the magician behind is not.

A magician with his back to them stiffened when he heard Jiang Zuo's words.

After that, he would immediately turn around, excited and apologetic, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't overhear on purpose.

I just want to hear what it's like to be flirting and cursing with cultivators, and as the material for my comics, I really don't mean to peep into your privacy.

I didn't think that your show of affection affected us.

Really sorry. "

Jiang Zuo was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

Su Qi lowered her head, then sat beside Jiang Zuo silently, her face flushed.

Show affection and flirting in public.

It's embarrassing to be told of this kind of thing.

Still used as material, let people live?

Seeing Jiang Zuo startled, the magician humbly and nervously said: "I'm really sorry, I am a cartoonist, I, no, no, I am a magician, I was inspired by the moment, no, I accidentally lost my mind, I , I, I will forget."

Jiang Zuo was holding Su Qi's hand at this time. Although he was also a little embarrassed, but it was okay. It was mainly the magician who seemed a little out of business.

What a high-level magician, how come to draw a comic?

Although he likes to watch it, it is impossible to ask anything.

Su Qi is still on the side.

Of course, even if you are not on the other side, you will not start asking about comics.

After all, there is no Su Qi, his biggest interest is Su Qi.

Watching TV is usually just to kill the loneliness.

With Su Qi there, that's enjoyment.

After slowing down, Su Qi's face was not so red, and then she looked at the magician and took a small look.

Of course, the scale is very low, after all, it is impolite to look at it for a long time.

The opponent's Tier 5 magician is still a senior.

This is a magician who looks like a girl, not too old.

And it's a bit simple, after all, what I just said is obviously very immature.

Unless it's installed, if it's installed, that's great.

Well, the look is pretty good too, as for the figure, I look down on it because of the magic robe.

Seeing that Su Qi hadn't spoken to Jiang Zuo, the magician looked worried and said, "Or, I lose money?"

Su Qi immediately shook her head and said: "No, no, it is we who affected you, and it has nothing to do with you."

Then Su Qi curiously asked: "Are you a cartoonist? Are you always drawing?"

This kind of thing is quite curious, so Su Qi asked, after all, a Tier 5 magician.

It's like their fifth-order cultivators rushing to write novels.

This is just being idle and panicking, right?

Tier 5, this is a senior, so many people can't reach Tier 5 in a lifetime.

It's still rare that Lanyue and Zifeng have been ranked fifth in a century or more.

Well, she doesn't count with her senior sister, neither can her husband.

After all, her husband's magic seems to be almost level five.

Think about it, it's an exaggeration, why does she always publicly hang up?

But things must be reversed She is always worried and worried about problems. If something goes wrong at this time, she always feels very scared.

Then Su Qi shook Jiang Zuo's hand and subconsciously grasped it tightly, as if she was afraid that her husband would suddenly disappear.

Jiang Zuo was a little surprised, what was Su Qi worried about?

Worried about him?

Think about it, Jiang Zuo feels that his recent performance is better than normal.

At this time the magician said: "Yes, I have been painting for more than a hundred years, but I haven't achieved any results.

At the beginning, I just painted, but nobody liked it, and I didn't paint well.

But life is limited. I found that when the painting is finished, I might be going to die.

So I started practicing magic. I heard that practicing magic can keep you young and prolong your life.

Then I kept practicing magic. I kept practicing and painting. In the past few decades, I felt that painting had no future. They didn't understand how to appreciate it, so they started to draw comics.

But the submissions will not pass.

At that time, I felt that time was pressing. I thought it might take me hundreds of years, so I practiced all the way to where I am now.

After being rejected for decades, I feel I have to go for promotion again. "

Hearing this person's introduction, let alone Su Qi, even Jiang Zuo also looked dumbfounded.

This person, in order to paint, ran to practice magic?

And then promote all the way?

Is the magician so strange?

And she must be very talented, otherwise it would not be so easy at all.

After all, this person, like them, is practicing part-time.

The other two magicians, covering their foreheads, looked faceless.

The magician's face was lost.

It was lost by their little genius.


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