Jiang Quan smiled, "Brother-in-law, you are welcome! I will have a chance later, let's have a meal together. I am an honest person, and I don't make troubles, so I probably don't have anything to trouble my brother-in-law."

"That's right, I heard that my brother is an upright person! If you have nothing to do, let it go, if you have something to do, ask your brother-in-law, and Bao Bao will settle it! But, that..."

Liu Jianqiang became a little nervous as he spoke, his momentum disappeared, his voice was lowered, and he continued: "Jiang Quan, brother-in-law has something else to ask you, it's okay, you can definitely do it."

"Yeah? Brother-in-law, if you have something to say, I will definitely do it if I can."

"Um... didn't I talk about the girl that night? You must keep it a secret from me in front of your sister Yiyi, don't tell me you missed it, or I will die!"

Jiang Quanxin said that you are a little bastard, you still care so much about the ruffian, did you not get started?

"Oh, brother-in-law, you look down on me too much. Although I, Jiang Quan, have no mother-in-law or women, I am not as powerful as my brother-in-law, and I am very popular with women, but I still have a bottom line in life, how can I gossip?

What's more, my brother-in-law didn't meet me that night, which girl asked you out, why haven't I heard of it? "

These words made Liu Jianqiang so comfortable that he died, and he became excited again, "Good brother! You are so loyal! I really love the ruffian so much. After graduation, I will definitely marry her as my wife.

To be honest, now this girl, alas, I am also helpless, just playing around..."

"Hehe... I understand, I understand. I envy my brother-in-law, who is handsome, rich, and straightforward. There are so many women!"

"Forget it, don't talk about brother, this girl, I really want to get rid of her, but I can't get rid of her..."

"what's up?"

"Don't mention it, don't mention it..."

Liu Jianqiang still had a bottom line in his heart, it was absolutely impossible to tell Zou Lanting's identity, and if something happened, he couldn't bear it.

People of my father's generation and the Zou family have already emphasized one thing: they are not allowed to be too publicized outside, and they are not allowed to expose the family's affairs too much!

That's right, no matter what era they are in, people with a real sense of style have one characteristic: keep a low profile, engage in big things in a low voice, and make a lot of money.

Afterwards, Jiang Quan casually chatted with Liu Jianqiang for a while before ending the call.

Liu Jianqiang felt at ease, and decided that Jiang Quan was a reliable brother, and finally called him Brother Xiaojiang.

Jiang Quan also called him Brother Qiang. He heard that he and Niu were going to climb Mount Emei. He also joked that he would climb the mountain during the day and at night. Brother Qiang, take care of yourself, pay attention to your health, and go back to Jingzhou as soon as possible. My sister is the eldest wife. !

The whole Liu Jianqiang was depressed and happy at the same time, saying that he would go back in a week, and he would go to Jiuzhaigou later.

After finishing the call, Liu Jianqiang lay on the bed and sighed: "Oh, it's so tiring. I'm a cow, and I'm about to die of exhaustion... I really want to go home..."

Going home, for Young Master Liu, hey, it has become a dream, and my heart is desolate...

Jiang Quan also thinks that Liu Jianqiang is okay, not that kind of bad guy, but he still has arrogance and arrogance in his bones. After all, young people...

Let's look back at the situation before talking, observe and test it before talking.

If this Liu Jianqiang is really hot, let's consider helping him, it's better than getting a suspended death sentence with his uncle Zou Lanyun later, right?

If Liu Jianqiang was like that in that life, and later took his life on his back, there would be nothing he could do.

The phone call this time was to pave the way for the Yin family to collect debts.

So far, it looks good.

I am really grateful to Sister Yiyi, her weight in Liu Jianqiang's heart seems to be extremely heavy at present.

It is also born that Liu Jianqiang is young now and still believes in love.

For others, when they grow up, the beautiful goddess of the world and the daughter of a coquettish, beautiful and top-notch driver will probably choose the latter.

This is probably the reason why Liu Jianqiang married Zou Lanting instead of Xiaoyou?

At eight o'clock that night, Jiang Quan set off for a big event.

According to the information of that life, after Dai Xiaoyu committed suicide, Gu Xitong not only did not fail, but was promoted to Sizhou University to be the principal.

At that time, Jiang Quan was still thinking that after he married Bai Xiaoyu, he would uphold justice and bring Gu Xitong down.

After all the materials were packed, Jiang Quan was reborn.

According to the data, Gu Xitong has two major hobbies, one is playing cards, and the other is being a woman.

During the summer vacation, most of his daily routine consisted of playing cards during the day and spending time with his wife at night. Of course it was not his wife, but another lover.

Gu Xitong has only had five properties in Lingcheng, one of which is his own home; the other four are raising golden-haired birds, and the sources of birds include female teachers from Lingcheng University of Technology, female college students, and women from society. The raising time is basically two to three months or half a year, and then they will be replaced.

He monopolizes the power in the school, and there are many places to make money. People who ask him to do business, accompany him to play cards and send money, accompany him to eat and sing to send women, are all in his favor.


From this aspect, Jiang Quan made his plain black information, which is a heavy punch, and the effect must be just right.

Under the night, Jiang Quan's fake car drove quickly through one street after another.

He is wearing a wig, and he looks like a social gangster with long hair...

It was judged that it was very hot during the day, and it was very likely that Gu Xitong would spend the night in his coolest house at night.

Homes are everywhere for the rich and powerful, so Gu Xitong doesn't want to go back to his wife. Money and power are enough for a stinky man like him to deal with his wife and natal family.

My brother-in-law is still waiting for the decision at his meeting to get the factory building and high-priced school uniform orders at a low price...

On the western outskirts of Lingcheng City, the ancient town of Luobei in the upper reaches of Rongjiang River, 50 kilometers away from the city center.

At this time, the ancient town of Luobei had risen, and the tourism industry was doing well.

Gu Xitong himself is from Luobei Town, but his hometown is not in the town, but in the mountains far away.

The place Jiang Quan went to was also a property that Gu Xitong bought in Luobei Town.

On the edge of the Rongjiang River, there is an antique courtyard.

Inside, there is a small building with gray bricks and white seams, with ancient eaves and corners.

There is no monitoring here, and it is convenient to act.

It's less than nine o'clock in the evening, and the nightlife in Luobei Ancient Town has just begun.

The Rongjiang River flows by, and there are snacks and shops along the river.

The cool breeze blows, eat some barbecue, drink some night beer, very refreshing.

There were also people swimming in the Rongjiang River, which was very lively.

The river is clear and not deep, and the stones are everywhere, so it is quite exciting to play.

Jiang Quan's car stopped on the side of the town, and people also strolled on the ancient stone streets to see the style of the ancient town, which is also pleasant.

At this time, he was also an ordinary tourist, inconspicuous in the crowd.

The makeup technique that Bai Xiaoyu learned in that life was also great.

Not long after, he arrived directly outside Gu Xitong's house.

The antique door with red copper nails is tightly closed, and the light of the light leaks from the crack of the door, indicating that there are people inside.

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