There are quite a few ghosts related to them on this mountain. After worshiping this one and that one, the ones who worshiped for the longest are the great-grandfather who divided the property and Mei Lijie's parents.

Jiang Quan followed this group of people and knelt everywhere, and he didn't know what he was kneeling for. Anyway, there were relatives all over the mountains and plains. He went up the mountain after nine o'clock and didn't go down until almost twelve o'clock.


The rich family didn't go up the mountain to accompany them. This kind of thing is somewhat sinister, and they pay attention to it.

Mrs. Mei also knows these things, so she won't go to the rich man's house after going down the mountain today, but stay in the best hotel in the county, take a bath in the hotel, and sleep for a night so that she won't bring evil spirits home up.

Tonight, with Mrs. Mei as the host, I will invite these helpful folks and friends in this hotel, and thank them for their care and maintenance of my home.

After Jiang Quan and the others came down from the mountain, they all went to the feng shui master's house for dinner. Since the male from the Mei family came back, he had to take charge of the repairs of the ancestral grave.

When the old lady went to Xijiang, they were still clinking poorly, and the living couldn't control it anymore, so they couldn't care about the dead.

Therefore, the graves of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers don't even have a stele, and they have to rely on acquaintances to point them out, plus their own memories to pay homage.

The old lady said that when they left, no one would be able to find the old ancestral grave, so the monument must be repaired and erected. a root.

Uncle and grandpa also said, be prepared.

They have all been in Xijiang for decades, and their descendants were born there, grew up there, and participated in the construction of all aspects of Xijiang. Until now, no one wants to come back, and their second hometown is getting better and better under their construction. come better.

But two years ago, someone sabotaged and panicked the people. The three siblings discussed it many times and agreed that they should keep a base in their hometown.

Jiang Quan really admires the older generation. Their memories still include hunger, war, natural disasters, and man-made disasters.

It's always natural to keep a backup, no wonder there is a saying "Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well ropes", these old sparrows really think a lot.

Mei Lijie always likes to follow suit. Seeing that the old lady and the others are going to repair their ancestral graves, she also dislikes the sloppy burial of her parents, so she made a fuss again, saying that she wants to repair her grandparents' graves in a more dignified manner.

Mei Hongqi didn't say anything, this matter required money, and according to the village regulations, the son paid the money, and the married son didn't have to pay, so he couldn't bear it.

When Mei Lijie said that he could bear all the expenses by himself, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly selected materials, confirmed the style, and made the appearance of a dutiful son.

Jiang Quan was too lazy to take care of these things, and his mother would do it if she wanted to.

However, when Mei Hongqi and the "feng shui master" were studying what characters to engrave on the inscription, he actually noticed dissatisfaction.

Why is the money paid by the mother, but the mother's name cannot be engraved on the inscription?

Mei Hongqi said that his mother is a married son, "marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog", he is already a member of Jiang's family, and he also went to Jiang's family to engrave his name. This grave belongs to Mei's family. It is the monument of the Mei family, so of course the name of someone with a foreign surname cannot be engraved on it.

Ouch, it started again?

Mom and Jiang Hongyong have been entangled in this life, but she said that she came to pay off the debt, and after paying off, she will settle with him. After a hundred years, she will be buried next to her grandparents, and she wants to be their son again.

Now, even the name on the stone tablet is not worthy of owning it. Wouldn't it be very difficult to really want to bury it here?

Jiang Quan stood up and asked the master to engrave his mother's and his own names on the tablet of his grandparents, and to line up with Mei Hongqi's family.

Mei Hongqi said angrily, "Why are you here to join in the fun?"

"Why can't I join in the fun?" Jiang Quan said, "My mother said that she will be buried next to her grandparents in a hundred years. I will say hello to you now, lest you have to gossip again when the time comes!"

"That can't be done. How can a married son be buried back? Nobody in the world has heard of it!" Mei Hongqi was really annoyed.

"It's a new society, sons have been equal for a long time, and my mother also has the right to inherit—speaking of which, your house still has half of my mother's.

The land is half of my mother's. My mother has never argued with you before, which doesn't mean you can't fight. "

Mei Hongqi was so angry that her face turned green.

His desperate son leaned over, "Dad, stop arguing with them, if you want me to say, it's fine if she wants to have her name engraved, and marry me?

If Auntie wants to bury it, she can bury it back. It’s not that there is no land, the house and land will all stay in our own house! "

Oops, is it itchy again? Jiang Quan stared wide-eyed, and wanted to make a move.

Mei Lijie stopped him, "Stop making trouble, and get down to business!"

Jiang Quan let him go for the time being, and continued to negotiate with Mei Hongqi, "Uncle, my mother is not interested in the house or the land here, as long as you agree that she can come back here in a hundred years.

The master said just now that you should have paid for the erection of the stele, but isn't my mother paying for it now? You don't follow the rules when paying money, but what rules do you follow when engraving your name! "

Mei Hongqi was not as confused as her own son, and finally gave in, "It's fine to engrave your name, but only your mother's, not yours.

Moreover, when you go back later, you have to write me a note giving up your inheritance rights, and I will promise that your mother can be buried in the Mei family's cemetery in a hundred years! "

Jiang Quan still wanted to choke him, "It's not that there are so many people that you can't engrave their names. There are only a few people on your side. It's hard to say if you have grandchildren, so you don't mind looking shabby..."

Mei Lijie pulled Jiang Quan and pulled him behind her, "If you only write about me, just write about me, so as not to engrave Jiang Hongyong's name, you will treat me as an unmarried girl who can only stay with my parents." The most comfortable around you!"


After working for more than two hours, I finally finalized the matters of these ancestors.

"Feng Shui masters" said that the old graves can only be moved a few days before and after the Ching Ming Festival. After the new stele is erected, filial sons and grandchildren will come to pay respects. The more people there are, the more prosperous the family will be.

The sisters and brothers of the Mei family immediately called their uncle and grandfather in Xijiang to confirm that their family will also return to their hometown on the Ching Ming Festival more than a month later to worship and recognize their ancestors.

The third uncle and the third uncle were waiting for them and their other children in Jingnan Province, hoping that the ancestors of the Mei family would bless them with greater prosperity.

The old-fashioned old lady Mei said that this is the most tidy time in their Mei family, and the ruffians who don’t have the surname Mei have to come back. The third and fourth generations need to get to know each other and walk around so that they can understand what is the meaning of life. Bloodlines.


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