If girls are not allowed to have fantasies that can last forever, the company will be able to open its eyes and close its eyes-according to me, we might as well all be "one night, one different and two wide", how troublesome it is to fall in love!

Wei Haoran, who did not receive Jiang Quan's response, chose his career again, and the song written for her did not appear in the second official album of the Legendary Youth Group.


It's almost the end of the year, and the enthusiasm for various evening parties held by major TV stations and video sites has risen again.

Movie ceremonies, New Year's Eve concerts, online drama list, charity Harper's Bazaar—the Legendary Youth League is the darling that almost every organizer will invite.

The influence of the Age of Angels, which has not yet been lifted by the school, is still limited, but at least there are still programs from her mother's Jingnan Satellite TV.

New Year's Day is their birthday, and they are going back to their parents' home to celebrate their birthday.

After being beaten by the General Administration of Guanghe last year, the screens of Jingnan Satellite TV were full of desire for survival. There was "Red Song Club" singing the songs of the older generation, and "Searching for Five Thousand Years" promoting Chinese traditional culture.

There is "We Are All Successors" for teenagers, and "Talking about East and West" about discussing the customs and cultures of various countries with foreign students and expanding external exchanges...

However, there has been no news about "Real Man" filmed by Jiang Quan and the others.

Before New Year's Day, good news came. "Real Man" is scheduled to start broadcasting at 9:30 pm on Saturday, April 23, 2011. That day is a holiday for naval battles.

Mr. Li said that a total of 14 episodes of the program will be edited from various materials brought back from the Naval War Propaganda Department, which will be broadcast for 3 months and will end on July 23. If there is no accident, the angels will definitely be able to use this program to increase their reputation. .

They will be in their junior year after this summer vacation. Except for Liu Xinyi, the school will turn from suppression to full support for their performing arts activities, and the age of angels can finally show their strengths.

Ruiyuan Entertainment has also made a head start, and can help girls get in touch with scripts, variety shows, reality shows and other programs.


On New Year's Day, the General Administration of Guanghe distributed four approval documents for the New Year's live concert as usual, and Jingnan Satellite TV took back their own things as expected.

This New Year's Eve concert held in Xinsha City is undoubtedly the most attractive one among the series of evening parties at the end of the year.

The Legendary Youth League was also invited, but MDK helped them choose Qianjiang Satellite TV with a higher bid.

Their status is different today. They want both fame and fortune. Although Jingnan Satellite TV can seek fame, Qianjiang Satellite TV can seek profit.

The Legendary Youth League is not Monkey King, and there is no way to double up. When they can only choose one of the two live broadcasts, they chose the money and doubled the money.

However, MDK packaged up the performance contracts of the Legendary Youth League's New Year's Eve live broadcast and the Lantern Festival recording and broadcasting, and signed them to Jingnan Satellite TV.


On December 28, members of the Angel team asked for leave from school and returned to Xinsha City to participate in the last rehearsal of Jingnan Satellite TV's New Year's Eve concert.

In fact, the school will not arrange any important courses during this time period. The teachers and students of the Conservatory of Music are always the busiest at this time, and the money comes from the holidays!

This is Jiang Quan's first return to Xinsha after returning to the angel team as a cruel angel.

First, he practiced desperately for his first official album, and then he worked desperately to make money to realize his dream of becoming a boss. Jiang Quan hasn't seen his mother for a long time, and his heart has already flown to that city.

But nothing is as big as work, and they couldn't participate in the previous rehearsal, and they must be more concerned about the last rehearsal than others.

As soon as they returned to Xinsha City, they were dragged to the venue to adapt to the stage.

This time the performance was still held at the venue of the "Little New Year's Eve Joy Party", but the stage and lighting arrangement had completely changed.

After the rehearsal, it was past two o'clock in the night. He didn't stay in the hotel arranged by "Jingnan Satellite TV" for the cast and crew, but was sent back to the watch factory by Su Xiaolong.

Jiang Quan walked downstairs, looked up at his home, the lights were on, and Mei Lijie had been waiting for him.


The next day, after Jiang Quan and them had finished training in the company, he went back to the "Liu's Spicy Hot Pot" on Huangpi Road Pedestrian Street to visit his uncle.

Liu Huixing was very happy when he saw him, and asked him where he had been, why he hadn't come for so long, don't you like to eat the dishes made by his father?

Jiang Quan said that he was in college and had to work, so he couldn't come as often as before, and asked him how his grades are now.

Liu Qingfeng interjected that he was full of energy when he was catching fish and shrimp, and when he was asked to do his homework, he wanted to shit and pee. Jiang Quan remembered that he was also like this when he was a child, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

However, Liu Huixing said, "Sister, if you like to eat the dishes made by my father, come every day. You may not be able to eat them next time you come back!"


Liu Qingfeng said that the old city was about to be remodeled in their area, and many houses would be demolished, including theirs, so they had to leave!

"Just find another shop," Jiang Quan said anxiously, "It's not just this one that can be rented!"

"Hey, I've barely made enough money to live on these years, and now I'm forced to find a new store, only to find out that the rent in the pedestrian street is so expensive, where can I afford it?

I dare not let go of this store and focus on looking for it. People like us stop talking as soon as we stop talking. If we can spend a day, it is a day. "Liu Qingfeng said sadly.

Jiang Quan was flustered for a while, he had few relatives left in this world, ten fingers would not be used up, if he never saw them again, how lonely he would be!

"But can you just go back? It's not just looking for a store, not to mention that there are many regular customers of you here, why don't I ask my friend to see if I can help you find out!" Jiang Quan tried his best to persuade him to stay.

"Hey! I also want to stay here, but I haven't found it yet..." Liu Qingfeng hesitated, "I haven't found the big money yet, and I'll be laughed at when I go back!"


Where does Jiang Quan have any friends who would look for a shop? After leaving Liu Qingfeng's shop, she wandered around the pedestrian street. Uncle is so busy, maybe there is a good shop that he didn't find?

However, because of the renovation of Liu Qingfeng's street, many merchants there flocked to the main street of the pedestrian street to find shops. The empty shops on the main street became a shortage of goods.

Liu Qingfeng said that he can rent a shop with a maximum price of less than 5,000 yuan, and he has to pay quarterly instead of yearly like others. Where can I find such a shop?

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