The kitchen is on the left rear side of this row of houses. It not only has all kinds of modern kitchen equipment, but also specially built a wood-fired stove that can burn wood.

The villa's floor area, height, and decoration materials can completely crush the Dong family's lakeside villa in Xinsha City, but there is always something unexplainably earthy.

Their family obviously put a lot of effort into this villa, and before leading the guests to the table, someone even took them to have a look around.

Among all the objects in their house, what Jiang Quan likes the most are the few camellias in full bloom in the yard.

On the Lantern Festival in 2011, Jiang Quan followed Mrs. Mei and his party to the home of a local tyrant in Longtou Village, Shisanlipu, Lianhua City for the festival.

Tonight, the host family opened a total of four large round tables, almost two tables for my own family, and two tables for guests.

The host and guest were Mrs. Mei and her party. In addition, there were also the elders of the Mei family, close relatives, and prominent local figures who were invited by the host to accompany the wine.

When Jiang Quan and the others arrived, Mrs. Mei, uncle and Mei Zhiyuan had already been arranged to sit at the guest table, and there was also Mei Lijie's older brother Mei Hongqi at that table.

Mei Hongqi saw Mei Lijie walking in with Jiang Quan, and quickly straightened up and stood up with a flattering smile on her face.

Aunt and grandma took Mei Lijie and the others to sit at a table next to the main table. All the guests at this table were female guests, each of whom was dressed in makeup and gold and silver, and they were all dressed up colorfully.

At the next table, there was another table dominated by men. Jiang Quan saw Mei Hongqi's bastard son among the crowd. As soon as he saw Jiang Quan, he quickly lowered his head and made a pitiful expression. look.

"You bastard!", Jiang Quan thought, I don't know where the courage came from to dare to look at me, no matter how dare to think about it carefully, I will cram your tendons and peel your skin!


It was the first time for Jiang Quan to eat food cooked in a wood-fired stove, and it really deserves his reputation.

The nose smells the firewood from burning wood hair, and the mouth eats all kinds of delicacies raised in the countryside without pollution and pollution. The taste is really delicious and pure that can't be found in the city.

Although the table is full of delicacies from mountains and seas, his favorite food is still fish. The live fish boiled in this restaurant is unbelievable. It only puts onion, ginger and salt, and the soup that is as white as milk is full of things he has never tasted before. Fresh and essence.

Because he didn't know the people at the same table and couldn't speak the local dialect, Jiang Quan immersed himself in eating, and he was full in a while.

He is boring, and the people at this table only use crappy plastic Mandarin when they greet him to eat, and they all use dialects among them.

The old lady and Mei Lijie usually use dialect at home, and he can understand it.

When my mother came back here, she was like a fish in water, and she boasted to the people at this table that she was the "top scorer in the college entrance examination", so she knew that she had to follow the old lady and the others to come to her hometown for no reason - the vegetable market had been talking about it for almost two years , No one cares about her.

Jiang Quan was too lazy to smirk at the women on the table who were staring at him, and decided to go out for a stroll alone—but.

My uncle and grandma asked him to help take Kangkang. The little boy hadn't finished his meal yet, and he was already looking at the other children eager to move.

Jiang Quan admitted that he had no love and didn't want to take care of the children at all, but he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he urged him to eat quickly, and took him outside to play with the children after eating.

Immediately, Kangkang got motivated, cleaned up the rice in a short while, and followed Jiang Quan, who had listened to his childish talk all the way, to the yard to find children.

The children all gathered at the gate of the yard to play with the fireworks, and the crackling was quite lively.

Probably because this is the most open place in the neighborhood, and the local tyrants also lit up all the lights in the house tonight. This villa is like a crystal palace.

It is extremely dazzling in the night, attracting the children in the village to come to the gate of the yard with red lanterns and bought fireworks to join in the fun.

The host family was very happy and distributed candies to them. People here pay attention to the prosperity of people and wealth, and the more people there are during the Chinese New Year, the better.

The big pond at the entrance is sparkling, reflecting the moonlight in the sky, the lights of each house, the red light in the lanterns, and the colorful light from the fireworks, which just embellishes the countryside in the dark night very beautifully.

Such a day, even the gods in the sky would be envious.


Jiang Quan did not expect that he would hear others talking about the Dong family and the ruffians here.

There were not only Jiang Quan, but many adults who accompanied the children to set off the fireworks. It was probably because Jiang Quan used Mandarin when he took care of Kangkang, and bullied him for not knowing the dialect. The two women chatted with each other next to her. The gossip between the Dong family and the Dong family.

It turned out that this local tyrant was just an ordinary person more than ten years ago. I don’t know what kind of luck he had, he bought a coal mine and became what people call a "coal boss", although he is not as good as the "coal boss" in Shanxi Province. scenery.

But he also took advantage of the best years of the coal business to make a fortune. It is no exaggeration to describe it as making money every day, and he became the richest man in the local area within a few years.

In those few years, the cats and dogs of the local tyrants walked sideways, dominating the township, and did not take anyone seriously.

It's just that the days of these years are not as good as before.

The quality of coal in Jingnan Province is not good. When the coal business was booming, many customers were still willing to give money to him as long as they were willing to make a profit. However, it has changed in the past two years. Every family is willing to make a profit. Not only did the customers talk about the price , also talked about the quality.

The gift of nature is what it is, and it is basically impossible to improve the quality of the product, so their family began to look for other ways out.

Dong's family is considered a bit of a face in the provincial capital, so this family also clung to it and became relatives.

After all, the Dong family's mother and son have been working hard in the construction industry, leading his family to buy multiple sets of real estate in first-tier and new first-tier cities, which can be regarded as helping his family find other ways to make a fortune, so they are naturally worshiped as the God of Wealth .

Of course, they donated to the old lady not just because the old lady made his family rich, but also had other plans - it turned out that the owner's family had twin sons.

After studying in M ​​country for several years, and came back after being gilded, the locals are not good enough. There are many rich and powerful who want to marry their relatives.

The hostess once told people that there is no family in this small town who can match her son, and she wants to find someone who can match her son.

Kyoto, Shanghai, Huacheng, Pengcheng, their family has real estate everywhere, at least this level is required to enter her family's eyes.

The level of the Dong family is naturally enough, but for the sake of bragging, the hostess started to create public opinion before the old lady and the others arrived.

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